Reviews for Our Understanding
jesskmemmy chapter 3 . 6/30
I hope you keep writing this one! I’m intrigued about sasuke and sakuras past and his warning. He seems to genuinely care about Sakura. Definitely getting into the characters!
MisatoNara chapter 3 . 6/30
Hello again to you too.

I'm kind of curious about Sakura and Sasuke's relationship, and what happened to make Sakura hate it so much.
And above all, why Sasuke would say something like that about his own brother. I know that in Naruto's original story, Itachi seems cold, nonchalant, but it was all for the love of Sasuke.
Itachi made bad decisions guided by his love for his silly little brother, but he was still someone he loved deeply.
I hope Sasuke is wrong about that, I don't want to see Sakura suffer, at least not intentionally.
Thank you very much for updating so soon, I am very excited.
samsongnot336 chapter 3 . 6/30
thanks for the update I have been waiting, what's up with itachi is he really evil? see you next update!
ElevatedJewel chapter 2 . 6/28
please, keep writing!
ItaSaku99 chapter 2 . 4/25
AU Itasaku is one of my favorite themes... And I totally love the gentleman Itachi... Plzzz update the next chapter soon... With the lunch 'date' part...
MisatoNara chapter 2 . 3/1
Wow! I loved it. Above all the end. I imagine that Sasuke's stunned face has to do with his differences with Itachi. I like the detail that Itachi feels comfortable with Sakura. Thank you very much for continuing the story. regards
FireThatFox chapter 2 . 2/20
I see this was posted a very long time ago, but if you ever want to continue it, I would love to read it.
WriteMessyShit chapter 2 . 2/14
So glad to see you're still working on this story ️ I love it so far, and I can't wait to see where you go next!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/18/2019
Love it please update!
Anonymous chapter 1 . 3/12/2019
Love it. Eagerly awaiting updates!
Sapphire Pen Master chapter 1 . 3/6/2019
Awwww, what a sweet and natural connection scene. I love the detail in your writing and your word style. Keep up the good work.
ilovetralala chapter 1 . 3/5/2019
I really liked this fic and I'm so glad you decided to improve it. I even have a guess on which are the cringy bits that you will be revising in the next chapters.
I'm really excited to see how this fic will turn out.
KuriKashi chapter 5 . 3/1/2019
AWWW! Cute!
KuriKashi chapter 4 . 2/28/2019
So sweet!
KuriKashi chapter 3 . 2/28/2019
So cute!
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