Reviews for Wufei's Wish.
firelight chapter 1 . 8/2/2003
Bloodyfire666 chapter 1 . 4/24/2003
lol that was cute. loved the ending..byebye
that is secret chapter 1 . 1/20/2003
My dear, I love this! It's great! *hug*
Carole chapter 1 . 12/13/2002
Very good story. I really enjoyed it. :)
CherryStain chapter 1 . 9/27/2002
::smile:: this story is really sweet. keep writing!
ReySolo chapter 1 . 9/15/2002
Poor Heero. :(

Good story, though. :)
Bryony chapter 1 . 9/8/2002
Oh wow, that was so good! I loved 'The Monkey's Paw' too, that's what caught my attention to this fic. Fortunately, this not only had a pretty happy ending but it wasn't terribly similar to the story it was inspired by. The narration was *great* - involving and interesting to read, and with a cool combination of the adaptability of the 3rd person and the more intimate storytelling of the 1st. I liked that a lot. And of course there's the plotline, which was soooo sweet! _ I have to admit I've always had an easier time seeing Wufei and Duo as friends, but whenever you portray them in a relationship I'm always able to believe it...and this was of course no exception! Your fics are so cool... _ Oh that reminds me, I sent you an e-mail, oh, ages ago, about just that and I was kind of wondering if you ever got it...? Ah well, anyways, this was such a wonderful story, and I hope we get to see some more of your other fics soon too!
TasukiNoBaka chapter 1 . 9/6/2002
wowo this is really good! I love the "ancestor" too you should write a sequel!
Aicpa chapter 1 . 9/2/2002
Great fic. I had to read it over several times to get the plot, and it was well worth it. I usually don't go for 25 fics, but this one left me feeling warm and fuzzy inside. Very nicely done!
P-chan-TheLostGirl chapter 1 . 9/1/2002
THAT WAS REALLY GOOD! I must admit that i almost didn't click on this one because the summery was not quite up to my standered(I hate to admit it) But I can never pass up anything that makes me go "hmmmm...?" So I clicked and i'm very happy I did. Very well written and very interesting plot idea. I really like it a lot.
