Reviews for Sempiternal
Skovko chapter 8 . 11/23/2019
Yes, this is exactly what I needed to read on a dark Saturday morning where everyone is still sleeping.

Very well written.
BadTimesDontLast chapter 8 . 1/7/2017
And what words do I owe this masterpiece? There isn't enough in the English language to do it justice. With limited vocabulary in two other languages, it still wouldn't do it justice. Throughout this entire story, the two never act on what plot for plot is. Plots that are driven by plot have never interested me. Plot driven by character always packs more of a punch, leaves an enthralling impact on my brain. The first chapter gives us an ongoing battle, a slight peak into who Jon and Colby are, a glimpse into a demon and monster at war. Colby kissing Jon and depriving him of breath is the monster taking the reigns, greedily consuming Jon's oxygen daring for retaliation to ensue. And oh fuck, it does. The second chapter we see the effects of what Jon has to offer. The demon reacting to the monster's actions. It's lewd, obscene, and chaotic, and I fucking love it. I love the third chapter because Colby needs Jon around in order to tackle a task of discovering heavy truth. It hits him like traffic, yeah, but Jon's there to guide him right back into some light. (I thoroughly enjoyed the reference to the first time Jon saw Colby's monster that's in a chapter ahead) Their first time meeting is perfect. Why? Because neither of them are timid about what they want and what they're feeling towards one another. They're blunt and they wind up engaging into a sexual act. Seriously, it's wonderful how you led them into this. What I noticed in the fifth chapter with Colby is how contained he is. It's perfect for his character, as you mentioned earlier on, since he's different when he's among other people. They think differently of him and Jon sees through that because Jon's got eyes on what's in his soul. Then, holy fucking hell, the point of where Colby shows how calculated his monster is. The demon we've seen in Jon is so unorthodox and relentless, but the monster awaits his moment and then attacks without remorse. It's beautiful seeing the act arrive. Chapter seven almost became my favorite chapter because throughout this, we see Jon as this tough guy. Even in the last chapter, he went down swinging and fighting because he doesn't like the territory he's in. Then we see what he hides from the world, what he tries to mask from everyone. The attempt of hurting himself, the fact that Colby won't let it happen, it's chaotic and everywhere just as Colby's panic was. I like that Jon forbids Colby to speak of it. It makes me think Jon forbids himself of talking about all the things he's been through. So if one person knows something, he has to ensure they don't say anything and act as if it's okay just as he does. But they don't have to say anything when they're there for each other. When they hold one another. They just know. The last chapter is my favorite because it ties everything into a perfect bow. These two aren't normal and by the way they speak to one another, they comprehend fully how erratic their relationship-of-whatever-the-fuck-it-is is. Because despite everything, despite being so tumultuous, they'll end in peace with one another. Call me a sap, but it's perfect how this story ends. Just how they want their world to end. Calmly, peacefully, and lovingly. I should've reviewed way sooner, but then again, I didn't discover this in the time period of when it was written. I've read this a multitude of times and decided hey, what the fuck am I doing. It's glorious and so poetic and I'm sorry for the flurry of words, but I'm so hopelessly enamored with every dip and curve of this. Thank you for writing it. Every bit is strung together wonderfully.
BigSister2 chapter 8 . 2/17/2016
You write these two so beautifully. Each chapter is hauntingly gorgeous. Filled with violence, upstanding, and love. I absolutely loved this.
Guest chapter 8 . 8/8/2015
Can u update and maybe the next chapter Dean tells Seth he loves him
Guest chapter 8 . 2/15/2015
I love it. This story is awesome !
BettyBoo16 chapter 8 . 6/1/2014
I can't get over this story especially this chapter because it always makes me cry I love this story with all my heart:-)
inventedcanada chapter 1 . 3/4/2014
good god that was the hottest thing i've read in a while. i'm a sucker for breath play and i just love it when it's incorporated into ambrollins fics. my fave parts were:

"His hand lays around Jon's neck gently, innocently, treading on thin ice." -i cant exactly explain why i loved it, but i did.

"Colby's free hand is in Jon's hair, tugging those sandy locks and scratching at his scalp." -i very much enjoyed the way you described jon's hair (also yay hair play)

"Yeah I'm a monster. I'm your monster." -mmm, dark!ambrollins feels

im so excited to continue reading this, great job so far xoxo
Guest chapter 7 . 2/14/2014
Love this chapter so much.
How does Dean cope with suicidal thoughts now?
Sparkles Blue chapter 8 . 2/11/2014
This chapter was such a nice break from all of the emotional heaviness. I love how you portrayed the tender side of their love in such a beautiful setting. The ending with them floating down to bottom of the pool using each other as a lifeline was so wonderfully done. You get the impression of how in sync they are with each other's needs and wants. I really do enjoy your writing.
OtherLuces chapter 7 . 12/17/2013
I was going to go on about why do these boys have to be so darn angsty all the time, but then I got to chapter 4 and by then I was just swept away in them. That chapter 4 is pretty darn sexy.

But this chapter right here I think is the best. No sex, but there's something inherently sexy about it, I think. Something about the vulnerability and unspoken emotions that feels just so raw to me. I definitely dig it and when you're able to write more, I'll be here waiting!
notherenotyet chapter 7 . 11/21/2013
This was amazing!
sberryluv chapter 7 . 11/5/2013
Your fic is definitely worth the wait. Heartbreakingly beautiful.
Sparkles Blue chapter 7 . 11/5/2013
This story is so deep and intense and moving. I really don't know what to say about it. I love how you showed Jon's attempted suicide and how Colby wouldn't give up on him. The way how he can't sleep if Colby isn't next to him. Jon knows that he loves Colby and he kinda hates that Colby knows it but he doesn't deny it either. Gahhh, I can't explain it. I just love this story.
BrodieBlue chapter 6 . 11/4/2013
This is so amazing! I don't know why you haven't gotten more reviews. I discovered it when you followed my story. I checked out your profile and thought I'd give this a go. So glad I did.

I hope you have at least one more chapter in you to add to this!
Sparkles Blue chapter 6 . 9/20/2013
I really don't know how to write a review for this story. I really don't.

It just draws you in and captures you takes you along this journey and you wonder how the demon and monster will be captured and destroyed and what will become of Jon and Colby. It is really doesn't do justice to this fic to say that the writing is brilliant when really it's beyond that. The characterization and imagery really is to die for and I find myself racing along to the end hoping that you have it in you to finish it and to not leave us in this current state of blue balls.
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