Reviews for Dawn and Moon Wars
Sidallee chapter 1 . 9/30/2018
So you cut your stories with Ruby out, huh?
Nova chapter 1 . 7/29/2016
It has been years, but I still love this fic and will treasure what there is of it.
arnhotaru chapter 24 . 6/23/2013
Interesting story, continue please!
Jess Angel chapter 22 . 8/18/2012
This was LOVE. Seriously intense. All that beautiful tension in both couples... and boom, amazing. What I was waiting for. -happy sigh- You pulled that off splendidly. I was always a Heero and Relena fan, but I think this was where I was like, Duo and Dorothy done right leaves me wanting more - shocked! Hahah. The scenes for each pair built up perfectly. I can't say any more. One of my favorite chapters if not The Favorite, so far. Write on!

Jess 0:o)
Jess Angel chapter 21 . 8/18/2012
Dear, Figgy! After leaving this place for some years, it's wonderful to see that you're still trying to get this down. That is why I was always hesitant to write anything with multiple chapters unless I had it done right away. But I am so glad that wasn't your mentality and that I read your piece so many years ago and have the chance to read a few more chapter updates that I wasn't around to see. I hope life is well and looking back here to this site gives you much pleasure. Sending you positive thoughts and inspiring muses, hoping you finish this one day and continue to write and share.

Such an epic battle of magic with Dorothy and this Avila; I give you so much credit for describing that and creating your own magic doing so. Everything is so original, detailed, vivid, and draws so much wonderful characterization! Thank you for trying to keep going, and I look forward to the rest as always.

Jess 0:o)
jack the shmee chapter 24 . 9/8/2011
OMFG! I just saw that you updated your author page! I cannot tell you how very thrilled I am that you're still alive and kicking! I'm a Gundam freak from back in the day, and I've been reading your fics since D&MW was in it's second chapter! It's a story I re-read on a annual basis, just because I love it so very much.

D&MW is the only believable Duo/Dorothy fic I've ever read, and I LOVE your characterizations of all the GW cast.

Thanks so, so much for writing and I hope you're continually well and happy.
Eloa chapter 24 . 5/18/2009
It's been a long time since I read this story. It is a very well written piece, I just wish that it was finished. We haven't heard from you in a long time. Hope everything is going okay for you. I hope that one day you will continue this story as it is a very good story! Okay I'm done :). Again hope to see an update on this! ;)
Relena Peace chapter 24 . 8/8/2007
Oh please, please, PLEASE update! I would LOVE to know what happens next ! I'm BEGGING you! :: tear :: Paweeze!

:: huggles ::

~Relena Peace
Relena Peace chapter 1 . 8/6/2007
oh, very good so far. I'll have to come back later and read the rest, but I am very very interested in what's going to happen!

:: huggles ::

~Relena Peace
Midge-14 chapter 24 . 5/10/2007
Oh wow! I just finished reading this and it's amazing. I love the way you've twisted the story into a complex pattern, with the different paths the characters take, that is now starting to come together with the Dawn's summoning. Your story makes me feel like I'm reading a real fantasy novel and you've integrated the characters so well they just flow into the story.

I have to say that I was a bit unsure about the Duo/Dorothy relationship at first but it was intriguing because getting those two together is not the easiest thing. The added complication of Quatre and the blood dagger really makes her character and you describe it so well that I love reading Dorothy's scenes.

I understand that it's hard to update but I'm really impressed that you've kept going because it's so easy to let go and just abandon work left too long. I hope I can be just as dedicated with my AU fic and see it through to completion but for the moment I'll say great work and although I haven't been with this from the start, I'll definitely stick around to see it end. _
Aistaraina Eruwaedhiel chapter 1 . 11/12/2006
I found this same story on a site called under the name of Tura. Did you post that?
Rigel66 chapter 1 . 7/26/2006
I have been following this story for years now, and it is still one of my favorites. Hope you stick with it. I would really love to see the resolution.
jagan-I chapter 24 . 1/27/2006
blue eyes chapter 24 . 11/26/2005
woohoo another update... thank you soo much ! you did a great job as usual
Oh Boy Enjoi chapter 24 . 11/26/2005 I thought this story was dead! Thank you so much for updating! *waterfall tears*
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