Reviews for WASN'T LOVE, LOVE
febrahimi chapter 64 . 6/16
This is truly one of the best stories out there and I really hope someday we'll have a chapter 66!
Guest chapter 65 . 2/12/2019
This is a very amazing story and I'm so glad that there was so much of it! I don't know if you'll ever come back to this, but I hope you know that I really enjoyed it and I wanted to let you know! Thank you so much for this entire thing!
DirewolfShadowFox chapter 65 . 2/5/2019
Love it you need to post the next chapter soon I'm living in suspense!
alice chapter 1 . 5/11/2018
time to re-read this!
GingerTyPerior chapter 65 . 1/15/2018
COME ON! Sorry. I binge read this in 2 days, absolutely loved it, and then checked the "last updated" date. Are you satisfied with the way CS went?
Millenium Ring chapter 4 . 11/13/2017
I was going to give this a chance, as the large number of reviews and the idea sounded appealing. However, I can't make my brain get over the continuity issue of Killian aging. He isn't cursed because he isn't in Storybrooke, therefore he would get older. Like Emma is, and like August does. Also, Cora kept everyone frozen in their pocket of protected land until the curse weakened on our side, so that 2 years would pass instantly. So yes, those issues prevented me from giving this a chance. Sorry.
CShipper chapter 65 . 9/14/2017
This was absolutely amazing! Such an amazing concept and everything you've added in was amazing. I absolutely love this story, I wish there was more to it!
abeylin1982 chapter 65 . 7/5/2017
Continued to binge this over the last couple days and wow, I love this story so much! Such a great start with giving Emma more backstory, showing us all the different stages of Killian and Emma's relationship, and I've loved all the Storybrooke scenes. I often find that fics have the events play out far better than in canon because there is more time to truly build and develop our characters and storylines. This has been such a fun read, sad to see it hasn't been updated in a few years, but hopefully it could be picked up again soon? I would love to see how this continues, seems like there are some great ideas for future stories. Thank you again for creating/sharing such a wonderful story!
abeylin1982 chapter 34 . 7/3/2017
Ah! Binging this a bit and it gets better with every chapter! Love domestic Captain Swan, and even better seeing the continued obstacles that they continue to power through. Can't wait to see where things are going now that Henry is back in the picture - so many new possibilities with Gold/Rumple, Ruth's magical abilities, will August be back, how will Emma handle the truth about her hubby? So good! Thank you so much for creating/sharing!
abeylin1982 chapter 14 . 7/3/2017
Very interesting. I like how Roberta has started looking into August, but nervous about how his coming back to the states will impact Killian and Emma's relationship. Hopefully just another bump, as they seem to be tackling each and every storm quite well. Thank you again for creating/sharing this fun story!
abeylin1982 chapter 10 . 7/3/2017
Oh no! Poor Emma, always feeling so alone, and poor Killian, finally enjoying life and looking to move past his revenge. Hopefully the separation doesn't last (or better yet, one of them comes to their senses and it doesn't happen at all!). Thank you again for the fun read!
abeylin1982 chapter 5 . 7/3/2017
Ah, so much build-up! Can't wait to see what happens when they finally meet. Loved seeing August make his appearance (and last ditch effort) to help Emma, and liked that super tense scene between Roberta and Killian! She's just as good at negotiating as Hook, and I loved it! Very interesting story so far, thank you again for creating/sharing!
abeylin1982 chapter 3 . 7/3/2017
Just found this story through a rec list from Shady-Swan-Jones on Tumblr. Very interesting start, I love how resourceful and adaptable Killian is in this new world WITHOUT magic, but poor Emma! Hard to read about her bad foster families and all the missed opportunities between her and Killian. Hoping they find each other soon - super curious as to how that will all play out with Storybrooke. Thank you so much for creating and sharing such a fun story!
Guest chapter 65 . 6/18/2017
Aaaah. Please continue finished in one night.
Avivagreene chapter 50 . 4/11/2017
Please don't stop writing - your stories are great!
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