Reviews for YoGPoeM
HUGE FAN chapter 1 . 9/19/2016
best poem I evr read
lik everytim
moar pls
SwiftShadowDragon chapter 20 . 8/18/2013
Nice one, and I agree on the last part. :)
OOOO! Tell meeeeee!
CharlieChalkers chapter 20 . 8/17/2013
That was so sweet. Awwwwwww. Can't wait for whats coming and congratulations for your 20th YoGPoeM! Xx
CharlieChalkers chapter 19 . 8/16/2013
OMG. He feels. I'm crying.
SwiftShadowDragon chapter 18 . 8/15/2013
:) Like it.

Can you do one about Lalna, aka Duncan?
SwiftShadowDragon chapter 17 . 8/15/2013
Yey you post! :D Nice.
CharlieChalkers chapter 18 . 8/15/2013
I fupping love you! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
Guest chapter 17 . 8/14/2013
You're a great poet I love poems so far :D

Can you do one for Martyn please!
Or Martyn and Toby XD
Inosyc chapter 17 . 8/14/2013
... Is it weird if I always sing these poems rather than say them poetically? I just can't get around the thought of rhyming poems that aren't songs... *sigh*
SwiftShadowDragon chapter 16 . 8/13/2013
Didn't get first one but; Isabel Peculiar, Minty?, and is it you? XD
SwiftShadowDragon chapter 15 . 8/13/2013
Yey! How are you so good at poems?
I fail at poems lol! XD
Inosyc chapter 16 . 8/12/2013
Ok... I can guess most of them...

Number 1: Granny Bacon!
2: Isabelle Peculiar!
3: Urm... I think this is from an episode of SOI I haven't watched.
4: Survey says - *phoenix wright point* You, Yogscastrules! You are the youtube commenter!
CharlieChalkers chapter 15 . 8/11/2013
Awesome! I want more Nilesy!
Jman14102 chapter 12 . 7/4/2013
Guest chapter 10 . 7/2/2013
Will you do a poem on rythian please.
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