Reviews for 57 Under
FirstFandomFangirl chapter 5 . 12/5/2019
I still love this a lot, it’s just... all of your herobrines are very good.

ScarOfHerobrine chapter 5 . 8/29/2019
They way Hero used signs makes sense..this is a new approach! I like it so much! Great job!
ScarOfHerobrine chapter 4 . 8/29/2019
Wow...Hero IS a protector...He's protecting the Aether! NOTCH IS THERE OH BOY
ScarOfHerobrine chapter 3 . 8/29/2019
Oh boy...Hero is curious, but he don't care if Steve lives or dies!

This is as well-written as always..I wish you had ten times the amount of followers! I especially love the name...57 Under...Very nice!
ScarOfHerobrine chapter 2 . 8/29/2019
Hero is a protector...hmmm...and not a raging monster who wants to kill...I guess he's trying to protect something and only frightens people away, and kills them if they get too near whatever that tower is. He also isn't a world-known legend...he just sticks near the tower...I wonder why...
ScarOfHerobrine chapter 1 . 8/29/2019
It's very well set up! Lots of mystery...makes me want to keep reading! I love how you describe his injuries...keep up the good work!
writingisrelaxing chapter 5 . 4/4/2018
I'm just gonna pretend this is finished and has a happy ending, cause come on, Steve suffered enough already. Darn it, you had to abandon it just when we finally were about to get some real answers. Oh well, what did I expect? A good fanfic being finished? Am I crazy? ._.

But yeah, good read...
TheGalaxyChild chapter 5 . 6/7/2017
Watcher321 chapter 5 . 6/8/2016
Absolutely beautiful; I love the whole "I am the fog" bit :3
Guest chapter 5 . 7/3/2014
Me need next chapter plox! Great story.
Allagenda-domsitzers-chan chapter 5 . 4/14/2014
0-0 I'm totally blown away by this chapter. There's no other words for it.
Welll... astronomically shocking might be good, too..
KingHelios33 chapter 5 . 4/14/2014
Oh... my... Notch... I'm bawling right now...
As soon as I started reading the chapter and Steve was screaming and crying out in pain, I felt tears welling up. I didn't think that the bites from the Zombies would cause him such agony and misery. He's slowly being infected and turning into a living corpse. I can't imagine what would happen if Steve became a Zombie. He would probably be trapped there, but he wouldn't be the miner we all know and love. He would just be a former, empty, carnivorous shell of the Steve the miner.
Every time he cried out in pain or his torture magnified, I would feel myself shedding more tears out of pure sympathy for the miner.
The memory of when his family tried to care for that poor traveler... every word was perfectly formed as a picture in my head and I could see everything. From the moment they brought the man inside, to when they tied the man down, to when Steve's mother tried to feed him while his father was gone, to every wail and scream from the man to his transformation into the mobs that scare me out of my wits if I encounter more than one at night.
Steve wants to rest so badly but he just can't. He wants the agony to end, but Steve's not a coward. I just wish someone would help him.
I forgot about the torch. The way Steve hurt himself and wailed out, just to get to the little light and keep himself warm and get the feeling of comfort... that was heartbreaking. He just wants to live and be back on the surface so badly, but he's stuck almost at bedrock, he's covered in wounds, part of his shoulder is gone, his hip could be broken, his foot shattered, and now he's been infected by the Zombies. If there is any hope for Steve, I can't see it right now... hopefully it will be there soon.
Oh, and so the being comes back to the miner. At least he's finally giving Steve some answers.
That's why Herobrine is in Steve's form? He was a hidden entity and took Steve's look when he came to the forbidden land?
I think the whole fog thing comes from the first story of a Herobrine sighting. The guy who wrote it said that when he went onto his singleplayer world, there was a form out in the fog in the distance that he thought was a cow. He was going to chase after it for leather and when he got close enough, that was when he saw Brine.
This chapter was so descriptive and well written and I'm just now wiping my tears. I almost forgot about this fic since you had been working on, "Hero's Bane," "Give Up the Fight," "Binds That Tie," and the previews for, "Hero's Might." I loved this chapter and I can't wait for the next chapter of whichever story you feel like working on. :3
Random Reviewer chapter 5 . 4/13/2014
When I checked for the awaited Hero's Bane update, I saw this story and instantly thought,
"OH MY NOTCH! SHE ADDED ANOTHER CHAPTER TO THIS STORY?!" And started to dance for a good minute.
I read the first 4 chapters some time ago, and wasn't sure to review since it wasn't updated for quite awhile, but now, THERE'S A CHAPTER 5! So now I'm reviewing. On to review!

Your summary definitely intrigued me, and I like how you put '57 Under' as the title, because of game mechanics and how the layering system works, so he must be pretty deep. And then Steve gets attacked by zombies and is now infected. That is terrifying. One bite and then there's certain death or transformation by infection?! On my mine runs I get damaged by zombie hordes countless times, and in this story , once is death? That's hardcore.

Then the awesome infamous Herobrine comes along and TALKS?! YES HE TALKS IN THIS STORY! And, HE'S TRYING TO PROTECT HUMANS?! HE SAYS HE'S GOTTEN SOFTER?! WHAT?! WHAT?
(Let me switch out of Hero's Bane mode to avoid anymore unnecessary CAPS lock outbursts.)
(One day in Minecraft time later...)

I really like the heavy detail you use in a first person point of view ranging from thoughts, emotions, and the pain. You describe pain very well. Your fanfictions are the ones I take my time reading through each word to get the most out of it, imagining the setting, mood, and etc.
I also like that you put in the 'what happens when you get bit by a zombie, and its death or infection,' rather than eating a piece of pork chop and the player is magically healed.
This version of Herobrine is probably the second most 'nicest' maybe first out of all your stories, since he's actually willing to spare him, is protecting humans, and even had some 'friendly' conversations with the miner.
Eeek and getting attacked by silverfish, (Shudders) sounds extremely painful in that state,. I loathe getting swarmed by them.
I wonder what's the mystery behind the other realms, and Herobrine manifested through Steve?! WHAT?! WHAT?! (Oops I'm doing it again.) I knew they had to be connected somehow since they share identical looks. I like the idea of the connection they share.

The real lifelike elements you add rather than sticking to some the game mechanics, are one of the things I love about your writing. I would really like if you can add another chapter to this story since the plot had captured my full interest, or maybe add to your others like Binds that Tie or Minecrash! (Or Recovery?) But if you can't I understand, It's hard to juggle 3 stories along with the others you've written, due to time and life. I hope you can get over your writer's block of Hero's Bane soon!
licorice chapter 4 . 4/13/2014
I read this over and over again... It's that good -
WH1T3R4V3N chapter 4 . 3/15/2014
This is so good!
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