Reviews for Contra Mundi
Guest chapter 4 . 7/1/2016
DragonicNative chapter 4 . 1/10/2015
It's a shame to see that you haven't updated this is such a long time. If you could, please update soon, it's a great story.
Psaro chapter 4 . 8/25/2014
i'm confused as to the type of fatalis he is, he used fire that blacks and crimsons can use be he also uses lightning that only whites can use, is he a cross between the 3 or what?
Psaro chapter 2 . 8/25/2014
so if he's part Fatalis then why does he only get armour and a sword rather then becoming a hybrid or a full Fatalis, and will there be anymore monster hybrids, i'd love to see all the other he as working on and some extras like a Tigrex or a Nargacuga
Deimos99340 chapter 4 . 7/16/2014
Is this dead?
Paragon Steven chapter 1 . 5/27/2014
Reclusive Dork chapter 4 . 12/20/2013
Awesome. can't wait for the next chapter.
Unseen Lurker chapter 4 . 12/19/2013
This story doesnt get anywhere near the number of reviews it should. Its an original idea, and the story itself is interesting and seems very well planned. I'm looking forward to seing where you are going with this, pal, and curious to see if you are going to pair Wisnu with someone, after all, there' no shortage of girl in west genetics xD.
Kmaster chapter 3 . 11/20/2013
Thanks for the update.

Am still looking forward to seeing how this fic will develop.

U made Wisnu 20 years older mentally but with the body of a 15 years old, hope u are able to balance the humor of the fic with its seriousness, please dont destroy the story by adding too much comic relieve were they are not due, your style of writing, general layout, planning and story line is already instresting and fascinating enough.

U made the 1st ranked 3rd year Pandora and one of the top 5 Pandora of the world, 'the smiling demon' to be afraid of a 2nd year, that is actually intresting.
great chapter
Update soon.
Kmaster chapter 2 . 11/13/2013
am interested in seeing how this fic will develop. great chapter. please update soon
Phantom Dark-Knight chapter 2 . 10/11/2013
ddddaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnn! ! ! ! ! ! ! dude that one heck of the story man better than naruto x Freezing and it out put naruto and freezing like a garbage . . . . . . . more GIVE me more, MMMMOOOORRRREEE! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
ChrisM2012 chapter 2 . 8/5/2013
Very indepth I must say and very interesting In how you have spun this story. Pity it has so little in terms of reviews as this looks to be a gem among these stories.

While I will hold back my overall assesment until I see more of this fic, what I see so far is a complete refreshing idea that has been well thought out and so far displayed very well. I will look forward to see how the world treats this new character, who is not Japanese, which is also a refreshment as most OC are, but more specifically how Gengo treats him.

Now will he join West Genetics, or will he join a different academy. My advice is to not make this OC heavy and go the Cannon route of West Genetics. But if your feeling brave to creat a whole new set of Characters for this then I will both salute you and watch in how they are implemented.

Will look forward to the next chapter

anonymous chapter 2 . 8/4/2013
HEY! It's me ur anonymous fan! omg i am quite enthralled with the recent evetnts of this story but he shouldn't be controlled by the piece of shit gengo aoi neither should he be subject to lana or ooka honda this shits should die and leave satellizer in peace with kazuya anyway luv it please update soon ill be waiting ;)
anonymous chapter 1 . 7/31/2013
pls update soon, this story is amazing amd quite frankly it is unupdated. he shouldnt have died yet, because the child will never know what he was and what the doctor did for him
AltenativeFutureFan27 chapter 1 . 7/22/2013
I imagine the VoiceI like the Personality of Your Scientist but When he kill himself I feel that the story ended
Also This Fic reminds me About the movie The Omen and the anime Zetman
Also There are more powerful monsters than the Fatalis like the Alatreon is untable ,Devil Jho is a problem to kill