Reviews for The Raven
JaniceC678 chapter 23 . 2/3/2019
So glad I found this again and was able to read the whole thing. Great story!
JaniceC678 chapter 19 . 2/3/2019
Ha! Glad THAT is finally sorted out. Loved Dean's Not Threat, LOL! And good job an making Fuller and the medical people realistically concerned - not total dicks. Some stories I've read with a similar scenario make the people trying to protect Sam from an apparent abuser out to be total jerks. But you manage to keep it to them doing their jobs...and really, they had cause to be concerned. But they were at least open to seeing and sensing the truth.
JaniceC678 chapter 8 . 2/3/2019
Apparently I started reading this ages ago over on LJ, but it was still a WIP, so I'm not sure I ever actually finished it. Anyway, I was going through some old stuff I had saved and decided that, even if I had finished, it was probably time for a reread anyway, LOL. So just pausing partway through to say how much I'm loving this! The interludes at the hospital? Yeah...seriously, how does any medical provider treat these guys and think that they WEREN'T abused?

And I love a good ghost story, and that's ramping up so nicely...the locked in a tomb scenario - wow. But what REALLY made me pause here is to say THANK YOU for the whole you-didn't-look-for-me-in-purgatory conversation. OMG...the show SOOO needed to throw a few lines in to that effect because, come on...did they REALLY expect us to buy that Sam had never even tried? That has to be singularly the most contrived plot line in the 14 years so far, contrived just to create drama and stress between them. UGH! So thanks for covering that! Anyway...time to go do adult person things for a while, but hopefully will get back to this later today.
Black Fungus chapter 5 . 8/2/2018
ok, I was wondering if he was full grown or a flashback to younger age. I was thinking full grown. ;)
Black Fungus chapter 4 . 8/2/2018
You owe me a hot girl. That was so Dean.
Sallyannerenee chapter 23 . 1/9/2017
This is a great story! Loved all the brother moments sprinkled through. Interesting case to solve, too.
Luvthe70s chapter 1 . 12/21/2016
I know I'm late to the party here but just wanted to say this story was great. The plot/mystery was very well thought out and creative and interesting. Sam and Dean were written very believable. I'd pretty much given up on finding a hurt sam story that didn't OD on the comfort. Thanks for writing it, I really enjoyed it. I'm off to go read some more of your stuff :)
Toothtooth chapter 23 . 2/23/2016
This is brilliant, I love it. I love how you write the interaction of the brothers and hoe Dean thinks. You made me giggle my way through this as a result. I also love how protective the brothers are as I imagine that's what they would be like, beautiful work
Rain of the Forest chapter 11 . 12/4/2015
If Dean doesn't hurt someone soon, he won't have to because I'LL be doing it for him.
Rain of the Forest chapter 9 . 12/4/2015
You just summoned the wraith of Dean Winchester, Older Big Brother Who you DO NOT want to mess with.
Halmaethor chapter 23 . 9/21/2015
Nice job on this one. Wow.

Such a complex plot, and you handled it so well, so that even before all the 'big reveal' information in Poe's letter and the details on Lou West, I felt I had ENOUGH information to follow the story so far. (Of course, it WAS reassuring that you highlighted just how little DEAN understood what was happening - it meant that I could be sure I wasn't just being dense!)

You addressed the Purgatory issue well. I also love (in that kind of 'Oh NO!' way) the idea that Hallucifer came back for a while after the events of 7.23. "I didn't have Stone Number One." was a wonderful way of putting it. (Rip my heart out why don't you? ;) )
Also, the idea that Sam now understands Enochian after the Cage is one of my favourite headcanons, so I'm pleased to see that make an appearance.

I feel that I ought to congratulate you on one point particularly. You included, what, FIVE hugs (or hug-like events) in one story? You're one of the few authors I've read who can do that kind of thing without making things overly mushy or OOC, so you deserve MAJOR kudos for that.

Other points of note -
One: I really liked Fuller's perspective in the interludes, his shifting trust of Dean and eventual siding with the 'Smith's - especially liked his musings on how he may actually HELP Dean cause Lou bodily harm, and his reaction to Garth's (very Garth-like) statement - "Do you really care?" (Also, Fuller's description of Garth was great.)
Two: something that really got me was Sam waking up in the coffin, and the realisation that he was lying on the skeleton - that was genuinely creepy and well-written. The Cage flashbacks were excellently interspersed in that scene, and Sam's general reaction to that situation had the right balance of fear in my opinion - he IS a hunter, and he's been to Hell, but waking up like that has still got to be freaking scary. In fact, the inclusion of the Cage flashbacks there means it's easy to believe that that kinda thing only gets harder with experience of the supernatural (and the subsequent PTSD FROM that experience), and as such Sam didn't seem to be overreacting at all.

Great story. I loved the gradual build of the plot, and all in all this was a wonderful read, so thanks for posting it!
Sonic Key chapter 23 . 7/11/2015
Fantastic story, the Interludes were awesome! I loved seeing Dean protective over Sam, and furious Fuller and Dora would even suggest he abused him! This was defenitly a creepy story, especially when Sam got locked in the coffin itself. That's got to be one of the worse ways to die, I feel bad for both Sam and Marguerite. I'm glad she finally found her peace, though, and Robert was defeated!
Rafaela Amanda chapter 3 . 6/25/2015
I will make a campaign: More stories with wounded Sammy in the ICU, haha because it is simply amazing and perfect
ellie.reynolds.777 chapter 21 . 6/12/2015
This was freaking fantastic! OMG Fabulous fic ever written on Sam and Dean brotherly bond relationship! The case fic is so perfect and creepy and hauntingly sad I can so see this as an episode in the show. Your in dept description to all the characters was AMAZING and Realistic. LOVE LOVE that you drew in some type of Edgar Allen Poe story-isque (is that even a word?).
You send shivers down my spine when Sam was taken twice and ended in the crypt first outside the coffin and then inside (OMG!-I FREAK along with Sam). This was totally awesome you totally scared me with this and also made me mad with the hospital staff :) perfect amount of fluff and love between the brothers- Do you have more like this that you would recommend?

I love and I am a sucker for fics where Dean rescues/Save his baby brother and then takes care of him also love geeky research Sammy and you cover all the bases here with this!

I was looking for fics like this specific theme after reading a couple of "Teenchester" fics involving CPS after Sam and Dean. And I had wonder Since now adult Sam tends to get the most kidnapped and hurt Dean takes him to the hospital a lot wouldn't some MDs or RN get suspicious for that too.
Would't it be hilarious that Dean has to still deal with- not CPS but with ADULT protective Services.
I picture Dean and Sam rolling their eyes thinking "oh god really?!" SO I made a request in LiveJournal SPN Storyfinders and was led to this story- thank you for writing this kind of story. I wish there were more out there like this written
Loosely Divided chapter 10 . 8/20/2014
Great story so far :)
Sam with no wi-fi! Gasp! The horror!
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