Reviews for Little Changes
Tot chapter 20 . 2/16/2019
Hey! Really liked this fic!

I hope you post the next character soon, I wish that Harry and Hermione end up together :)
Slytherin's Pimp chapter 20 . 5/31/2017
Not bad
N7 Greek-Valkyrie chapter 20 . 5/25/2017
The last bit made me chuckle. Please continue? I look forward to how it ends.
GrizzlyBear5704 chapter 10 . 4/10/2017
Adelaide? Why Adelaide? Why not something better, like Melbourne?
Yaw6113 chapter 20 . 12/28/2016
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and enjoyed it a lot.
Yaw613 chapter 20 . 12/27/2016
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot.
tpx1 chapter 20 . 8/24/2016
nice story so far
please continue!
JPElles chapter 20 . 8/14/2016
This seems to be becoming a Harry/Hermione again. Poor Tonks.

Anyway I love Hermione but the girls as creative as a brick wall. I think she needs someone like Harry, Ron, or the twins there too put in some more original ideas, and to keep her from making things needlessly complicated.

It's like a story I read once where Harry's unlocking knife he got from Sirius broke and Harry fixed it. Hermione was yelling at him not believing he could fix it since she tried for months to find a way and turned up nothing. Harry simply cast a spell to find out what spells or enchantments were on it. Took them off or transferred them to something else I cant remember. cast the repair charm. Than put them back on. Simple.
Guest chapter 20 . 8/12/2016
I really love this story and am looking forward to the next chapter! However, my nerd is showing: sound doesn't travel in sine waves. Sine waves are called transverse waves; sound travels in longitudinal waves, which are more like circles or lines that bump into each other. That's why vibrations make sound because particles bump into each other. It's more a transfer of energy between particles than an actual sound wave moving from one point to another. Sorry about all that: I'm a physics major and the misinformation really bothered me
Dault3883 Barron Backslash chapter 20 . 8/12/2016
good chapter please keep the updates coming
HoosierCullen chapter 20 . 8/12/2016
I don't think this was a weird chapter but really showed the closeness of Harry and Hermione and how they are working on their relationship. I kind of am seeing them being a better couple in this chapter than Harry and Tonks. Harry is there to care and comfort Hermione even when she pushes him away and is the mediator between her and Ron even after the break up. Harry doesn't take either ones side in the break up but Is there for them both. I think that their back and forth and brainstorming was a good part of the chapter and showed that Harry isn't some dunderhead and is able to work back and fort with Hermione on ideas.
alec-potter chapter 20 . 8/12/2016
Nice chapter. Interesting thought, liked the instant messaging more than phone.
jkarr chapter 20 . 8/12/2016
this is a nice chapter.
DraacoClaye chapter 19 . 8/9/2016
I can't wait for the next chapter. I honestly didn't think I'd like this as much as I did. Keep the chapters rolling yo!
Shalifi chapter 19 . 8/9/2016
I like the talk about time travel. It sort of references some of the multitude of time travel Harmony stories. My favorite one is an older one where Hermione is shown her only happy future would have been with Harry. While Harry will eventually be happy with someone. lol. So she goes back in time. Funny random one shot.
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