Reviews for Pockets Full of Stones
Guest chapter 6 . 12/8/2015
Seems like Loki is not the only one with a silver tongue. Leifr it seems, has a way of saying quite poignant clever things as well. It hurts to think, but perhaps there is a bit of a similarity in the two. Kind of ironic, feeling with Loki the burn of words that are not so different than his own. They both know what exactly to say to breed desired the desired emotions in others.
Grac3 chapter 13 . 9/28/2014
Brilliant. I love how they keep having to remind him who he is, when he starts to think about who he was or who he could have been.
Hekka chapter 13 . 8/22/2014
But it not Odin's spell that determine the appearance of Loki as the aesir. At the beginning of the movie Thor, is well seen young Odin. And then, the moment in armory, with child Thor and Loki... Besides, during all these years the spell definitely was to fall into disrepair in moment of caster's weakness (regular periods of odinsleep). So it Loki's own innate abilities of shapeshifting. And most likely that Odin just provoked his very first shift. And then a new climate, a new location and ambience contributed of his unconscious maintaining a more suitable form (after all, it doesn't disguise spell, but a complete change of the body). Add subsequent Loki's fear frost giants and it becomes clear why his roots not given themself before fiasco with the coronation.
noukinav018 chapter 13 . 11/30/2013
Very clever of Loki. They don't get any blame for what is to befallen Leifr and his mother. How amusing! They are talking about peace and Thor wants another adventure...which always ends with them in the healing rooms. We never knew more of the things that happenedon Earth.
Fantastic story, thanks for posting!
noukinav018 chapter 12 . 11/30/2013
Cool! He used the relic against Leifr. I do feel for him, It seems as everyone is set to make him suffer to no end. Now that the situation is under control, they can rest for a while,,,in the healing rooms AGAIN.
Rowen deserves a lot of medals.
noukinav018 chapter 11 . 11/30/2013
I can't believe the young prince had to hear that from Leifr! It was cruel. He may be haunted by those words. It is a shame that only Thor seems to hold him more like his family than the race he was born into. Whoa that's actually really sad.
But yah, the young one is right. That other king has a death wish to harm Loki in front of Thor... There's no way he'll get away with this.
noukinav018 chapter 10 . 11/30/2013
LOL That was just brilliant! So the Casket of Winters is safe and no one has it. Thank goodness,now they really need to make them confirm or blame each other.
Yah, those guys have their days counted in the palace XD
What of the Avengers? I wonder what they're doing now. And I'm still missing Sif. It is so weird she's not appearing in these last chapters you know?
noukinav018 chapter 9 . 11/30/2013
Are you kidding me? That jotun is just as involved as his crazy mother is. Hopefully the AVengers will be dealing with them as Loki advised them...
Everything was discovered now thanks to SHIELD's
They'll have to welcome Loki next time and not to put him in a cage again. The thought is ridiculous as they already know he can't be contained in such a place.
YOu know, I've missed Sif and the Warriors Three. Not even Frigga has appeared, Rowen is on the picture again, perhaps even Freya. It's a pity they can't meet in happier circumstances.
noukinav018 chapter 8 . 11/30/2013
Right... ok, so this is when Loki does something awesome like using the Casket of Winters against that witch and her mindless guards. They want the casket to follow their plans! They can't keep attacking because they don't have the relic. No way they'll get it!
noukinav018 chapter 7 . 11/29/2013
I didn't expect that... So now he's going to Earth, and speak to SHIELD no less. Oh boy, let's hope the others don't try to imprison him for telling them what is going on.
Thor is near to lose his patience. I wish we had more of Lyall, I'm also missing Sif. It's too bad Heimdall hasn't forgotten what the young prince did. Too bad they're on bad terms. It really doesn't help Loki in the long way.
noukinav018 chapter 6 . 11/29/2013
Eeer can't they just kick them out of Asgard? The last thing we want is a pair of bullies trying to look for chaos. They should just shoo them out and put them in their place. I don't like that Leifr guy. One day he'll provoke everyone too much. Maybe Thor will strike him with some powerful lightning.
noukinav018 chapter 5 . 11/29/2013
Fluffy moments are just perfect. I don't really like the king from Jotunheim... I fear he'll be another one of those with his head full of cats. Besides that, Loki had a nightmare with him in it, which is not a good sign at all. It has never been a good sign... They'll have to be very careful with them, What about Sif? Is Lyall going to pester both of them or tease them? XD
'Cause that would be awesome!
noukinav018 chapter 4 . 11/29/2013
ROTFL Lyall's conclusion of Loki's disappearance with Sif sent me into a laughter fit. Oh, I can't say I dislike the idea. I welcome his idea with open arms.,,Thor would probably have his mouth hanging on the floor XD It is as everybody says, from hate to love there's only one single step. Anyway, loving the banter between the war goddess and the dark prince. It is just so incredibly amusing. Look at them, they had to figure things out suddenly.
noukinav018 chapter 3 . 11/29/2013
Bad thing that Sif was too shocked with his appearance for the moment. You can't blame her, it was the first time she ever saw him like that. But I don't think he's going the right way about it. He should remember the prince of the Vale too. They're both part of this race of Frost Giants, but they're not commanded by hatred and stuff the way Laufey did. The day when the young prince accepts himself it will do him some good. Sif should really do something to encourage the acceptance. I'm worried about him using a spell that might have alerted the population of their arrival.
noukinav018 chapter 2 . 11/29/2013
Haha how come Loki didn't remark on having an effect on Sif seven centuries before? Oops this is going to be very dangerous. Sif can be strong, but the bitter cold of the realm of Jotunheim can be her doom as well. Besides can't Loki use any magic that allows him to see what goes around the place of the Frost Giants?Oh boy, here they go again.
I did imagine the reason for Thor's foul mood. Maybe Loki will try to help with Thor's predicament and make Jane like an Asgardian...
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