Reviews for Coincidence, is it?
Hey chapter 3 . 10/9/2016
Wow i really loved this! So sweet
Im about to go check out the rest of your stories, so i really hope you have some more
just one question about the timeline i didnt fully understand, how could remus have left tonks sometime before july (?) and she not have the baby until late april, or am i misunderstanding something here
Lykaios Lupin chapter 3 . 2/13/2016
Omg! This morning I was crying with this story, and I was like "I need more of this" and when I enter your profile I see that you're responsible of "Ask the Lupins"! I love that! I used to seend letters all the time lol! Sorry I can't contain the fangirl in me lol! Just wanted you to know that I love you work! Ps. Sorry if my english is not that good, not my natal language. Ps2. Lots of love from Argentina!
Guest chapter 2 . 1/2/2016
So beautiful, honestly. Thank you for not trying to force us to review, & for not sounding entitled to reviews like some other authors; because of this, I wanted to review. I love your writing, it is so eloquent & expressive. I especially am enthralled by the way you portray Remus' guilt; I want to be angry with him but I can't because he is so selfess (at least he truly believes he is being so). & I also love how Tonks understands Remus so well. Lovely, can't wait to read the next chapter!
remusdora chapter 3 . 8/8/2014
Awesomely Written I loved it. I really liked tonks
punishment I didn’t think this would be his punishment but its was appropriate to make him realise what he walked out of.
Seriously beautifully written.
SAOorALO chapter 2 . 7/30/2013
Dang i want to say that they will end together as a family. But when will that be will they keep on meeting each other after this or will 10 years pass so Reamus can see his son in his class DADA? Dang i'm in to it please update soon.
Guest chapter 3 . 7/28/2013
Brilliant ending thank you so much for writing this story! :)))

Hopefully you'll write more stories of them as a family (Teddy before Hogwarts age) because there aren't that many good stories around. It's understandable since what happens in in last book... :'(
But being such a fan of the Lupin family (and Remus 3) and the idea of them spending their lives happily as a family seems such a brilliant vision mainly cause they deserve it more than anyone in my opinion. :)

The story here was great even though I'm not that big fan of M-rated stories but this one and bubble-gum pink moon are a good examples that it still can be an amazing story and being M-rated. :) You balanced things perfectly.

Some sentences seemed at times a bit long and some words here and there were a bit what this means in the sentences so at first little hard to understand but after reading more carefully it was alright. (I'm not native English speaker but I use it regularly :)

But otherwise storyline was clear and enjoyed particularly characters inner thoughts and yes Teddy parts were my favourite! Made me nearly cry when he copied his daddy in searching! :)))))

dftbamda chapter 3 . 7/27/2013
It sucks that this is just a three shot. I've fallen in love with this! Would you consider writing a story following this one? I just really want to read more about them (: Fantastic job!
remadora-ftw chapter 3 . 7/27/2013
I love how you ended the story yep I do because it is so beautiful all of it like I don't know how to words but yeah :)
though from your A/N I am not so sure if I want to read the other story you wrote... uhm
Alicia Mirza chapter 3 . 7/27/2013

This was... Perfect? Amazing? I love you?
You showed everyone why our favourite Dora and Remus are the best pairing in the whole Harry Potter universe. I just... I can't find good words to describe this story.
First of all, thanks for the happy ending, probably I would have died reading an angsty one...
Second, baby Teddy, Remus and Dora together... Unbelivably cute, I don't have good enough vocabulary to describe it.
I loved this story, perfect, fluffy, but a bit dramatic at the same time.
Poor Dora, it must have been hard for her, especially that she had to give up on being an Auror.
I just have to tell you that probably this is the best Remus/Tonks story I've ever read and you probably guessed, I'm a bit of a fanatic and I've read... loads of stories about them.
So, all in all, I love this story very much, it was very well-written.
Keep up the good work!

Alicia :)
Nerdyhbic chapter 2 . 7/26/2013
Bless you so much for writing it. The fist two chapters are brilliant and stay very true to both Remus and Tonks. I also love all the little references to your main fic as well.
The second chapter was great. It made me want to take Remus and shake some sense into him lol
I can’t wait to read the last part of it!
Guest chapter 2 . 7/26/2013
This is amazing story! Wish Remus would see the sense FINALLY and be a father to his child and husband to his wife as he SHOULD be and WANTS to be! ;) Stubborn werewolf! *sigh* but still so lovely and adorable! 3

PLEASE update soon, can't wait for the last chapter! :D
Julia chapter 2 . 7/22/2013
Liv, tb não ouço a Selena; descobri a música por acidente. Mas enfim...
Eu já te falei que eu faço Letras e que você é uma inspiração pra mim? Haha! 3
Bem, adorei o fato de você ter postado a fic rápido! Nem acreditei quando vi o segundo capítulo prontinho pra ser lido . _ Eu achei o Teddy a coisa mais fofa, e a Tonks ensinando o Remus a cuidar dele pra que ele tivesse o seu pai pelo menos uma noite foi bem legal. Tô torcendo demais pra eles ficarem juntos, hein... :)
Guest chapter 2 . 7/22/2013
Brilliant, BRILLIANT chapter AGAIN! :D

The moments of Remus being a father were amazing. You could sense his nervousness and believing that he can't be a father cause he's "a monster" which is ridiculous of course! I think the Teddy is the key thing for him to open up. He sees and feels the connection with the boy and if he just would let himself be happy everything would be alright. You could also see how much Tonks wants it, even though she was mad at him for sure. It's understantable that after raising Teddy up alone she's very protective and wants to remain strong for Remus now showing weakness that she can't handle single-parenting. It was great that there were moments where she "needed" him or she showed that she still cares about him and loves him and wants the best for their son; having both mother and father.

Teddy was simply ARORABLE! Loved the pink wolf and how he used that to get Remus' attention and to me Teddy is very much like Remus (smart, brave etc.) but there's also a lot of likeness with Tonks. In other words perfect combination of his parents.

The final chapter what will happen, honestly don't know based on these previous chapters. On the other hand Remus wants to be part of the family (AS HE SHOULD!) But it's clear that he hasn't gotten over the fears he has. And both Remus and Tonks seen to have same fears but they look things for the opposite ways. Remus thinks about "doing what's best for then" which in his book means leaving. Tonks wants him to stay casue that IS best for Teddy and her. It's clear that they still love each other despite the fact that he left. But it's stil not too late to heal things. Especially Teddy it's hearth braking to think he wouldn't know his daddy :'(

So yeah, can't wait for the final chapter! :)
dftbamda chapter 2 . 7/21/2013
Thank you for that. The end, especially, made my heart break. It's great how you captured Remus as he attempted parenting. I loved this chapter as much as the first one. Update soon! (:
Anonymous chapter 2 . 7/21/2013
This is fabulous :) very well written x
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