Reviews for Hellsing: EREBUS
Blueluna12 chapter 41 . 4/4
This story is great!

Love the characters! And its interesting that Alucard having this human emotions X3

But I noticed this fanfic haven't been updated in four years! Hope everything is alright with you and you are not dead.
aaricbear chapter 2 . 1/3
Team Four Star refrences...
Wanderstar chapter 41 . 12/4/2019
This story hasn't been updated in a really long time! I hope your life is going well and that you are doing okay! Even though it is unlikely that you will see this Ibwant you to know that you are a phenomenal writer and this was the best story I've read in a while.
Faery66 chapter 41 . 2/16/2019
Hope to read more soon.

Gryps chapter 41 . 1/8/2019
I know it's been almost three years now, but I just read your whole story in one go and it was amazing. Your portrayal is on point, the pace is perfect, the ratio mysteries/revelations is really well balanced, and I love the relationship between Alucard and Alex.

Anyway, even if you never finish this story, thank you so much for having written it so far! :)

(Sorry for my English, it's not my first language!)
Rachel0424 chapter 15 . 12/10/2018
Great story, really enjoying it!
Lord Damon Darkfyre chapter 41 . 7/12/2018
I love your story and hate that it has been left unattended for so long. Please continue it?
jtrek.013 chapter 1 . 3/30/2018
This is, like, the 3rd time I've re-read your series. I love it so much! Please continue ; u ;
FirePrincessAlaria chapter 41 . 2/10/2018
OKay, I had this story saved for a few weeks and kind of forgot about it, but I recently picked it up a few days ago. I'm really glad that I got around to reading this because I am absolutely blown away by your writing talent. It simply amazes me how sometimes I can totally overlook certain stories for one reason or another, but manage to find stories like yours to be able to not only enjoy the story, characters, plot, and beautiful scenes, but the fact that it was so well written just brought everything together. I am, however, sad that this story hasn't been updated for over a year. I do hope that you'll venture back to this story soon as I would love to see more Alucard and Alex. I will definitely be rereading this as I wait for an update.
ALR27 chapter 41 . 1/27/2018
I hope you continue this story. Now, gabriel come in story, I am very curious about what happen between alex and him
kira shadow wolf chapter 41 . 9/7/2017
such a cliff hanger to leave for over a year... i hope this story is picked back up
mystikwinds chapter 41 . 12/1/2016
ACK! I need more! I'm so darn hooked on this. I love the detail, and how you've got Alucard in character pretty perfectly. You've done a great job, hopefully there will be more chapters at some point. :)
mystikwinds chapter 28 . 12/1/2016
I absolutely can't stop reading this! I've been awake since 1am, and its 5:30am, and yup, still reading! The fact that Alucard is heading to Halifax Seaport has me excited, especially since I live in Nova Scotia. Alucard this close? *Omg, drool* . Seriously though I love the direction you've take and I can't wait to read more and more and more!
mireee3D2Y chapter 41 . 7/11/2016
continue please! I love it so much!
crookedchains chapter 41 . 6/3/2016
This fic is great! I love Alex and Alucards relationship they're so funny!
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