Reviews for What John Can't See, Sherlock Observes
Catherine chapter 11 . 2/13/2015
You do realised Sussex is a county not a town? Also, in England we go to secondary school not high school and there are no "football stars" or people sitting at specific tables. Its a good read, a bit bland though. I don't feel any of the emotions of the characters, such as John's anxiety or relief let alone Sherlock's. I really like how you sorted the sexual issues with them though. Also, sorry this is sent twice (I pressed the wrong button) and anonymous but it wouldn't let me sign in! (madyashiefan)
Catherine chapter 10 . 2/13/2015
You do realised Sussex is a county not a town? Also, in England we go to secondary school not high school and there are no "football stars" or people sitting at specific tables. Its a good read, a bit bland though. I don't feel any of the emotions of the characters, such as John's anxiety or relief let alone Sherlock's. I really like how you
Reviews to Master chapter 10 . 11/16/2014

Putting the lime in the cocunut and shaking it all up is an understatement.

Lestrade got sidetracked in traffic. He won't be coming. Ever.
Reviews to Master chapter 9 . 11/16/2014
And here I am, avid porn reader, and you lost me at 'fellatio'.

There are scientific terms for sexual actions. Let's just take a moment and think about that.

Yesh! The shmut beginsh!
Reviews to Master chapter 8 . 11/16/2014
I condem you to Anderson's ass crack. How could you? That was the symbol of pure incarnate hairy hell. I shudder thinking about it. *shudders*

DING! DING! DING! The man got it right! Give him a cookie, Sally!

John. It doesn't matter if there was a form of manipulation. It got the results you needed, didn't it?
Reviews to Master chapter 7 . 11/16/2014
"DESTROY EVERYTHING!" Sherlock hollered, pseudo-coconunt bra jerking with his sporadic movements.

What? That's not what happened in the story? I could have sworn...

The Science of Deduction? More like, The Science of SE-duction! Zing!

...kill me.
Reviews to Master chapter 6 . 11/16/2014
Sherlock Holmes: the ever-flaming actual git.

John, I'm on your side. Sherlock's being an A.S.S.

Amazingly Sodding up Stuff.

Or maybe that was more like a A.S.U.S.

Either way.

Reviews to Master chapter 5 . 11/16/2014
Hey now! I'm 18 too!


I'm so lonely.

Dammit, Sherlock! Why'd you stop?!

I wonder what happened to Micheal. Poor guy. Didn't realize John came with a Sherlock Holmes. 2-in-1 kind of deal.
Reviews to Master chapter 4 . 11/16/2014
Aha. Double entendre. Very sexy.


*pounds chest* HOO-*hack*
Reviews to Master chapter 3 . 11/16/2014
Sherlock, John is immune to Holmesinitis.

Sherlock! The game is on! Tell Micheal where he could shove his game up in!
Reviews to Master chapter 2 . 11/16/2014
There's nothing wrong with looking at mens' tookishses. I do it all the time.

Not guilty as charged on accounts of thirstiness.
Reviews to Master chapter 1 . 11/16/2014

*pounds chest* Hoorah!
Lordpink chapter 19 . 11/2/2014
Excellent story, nicely written. Don't understand why you don't have more reviews!
Well done x
Linee708 chapter 19 . 7/3/2014
I read the entire thing. This was so beautiful. Everything you wrote was perfect right down to the ending. This story really shows how perfect Sherlock and John are. Also, really like the little thing between Lestrade and Mycroft! That was way too cute and perfect. I hope you keep writing! It was great the plot was also great!
Maria Greengrass chapter 19 . 5/12/2014
Just read all the chapters in one sitting. Loved them all.
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