Reviews for Rewound Calamity
englishchannn chapter 16 . 10/9/2017
When I first started reading this story, I was incredibly confused with everyone's actions. Now that I see the bigger picture, I understand how Cloud basically got to grow up decently, he got to live his own life. I am proud of this story. Thank you for writing it. I have an idea for a one-shot spinoff in the lifestream, where all the characters meet again after they all die. How would they react?
SkySong246 chapter 16 . 7/18/2017
Woah that was brilliant. The plot, the politics and the ending. Thanks for writing and sharing. :)
Guest chapter 1 . 3/10/2017
I almost read this, it sounded awesome and the first chapter was excellent... but then I found out Zack dies from the reviews and I can't go through that again. Just nope.
Smiling Seshat chapter 1 . 6/29/2016
Following this to read it later when I have more time.
A fan chapter 16 . 4/12/2016
Loved this story, loved it, loved it, *loved* it. I do hope you will write more stories in this fandom one day.
Brenden chapter 16 . 1/30/2016
tomorrow4eva chapter 16 . 1/16/2016
Cool story. I haven't seen a take like that before. You wrote it very well.
HazzaTL3 chapter 16 . 6/19/2015
Disappointing ending.

But fit the style of the story, "telling, not showing".
Sakiku chapter 15 . 6/8/2015
Love the splintering of pre-timetravel Avalanche! And what Cloud did with Shinra, that was absolutely brilliant. I think it is really great how constructive he decided to be about it instead of the original 'Take Shinra Down At Any Cost'.

Great story!
LadyKF chapter 16 . 5/29/2015
I honestly don't know Yuffie enough to know how realistic this shift in her character over the years is. All I know is that the woman she was died off somewhere along the way, I think. Cloud... Cloud though, had a chance to finally be Cloud. There were some restrictions, sure, but I think he really blossomed in this.

Part of me, the greedy reader part, wants more of this. Because it was so good, you did a wonderful job.

The writer part would like to give you congratulations and full appreciation all around. This is a wonderful, well plotted long-fic and was a pleasure to read.

*plans a shameless rec on Tumblr later*

Thank you for this. Again, it was a pleasure.
LadyKF chapter 15 . 5/29/2015
Oh wow. Just. All the emotion and feels and whatever you want to call them ye gods.

I can't imagine how this will wind up. I mean, this is just... I get it. I get the way they're stuck and have to do this - they're pinned down.

But there are so many angles, so many people - it's not just AVALANCHE as this nebulous thing, there's all these people sent back and the ones they stirred up and just... a betrayal of humanity, really. Trying to save a paltry few, and doom the rest. PLANNING for that, actually. Just...

How? How can they?

*eager for yet wary of this final chapter*
LadyKF chapter 14 . 5/29/2015
How is a woman SO SMART also capable of being so stupid? All I can assume is by this point, she - like so many others - is so bloated by "success" and blinded by greed that she's not seeing the bigger picture.

I confess to inappropriate laughter this chapter. I really, really found this great and somehow relaxing? I know there's worse to come, of course there is.

But oh, this is so interesting...
LadyKF chapter 13 . 5/29/2015
Oh Cloud... (I'm having a horrible sudden "oh you poor baby" moment despite all he's been through - maybe even because of it)

Just... just all of this. It's so much, and yet never enough. I really hope this has a happy ending, just what... three more chapters? 16, says it's done...

So much anticipation. I should be in bed but I'm a fast reader and I can't resist finishing it.

All the emotion... you pull it out really strongly. I wish I could articulate it better, this is just such a good piece.
LadyKF chapter 12 . 5/29/2015
Oh my god. They used Jenova to... to what, set Sephiroth and the others off? *incoherent flailing*

I just.

Have no words.

*goes to next chapter still making helplessly lost sounds*
LadyKF chapter 11 . 5/29/2015
Ciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid. *cackles* I love the man. I do. And trying not to swear? Oh yes. You can rate things for Cid's mouth alone for canon, he's really working on it here. A lot of that stuff was way over my head, but I still loved reading it. :D

As for the meeting with the president... *snickering* the comment about Palmer not making Cloud's list made me grin. The poor idiot... but yeah, I like the idea, and think it's actually a pretty smart move (as the characters themselves said) - but I'm curious to see if/how things will change in dynamics between Cloud and SOLDIER. He was the only one there who knew about things, wasn't he? Groundwork was laid with Sephiroth, true, but... hmmm. More to see, and I'm eager to read!
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