Reviews for Overpowering
Angel-4rom-Heaven chapter 14 . 7/12/2015
Just finishing your story and I absolutely loved it! The characters you created were very funny and convincing lol. The ending was also very cute :) what happened to The Stick at the end? Are you planning to write or translate anymore stories?

With love,
Angel-4rom-Heaven chapter 3 . 7/8/2015
I just found your story today and wanted to say it is amazing so far! Very good writing and I love the story line and dialogue :) you should definitely write and publish books in the future!
Wow chapter 14 . 6/17/2015
Read this a second time and I love it ao much still. I need this to be a movie.
Guest chapter 14 . 5/6/2015

I just spent the past three and a half hours reading your wonderful story! I honestly have no idea how I didn't stumble upon it before, it's so beautiful!

I love how realistic it is, the relationship aspect. I wish my ex could buy me a Birkin too...TT! I was actually expecting Kagome to get another one in this final chapter, haha!

Thank you again fit this wonderful story! Besides all the lavish scenery, it was just to the perfect point, I can definitely see a guy and girl have the same issues they had, which definitely drew me towards the story!

Kisses from Seoul! Hope you are doing well dear!


animegirl73 chapter 14 . 4/1/2015
I love this story! Too funny and really cute.
BashfulBambi chapter 14 . 2/13/2015
Will you marry me? Like sweet vanilla bean ice cream love. I was reading another story that let's face it made me frustrated and hate myself even though it in no way could relate to anyone but a stuck up main character in some crappy TV show that all the 'it' girls love because the main girl is just as shallow as they are. Then I saw your lovely little tale that might as well been the Russian truffles I moped for all day long until I got them and started singing I Got the Power at the top of my lungs while walking downtown during rush hour. So many laughs from your the stick can 'stick it' pun. I seriously started crying g from laughing so hard. I loved the type if men Kagome was into very commanding very scrumdiliumptious (scrumptious and delicious). I can't wait to see what else your lovely face has written. But seriously your sex doesn't matter I'll marry you and this story and we can adorable little mini sequel babies lol.
MadamScorpio chapter 14 . 8/4/2014
The Stick should have crashed the party...any really that would be DRAMA LOL...But I liked it! Sooooo good! I stayed up and read the whole 14 chapters sleep lol
MadamScorpio chapter 9 . 8/4/2014
No! Psycho Run Kagome RUN! Jakutsu is my fave character btw...
MadamScorpio chapter 7 . 8/4/2014
Awesome! But I smell TROUBLE! Lmbo
MadamScorpio chapter 4 . 8/4/2014
Cock blocking at its finest lol! I'm screaming no no no!GAH lol!
Razgriz Legend chapter 12 . 7/8/2014
YES! Get that stick out of the way, bro!
Razgriz Legend chapter 8 . 7/7/2014
Woah, super intense. LOVING it.
Razgriz Legend chapter 6 . 7/7/2014
You wrote this a long time ago, I know. But after I read that last little interjection about the name, I laughed. I felt the same way but rest assured, I knew who it was.

Your story is awesome. Very girly, but in a really good way. This isn't the kind of story I normally read (even though I'm a hopelessly romantic guy) and it's very well told which is refreshing. Great work. I'm enjoying the fuck out of this! LOL
Porcelain Hart chapter 9 . 6/9/2014
You know you are doing quite a good job of making Inuyasha see like a stalker, creeper that is going to murder Kikyou.
KNSAnimeFreak chapter 14 . 4/7/2014
Gr8 story...!
Totally loved it.!
Hope u keep writing such stories.:););):P;):):)
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