Reviews for Filia Oizys
Devidakk chapter 33 . 4/17/2019
I've just finished reading this story and it was everything I didn't expect it to be when I began. It was a nice surprise though.

In my opinion, the Death Note category suffers from a huge lack of good serious fics. (Don't take me wrong, I said serious, it has plenty of good crack ones tho.) Which 1) made me realise that, and 2) made me appreciate this gem here even more. Like, dude, I spent up until 6 am reading up to chapter 20 and picked up immediately when I woke up, up until the very end. I regret nothing. It's one of the best ones I've read so far. And I can't help but praise the kinda plot twist with the whole reading in coma. Like dude, that's fricking genius. You get used to meaningless quotes in fics all the time, but here, I love the spin on it. The characters are also great, well written, BB is not acting like a sappy fool because he's not, Anna is one of those OCs you understand because they actually make sense (it's a good thing, thank you, you have no idea how much I have problems with that almost everywhere else) and shinigami, don't let me start on them. The moment it turned out the fic was from the perspective of one I was simply shook. Good one. And the ending, if my eyes weren't dry from the reading marathon I've had (with white background and dark text, my eyes burning because I can't simply tear myself away from reading to switch it to dark theme), I would seriously cry.

And so thank you, author, you're god for writing this. I enjoyed it very much and will probably someday come back to read it again as well. Hope you're in a good health and doing well, best wishes.
nattonoway chapter 33 . 10/23/2018
i love this so mUCH, [ beyond ] words oh gosh. their relationship is one i loved to read, it was so real? so human, and the ending has me WRITHING. it was so utterly fitting my heart actually hurts rn. Thank you for writing this and sharing the gem that is Anna with us :((( im gnna go stare into the distance n cry now WEEPS
Descending001 chapter 26 . 2/25/2017
Is it bad I laughed when he mentioned that Misora would have a long happy life? LOVE THIS BOOK BTW ️
Squishy4953 chapter 33 . 11/8/2016
Well...I can't really say that this ending is completely unexpected.
But overall, it really is a beautiful story with its own sad/happy ending. I don't know what to think about this really. It's good, (obviously!) and I love it but I'm suspended in some dead, numb state as I slowly realise just how sad this story is.
Eh, I'm supposed to be revising for my exams next week but this story just kept me going :D
I'm really cold now.
Might as well head to bed.
Thanks for such a great story! :D
Squishy4953 chapter 29 . 11/8/2016
Squishy4953 chapter 27 . 11/8/2016
Haha, yes, that is such a great two words.
Wah, I'm afraid of that heavy feeling...
...When you know it's not a happily ever after.
Squishy4953 chapter 21 . 11/8/2016 slowly making me nervous.
Anna! What's wrong with you!?
*shakes her violently*
Tell me!
Squishy4953 chapter 19 . 11/8/2016
Oh god. I've read two stories (both of which are amazingly good) that both paint L in a horrible and terrifying light (hah, see what I did :D).
He's really starting to freak me out.
Is it bad that I don't even mind that the two (which are so cute together) killing people and that the supposed good guy is really making me nervous?
I hope I never meet L...
Aegri Somnia Vana chapter 22 . 6/24/2016
Oh lord!
Aegri Somnia Vana chapter 21 . 6/24/2016
The last line! GOSH... *cries*
Aegri Somnia Vana chapter 11 . 5/26/2016
This chapter was just amazing. The angst was just exhilarating! And B was sooo B-ish! :'3
Az23bv chapter 4 . 5/26/2016
Too lazy to login!
Heheheh...a head? *grins* Oh B!
Aegri Somnia Vana chapter 3 . 5/25/2016
Firstly the sweets... then he's her boyfriend! I feel like squeezing the life outta B... x'D
Anna's exasperation is utterly hilarious!
Aegri Somnia Vana chapter 2 . 5/25/2016
I just love how you express B... and her reactions to B's actions are just hilarious. Too fun to read and they make me downright jolly! xDD
So B is going to use her huh? Really looking forward to this...
Time to click NEXT!
wyteeth chapter 33 . 4/9/2016
Seriously though this was an amazing read, enjoyed every chapter and really felt that each chapter had something to give!
I especially loved the change that each character went through by the end of the story: two good-looking devils like Anna and Beyond and turn them into a bandaged smoked sausage and a discolored shinigami.
Anna and Beyond's relationship just felt so real (perhaps a little too real haha) and it's something I don't often enjoy since I read fiction BECAUSE I want Beyond to have a happy ending but you pulled it off spectacularly! I wouldn't change the plot of your story for anything.
Wish I could wipe my memory so I could read this a second time haha but do continue writing please! You definitely are a great writer and your stories are all worth reading:)
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