Reviews for Transformative Tales
wifeymcwiferson chapter 1 . 8/3/2013
Loved each of these! : ) Great job!
Wynefred chapter 1 . 7/26/2013
LOL! I can't decide which one is my favorite, though the very last line was absolutely perfect. Wonderful job!
Dizzo chapter 1 . 7/24/2013
Hey Paul; lots of love for these as always!
It would always be, wouldn't it? If Dean was going to be transformed into an animal, it would be a pig or a gannet! Although, having said that, maybe a rabbit; there is a certain similarity there too ...
Heeehee, pigeon!Cas: at least he would be able to cope with the wings! I love Dean's obvious concern ;)
Dean, Cas and the entire male population wants to be thankful that Sam wasn't transformed to a woman during the PMT phase of his cycle - the man is stroppy and menopausal enough without hormones thrown into the mix - phew!

Great work as always, thanks for the laughs :)
MeAzrael chapter 1 . 7/22/2013
Hey, you're back - from holidays I hope! Missed your drabbles. But you caught up quite nicely :-) Hehe, yeah well what can I say - it's not my fault that I can imagine Dean as a pig so easily. He'd be even happier if he had a Circe in return.

Aw, of course a pidgeon - so cute. Watch out witch - this cries for bloody revenge!

Loved the last one the best - Samantha with the iron fist - and the sissy bladder, tehee. Oh, and without sideburns, such a shame :-)

xx Kate
DeansBabyBird chapter 1 . 7/22/2013
A pig! The most handsome man on earth...a pig? Bad Ymp!
Loved them, they all ,made me giggle.
B x
Amberdreams chapter 1 . 7/22/2013
Piggy Dean? He'd never have his head out of the trough, would he?! And imagine the mayhem when he found the whiskey...

I wonder if Cas might want to remain a pigeon, at least he'd have his wings back.

And an opposites curse? I love that idea!
klu chapter 1 . 7/21/2013
All very funny! Thanks for sharing!