Reviews for Dragonearth
TurboWolf chapter 7 . 4/22
I've read this story three or four times, and Chapter 7 still makes me cry.

Good stuff, man. *sniff* Good stuff.

ElementofHeart chapter 31 . 4/15
Honestly thank you for leaving a summary! At least I know how you planned for all this to end and I'm glad it ends with these two getting the happiness that they deserve :) Also gonna have to agree with you on the how FT fandom being toxic - it was why I lost interest in it, alongside the equally shitty ending of the manga series (which I totally agree with you, was ultimately killed any interest I had in coming back to it). But I'm happy to see a fic I'd been reading since I was in middle school finally get the conclusion it deserved.
Bittersteel626 chapter 1 . 1/11
Lee-Zemio chapter 31 . 12/20/2019
Plz make a sequel I'm a huge nali fan
alexeliatrope chapter 22 . 11/2/2019
This chapitre makes Lucy a real bitch. What she does to Natsu is juste horrible. She violates him forces him to reveal everything about himself without a choice. I think i've never hated a fictionnal character so much. I think i'll stop reading here. I loved all thé previous chapter but this le way too horrible
jules828 chapter 31 . 10/6/2019
Kirara-Elfkin chapter 22 . 8/2/2019
While I enjoyed it up to this point I can only call what Lucy did in this chapter a total violation, the equivalent of mental rape. I can't read any more.
ElementalF1re chapter 31 . 6/14/2019
Heyo! It's totally fine that you've decided to do this and just letting you know that I support you! I also loved this story so much, it was so unique and original and I would've loved to see where it could go but understand your reasoning for stopping! I'll be interested in your other stories though! (I'm not really bothered to sign in) Good luck in the storied to come and the fandoms you join!
TurboWolf chapter 31 . 6/14/2019
Dag nabbit!

Why must my favorite story end!?
The notification for Chapter 31 made me hope against hope that this was more, but it was not to be.
Here's to hoping Blacksoundwave can carry on the legacy.
I salute you for this masterpiece, and will still wish for its continuation.

Although, I must say I haven't met the toxic side of the fandom. Maybe I'm small enough to escape their ire. That you haven't is a testament to your capabilities.

YumiKnowsBest chapter 31 . 6/14/2019
Despite the sadness and disappointment I have that you lost your love of fairy tail, or just writing about it, Im happy to see how you would have ended it and it is a little rushed, mainly the acnologia vs Natsu, but I like it quite a lot. It's also safe to assume that the outcast Dragon king series cancelled as well, right? I can't wait to read more stories you make. Also, I'd like to ask if you were to leave these stories up and not take them down. Thanks
DragoBlack chapter 31 . 6/14/2019
god damn man, and here I was just FINALLY finding this story and began binge reading the entire thing in a day. I got so emotionally invested in the story that I was greatly angered by your decision to cancel it and regardless of the fact, I decided to respect your decision as I'd rather its former quality stay where it was and your version of the story end there rather than you keep going and the quality of the story ultimately dropping by a fuck ton. I do hope that by some ungodly chance, you decide to come back to this story sometime in the future though. I do look forward to your later works and I've actually started working on my own, one of them with what I'd came up with so far I feel really proud of, but sadly I just don't think my writing skills would me good enough. anyway, I hope you live a good life and bring forth many exciting and enjoyable fics to read.
JD98 chapter 31 . 6/14/2019
Yeah, I know what you mean about the Fairy Tail fandom, I was disappointed with the ending too and some of the behaviour from fans is astounding. Ironically, when you point this out, those same people start complaining about how somehow we're in the wrong for having a justified opinion. I did a rewrite based on another rewrite of the series (with the author's permission) and I received a PM that was basically a strawman about me writing 'bash-fics'... none of my fics involve bashing the series. Anyway, a shame this won't continue but it was a fun ride while it lasted, I'll see about checking out the other guy.
Gamma-X chapter 31 . 6/13/2019
Huh.. sounds nice. Guess I'll go see the other guy who picked it up. Thanks for the notification and information about the rest of the story. I'm content with just this. Thanks again.
Flaredragon117 chapter 31 . 6/13/2019
It's unfortunate to hear about you not continuing the story but I understand your reasons. I was upset about Fairy Tail's ending too and all the crazy fans out there.
And I'm happy that you at least put the rest of the plot for us, gave a good closure for the story at least.
Thank you and have a great time with your other stories
Bonzenz chapter 31 . 6/13/2019
If I could put a crying emoji here I would but I don’t think it will work out so yeah I’m sad.
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