Reviews for Leap of Faith
grey chapter 1 . 9/1/2013
I really enjoy Jaxa as a character, so far - she has a lot of potential, I think, and Seven getting kind of antsy about Icheb having a Relationship is adorable. one of my favorite parts is where Jaxa states, ever so bluntly, that her parents' pleas to the prophets went unanswered. it is very stark and evocative - lovely writing. thanks so much for sharing this with us.
finally... I truly wish that episode with the younger Q being god to a community existed. sounds like good fun.
scifiromance chapter 1 . 7/28/2013
Oh my, I'm SO sorry! I didn't realise that you had a story called 'The River of Time' as well, 'Alternatives' wasn't related to my story of the same name at all, lol. I can't believe I assumed that, since while reading it I was confused about how it was related to my story, and I should've been, because it wasn't! I suppose that teaches me to start at the fics at the bottom of someone's page and work up the way, lol.

Anyway, this was a lovely story, you did wonders with Icheb's point of view and I loved that Seven had already guessed that Chakotay was going to propose, lol, the dialogue was amazing every step of the way. :)

Thanks for writing! :D

EMcKinney chapter 1 . 7/24/2013
I loved it! I think you've caught everyone's personalities perfectly. Hope to see more!
Laura Schiller chapter 1 . 7/23/2013
I'm a Doctor/Seven shipper myself, but your story is very beautiful. I especially like the idea of Chakotay becoming a father figure and spiritual mentor for Icheb. Having him use the cortical node in his medicine bundle is a brilliant idea.
I also liked your OC, Jaxa. Her debates with Icheb are challenging, but not disrespectful; intelligent, but not arrogant. Like your version of Chakotay and Seven, they seem like a couple that can respect each other's differences. I hope to see more.