Reviews for An Open Mind
BowStringPrincess chapter 24 . 9/29/2015
OH MY GOSH I LOVED IT! I couldn't put it down! Great job!
The Whovian chapter 16 . 6/4/2014
asprin is deadly to time lords...
Sorry, I'm a DICK when it comes to correcting Whovian facts.
V chapter 8 . 5/4/2014
I am not sure where you are going yet but your writing is FANTASTIC (are you reading this in the 9th Doctor's voice)? What a puzzle! What a mystery! And everyone in character! Love your work so far. Are you going to include the day of the doctor later on? Please?
GoodbyeVersailles chapter 24 . 3/8/2014
This is such a beautiful story! You are such an amazing writer and you really capture the characters personalities and mannerisms so well. I just couldn't stop reading because I had to know what happens next. This is very well written and I feel like I'm watching an actual Doctor Who episode. Defiantly one of my favorite fanfictions ever. Thank you so much for this!
IceDuchess07 chapter 24 . 2/5/2014
Great story, just read it in its entirety - hope you carry on with S7 :)
TimTam chapter 24 . 12/7/2013
Your doing brilliantly :D I can't wait to read more! OK. 50th anniversary- I feel like a lot of people are forgetting its 50 years of DOCTOR WHO, not just Moffats time. I wanted all the (alive) doctors, as many companions as they could get (At least Amy, Rory, Jack or Martha!) and one thing I have noticed about the recent eeries is Nobody Dies. This used to be a huge thing, and it made me actually scared because there was the possibilty. People died. A lot. But now nobody dies at all and this makes it... domestic :D Apart from that, I actually loved it. It annoys me that I don't consider it50-worthy, but I still loved it. Us fangirls were deprieved the joy of Rose again, but I utterly ADORED The Moment, who was awesome. It annoys me that 10 doesn't (really) fit into the timeline, but seeing as 10 is my favourite I do not care! If somebody asked me I would give it 4/10 for it being the 50th but 14686532/10 for it being anything!
Since I just spent 5 minutes nattering on about the 50th but I would give this story 15/10 :D BUT YOUR NOT ACTUALLY GOING TO KILL OFF TENTOO ARE YOU?!
andym1989 chapter 24 . 12/4/2013
Really interesting story, can't wait to read more
Kina Kalamari chapter 24 . 12/3/2013
Haha, loved Ten's commentary on the wedding. That worked really well. :)
Kina Kalamari chapter 23 . 12/3/2013
I actually hadn't thought about the end of the 50th that way, but thanks for making me very sad. He did look really happy, like a big weight had been lifted off of him (which it kinda had), which makes me wonder what horrible thing is going to happen in the Christmas special. Because I believe I heard somewhere that Moffat wants to "go darker" with Capaldi's Doctor, so I'm guessing something pretty bad is going to have to happen. :(

Anyway, on to the next chapter.
ohgravitysonfire chapter 24 . 12/2/2013
I don't know if I've reviewed before but I've thoroughly been enjoying this. it has enough canon to it to make sense and gives a glimpse on the other side. Will you be exploring trenzalore or coming up with another arch?
Lumina Balderson chapter 24 . 12/2/2013
If the Metacrisis Doctor thinks that this was hard, then just wait until "The Name of the Doctor", "Day of the Doctor", and "Time of the Doctor"...
Mental Mindscrews abound.
greeneyesCutie chapter 23 . 11/29/2013
Great chapter!
kamiam714 chapter 22 . 11/21/2013
cant wait for more!
ohgravitysonfire chapter 17 . 11/12/2013
given the proximity to the 50th right now i wish this was the plot line lol!
ohgravitysonfire chapter 8 . 9/21/2013
*teehee* adorable! I could almost feel the adrenalin rush as the memories came back :)
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