Reviews for Slowly Dying
ksouza3 chapter 1 . 8/27/2016
I loved all the angst in this fic and I loved your pro trail of Snape! Thanks for writing!
the999angel chapter 1 . 3/17/2016
I love the fluffy basilisk line
Guest chapter 1 . 8/21/2015
I cant say I like the way Remus is portrayed in this fic. If he left because he thought he was to dangerous for her then why did he plan to marry tonks wouldn't that be dangerous to. Plus if he loved her so much why was it so get with tonks. He is an ass.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/15/2015
did he? I mean did he really choose her? or did he ACCEPT her because he did not wanted her to die? And if he wanted to marry Tonks, his "well that solves the problem" line was just cold and careless. He surely broke her heart and that's all he had to say? I'm sorry, but this Remus is too damn unfeeling. Forget about that "I left you because I couldn't do that to you" stuff. But he could do that to Tonks? What kind of man is this Lupin? he was suppose to be serious and verry thoughful and considerate. Perhaps it is difficult to have another living into your body, but they were toghether since he was a child. He was not a freshly made werewolf, so his inside "battle" was perhaps, too much? He slept with hermione and after that he left her and get toghether with another soon after that, no? How can he say that he loves Hermione? I'm sorry, facing death in a long, painful way it was difficult for Hermione but she was very intelligent, how can she simply accept him back?
Guest chapter 1 . 5/1/2015
Okay. Is it just me or this story is rather all over the place? Remus was scared because he thought he hurt Hermione, so he left. So why the hell would he ever get another lover? Wouldn't he be scared he would do the same thing to Tonks? Wouldn't he just .. stay away altogether?

And Hermione is Remus's mate, and Remus is physical with Tonks? (Because Tonks was sleeping next to Remus). How does it even work? Wouldn't it be impossible? Because Remus is mated?'

And Hermione's reaction at the end. Everything tied so neatly it's weird just read the end. Hermione was hurt trememdously and suddenly all is sunshine? Tonks must've loved him enough to get married and somehow suddenly it was okay to let him go? What about Remus? If he didn't love Tonks why would he marry her, if at all?
Imwaiting4myAliceandEdward chapter 1 . 4/27/2015
:) I'm glad they got together
PuffleHuffWriting chapter 1 . 1/5/2015
That was anticlimactic. The conflict with Tonks could've been better. All in all still a cute story
Guest chapter 1 . 11/9/2014
Oh my poor, poor heart. I'm literally sobbing from this... Beautiful..
greyspotterfiction chapter 1 . 6/17/2014
I love this story! Great work! :)
emani-writes chapter 1 . 4/23/2014
No! Okay, don't read that the wrong way. I like the story, I really do. But NO! Things just tied themselves up into a too neat package with a too neat bow. There should have at least been a row with Tonks. How did she end up there anyway?! I mean, I was emotionally involved! I was with you up until Tonks forgave him and Hermoine just took him back. Hardly any angsty questions asked. I'm so bothered by it, in fact, I want to take it as a base model and expound upon it myself. Which isn't to say I don't think you can, because obviously the idea came from you... but... I feel as though I've been left adrift. Which in a crazy way is a compliment because I believe ANY emotional response from your readers is a win. Even if it's frustration. Please don't think I'm being mean. That isn't my intention at all. Honest.
quidditchlover chapter 1 . 9/21/2013
Aw! Loved it!
Kindred01 chapter 1 . 9/8/2013
Nawwwwwwww, I would have liked to seen a little more but still nawwww
Sinfull-Innocence chapter 1 . 9/1/2013
I loved it. I would have liked an explanation for why he was marrying Tonks. If he felt he was to dangerous for Hermione why get engaged to someone else not long after?
Black-Rose23 chapter 1 . 8/25/2013
Well, I'm glad Tonks accepted them, and I'm glad they were able to be together in the end.
Nella Hyuga chapter 1 . 8/21/2013
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