Reviews for No Holds Barred
Fantooome chapter 4 . 10/19/2015
This story was absolutely perfect! I loved it! Amazing job, kudos !
Guest chapter 4 . 6/19/2015
you are a genius, you had me reading the most disturbing thing ever and laughing.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/3/2015
OMG I absolutely loved your story! That was just perfect!
You're an amazing writer!
Please, can you write an interview of Tyler? That could be very interessant to know his version of the story. If you want..

And thank you for this great story.

(sorry for the bad english, I'm french..)
RedCatEye chapter 4 . 12/28/2014
This was so perfect and funny! I kinda wanna see a version where he interviews Tyler, kinda get his side of the story.
TARossum chapter 4 . 2/3/2014
I'm not into slash but this was fucking awesome. The best story I've ever read. I loved the format, language, violence, fucking everything. Whole damn thing. You just blew my mind. I can't wait to read it again.

If I ever happen to meet Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose/Jonathan Good, I'll tell him to read this. I would love to see his reaction.
Mizzy681 chapter 4 . 12/29/2013
Damn, this might be one of the most disturbing, hottest and best stories I've ever read on here. At first I wasn't sure about the shoot interview format, but I'm so glad I gave it a try after all. Fucking awesome. I want more Moxley from you!
ColorMeChromatic chapter 4 . 11/2/2013
Wow. Your characterization, in my opinion at least, was amazing, and this was just wow. Can I just leave it at that? :) Amazing read!
ClarellyJelly chapter 3 . 10/6/2013
...I feel dirty reading this but I CAINT STOP!
IrishCreamTruffle chapter 4 . 7/13/2013
*tries to wipe drool off my keyboard in vain... offers it to StreetOfAlice as a token of worship*

No? You don't want it? ... That's okay. I don't blame you. *puts bucket of "No Holds Barred" drool on shelf for later date*

After the fucking epicness you've put me through with this, you can say "throbbing member" every other fucking word and I will still fangirl over you.

Quotation Rambles:

"Seriously, if you ever get a chance to kiss the guy- just do it, it doesn't matter if you're a dude or not, you'll understand." - I love Mox's sexuality in this... love how he's so nonchalant about it even in an environment where being gay would be such a big deal, you know? But he's just a normal, fucked up guy about it. There's the mix of real guy Mox and Crazy Mox voice that's oddly endearing. And... it's just a wise, great suggestion, as well...

"Listen, if I'm a messed up dude, then Tyler's a sick fuck, because he kissed me right the fuck back. In fact, he wrapped both shaking hands around my head and held me there against him, bleeding all over us both. He's got a really sweet quality to his kisses, though, especially when he's scared." - You run so many gamuts in the course of three sentences here that it blows my mind. 1. How incredibly FUCKED UP the both of them are... like no going back PSYCHO 2. Such a fucking sweetness and romanticism... the way they collide and give and take 3. A beautiful and detailed narrative... but so specifically and unmistakably in Mox's voice... it boggles my mind how you do it, it really does... but I'm endlessly impressed.

"...they'd probably do an autopsy and they'd pump your stomach and see that it's full of my come and they'd fucking know what a slut you were. That you died a fucking cocksucker." And he was like, "Then they'd know it was you, motherfucker," and I was like, "No, they'd know it was SOMEBODY, you fucking slut. You think I've got a record or something?" - This back and forth kills me, how they're going back and forth almost playfully over such a fucking serious thing... It's so them. Even though this is 100% from Mox's POV, Tyler's voice comes across so clearly too. He's the submissive here, but in a way... he uses it just as strongly to dominate... fucking takes over Mox's head and soul... takes Mox for everything just the way Mox takes him.

"Shit. I'd be halfway across the fucking country, remembering what your black fucking eyes looked like when you stopped breathing, and jacking off to the thought of your last gasps as I strangled the fucking life out of you. Remembering what it felt like to feel you struggle until you finally submitted to me. Forever." - Such a fucked up thing to say... and yet, it's so fucking beautiful and poetic... an homage. Might be my favorite line in this entire thing... and believe me... it's hard to choose.

"I expected Tyler to get up as soon as he could fucking focus his eyes again, so I didn't really register it when I felt his hand run along my arm until he took the cigarette from me. And he took the longest drag- didn't even cough or anything! He handed it back to me, rolled to his side, snaked his arm across my body and then it was just him breathing in my ear. Just breathing. The fucker fell asleep against the guy who tried to kill him." - Insanely beautiful. Tyler... that fearless motherfucker... Jon almost kills him and he curls up against him like some sleepy puppy. It couldn't be anymore messed up... it couldn't be anymore beautiful... it couldn't be anymore perfect.

"I got soap on my body I noticed that my side really fucking hurt. Like, it was stinging like a motherfucker. I pulled the curtain back on the shower so I could see myself in the mirror and I guess while I was really out of it Tyler had carved his fucking phone number into my side." - Every time I think this can't get more epic or amazing, it does... Tyler just goes blow for blow with Mox; it's beautiful. There's a real sense that they're just these insane SOUL MATES.

This is one of the best things I've had the pleasure of reading. As far as I'm concerned, you can put out your worst piece of writing for the next fic... I'll still worship it. This fic will stay with me. It was worth every well analyzed word.

I've got my eye on you, you beautiful, crazy fuck :-)
ApolloGoGo chapter 1 . 7/10/2013
Remember that time in Oliver Twist a scared little Oliver Twist walked up to the scary guy and said "Please sir, I want more please." Yeah imagine Oliver Twist had long dark hair, black glasses, was a girl, and called you ma'am...
lilasskickersmom chapter 1 . 7/9/2013
I just found this story...friggin amazing! Absolutely incredible! Thank you for writing it!
Jamie Ambrose chapter 4 . 7/9/2013
what a fuckin amazing story. i can totally imagine all that shit. that was so jon moxley. great job
mxjoyride chapter 4 . 7/6/2013
Oh man.

So yeah.

This thing, right here.

Way to go after my heart with the murder talk. And fucking depraved bendy Tyler up in here with this epic orgasm.


Please write more THINGS.
Guest chapter 4 . 7/5/2013
Wow! Good story. Dark twisted. Totally Mox!
isthisjustfantasy chapter 4 . 7/5/2013
Damn... good job you! Unique way to tell a story with the same ultimate effect. That is, making me go... hot damn!
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