Reviews for History of a Friendship
anon again chapter 1 . 5/20/2017
just read another one of your fanfics... you are BRILLIANT and absolutely spot on in the way you write this era. off to go and read all the rest of yours! please keep writing them!
Ferm chapter 1 . 12/23/2014
hmm... was this supposed to make SS/LE shippers feel bad?

If so, then you failed.
NoLongerHere2334 chapter 1 . 10/18/2014
Perfectly amazing. Favorited right away :)
poser16 chapter 1 . 9/27/2014
Fantastic story! I loved the insights into both Snape and Lily's thoughts and feelings. The stand-off between Snape, Regulus, Mulciber, and James and Lily was extremely well written and so very tense.
Great job!

Mme bookworm chapter 1 . 6/30/2014
This was wonderful. Really enjoyed the progression of Lily and Sev's relationship and Lily and James'. I've never bought into the fannon that Lily always hated James, and he always loved her. I like the idea that she found them funny all the way back in first year.
The slow drifting of Lily and Severus was very well done. So natural that she would meet other people and have more friends. That they would part ways as they met other people, and grew more into their own morals.
Keep writing!
sovery chapter 1 . 4/2/2014
Brilliant story, very good characterization and lovely ending. Bravo.
fidelius-charming chapter 1 . 1/2/2014

Cuties! :) Snape can go to hell because I don't want him up in Heaven with those two
blue-box-quidditch chapter 1 . 8/24/2013
Nice job portraying the characters with what we know from canon.

Guest chapter 1 . 8/14/2013
Crazy4MadHatter chapter 1 . 8/10/2013
This is really well written! Thanks for posting it :)
Cordetta chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
Wow the change between Lily and Snape was so subtle throughout the years and I think you did BRILLIANTLY. I especially like the bit of Snape's POV you added at the end, I think it showed both Snape's desperation and delusion nicely. For the record I think it's so sad how your Snape still clearly loves his ideal of Lily in a sense, how he thinks that he could protect her if only she were his, but at the same time he's so unable to see the problem in not respecting Lily's choice or in what he's doing. Also I love the bit with "He would convince the others that they could make an exception for her", of course the only reason he believes that is because HE found he could. And the repeated "Let's not fight" I loved that :)
love rosie3 chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
I love that your Lily didn't hate the Marauders and even hung out with them like with the exploding snap tournament. It seems a lot of people forget about that Rowling said she never hated them (especially James). Also great job with Lily and Snapes friendship. You did a lovely job portraying their breakdown. Sometimes I think other authors tend to romanticize Snape and his feelings towards Lily but I think you really captured him the way Rowling intended and his obsessive and unhealthy love towards Lily.
E.G. Potter chapter 1 . 7/9/2013
Can I just say that this was perfect? I really enjoyed reading this story. I loved seeing the subtle changes in Lily and Sev's relationship as the years went on, and I really loved the way she and James interacted in this last little bit. :) Very well done, darling.
Bookworm257 chapter 1 . 7/9/2013
Loved this story. I especially loved how you showed the past relationship between lily and Snape and how you didn't make lily hate the marauders. Everyone does but j. even said that lily didn't hate them. She just didn't approve of everything they did.