Reviews for Power Ripples
emma chapter 4 . 3/11/2019
i thought this was supposed to focused on yamcha? He wasn't mentioned a single time...
LW.exe chapter 8 . 8/20/2017
It may be late for a review, but...

This story is great! You handle well the "Yamcha survive" au , making the humans revelant without them being gods or something.
warriorofdark chapter 7 . 10/14/2015
Nobody died in that battle im surprised. This though was one of the best nappa/vegeta battles ive ver read.
warriorofdark chapter 6 . 10/14/2015
this battle with great ape vegeta is incredible everyone working together to beat the crap out of a more powerful opponent
warriorofdark chapter 4 . 10/13/2015
holy shit nappa was taken out before goku even got there that was surprising
this story is heating up quickly
Herraidous chapter 8 . 9/22/2015
This story is awesome! Please update soon...if you have a schedule, could you just PM me?
trebeh chapter 1 . 8/15/2015
Yamcha sticking around means that there's more time for his and Bulma's relationship. Hopefully this means it will be stronger by the time the Frieza saga is over, and if there is a Trunks in this story Yamcha will be his father.
Hyp3rB14d3 chapter 8 . 4/29/2015
This is a pretty good fic. Enough so that it's disappointing to see it hasn't been updated since the end of last year. Here's hoping it's not dead.
leftmyaccountconsideritdeleted chapter 8 . 4/9/2015
I check on this story every day to read the next chapter. Please post the next chapter. A lot many things would be different in the Frieza and Cell sagas if the humans and piccolo won't die in the Saiyan saga. Please continue, this story has great potential. Can't wait to see what happens next!
Ky111 chapter 8 . 3/17/2015
Great story and hopefully you'll continue it.

EVA-Saiyajin chapter 8 . 3/9/2015
Quite a nice and interesting divergence. Well written and with good details.
Son of Whitebeard chapter 8 . 1/3/2015
will we see King Cold and very exciting
sarista wow chapter 8 . 1/2/2015
Just got through the first scene, and overall very impressive, good descriptions, nice background details and fairly solid flow overall as well as fairly in character dialogue. Though why does Goku call Chichi Chi? I'm also pretty sure they've all met Kami at this point and Goohan and Krillen yelling sort of feels out of place for them. Kind of leery about the dragon-ball transference as they are magic, Goku's a warrior, there is a reason Piccolo can't make them which seems to be tied to that. I'm also fairly certain the DBs are not connected to the guardianship of earth. It was nice to see Kami call Goku out on his motives for sparing Vegeta and try to cover exactly why sparing a genocidal planet killer in the hopes of fighting him again is not a good idea.

The second scene has some good descriptions, but a few feel more tell than show in some cases or I suppose frame the descriptions a bit awkwardly. Wait Vegeta meditating?! His 'thanking' the doctor was great. The scene had some solid dialogue, I'm surprised Cui wasn't there but not following the stations of canon is good and Vegeta felt quite in character. Though I'm a tad surprised replacing missing limbs isn't standard procedure.

Scene three, a good scene overall, nice to see Piccolo hasn't lost his edge yet and the dialogue and scene descriptions were very solid. I think you could use terms like 'he and she' a bit more when describing actions sometimes. Though Piccolo's last line had a great effect and Goku thinking more deeply is great it felt a bit.. ff for him, maybe not as harsh or cruel or sarcastic as I'd have figured but that's a minor thing and Goku's thoughts on it were excellent.

Scene four, good interaction between Bulma and Yamcha to kick it off, though would the Namekian spaceship have wires and computer chips? I think some of the descriptions for feeling sometimes fall into a tell over show manner, not often but it pops up sometimes (Like in the Bulma explains bit.) Cool idea with her making the scouter, and nice to see Yamcha motivated, a little confused why he keeps going for gym equipment, though it is amusing and wouldn't he already know he stacks up poorly? Strong scene overall, the character gave a good impression of being comfortable with one another without feeling OOC or too close.

Scene five, I've got mixed feelings about the time descriptions being used as they can sort of take me out of it, but are relatively minor all things considered. I'm a little surprised things haven't changed much given people actually know whose responsible for saving earth this time. Kind of leery over Chichi approving of the changes in Gohan, and Gohan himself showing an interest in martial arts, a large part of his character is only training when he has a reason as opposed to out of any love for the art or violence. Excellent description about the cast trying to readjust, the time, the ill-fitting clothes, everything seeming distant very well articulated. Great work with the nightmare, too many people forget Gohan is a kid and not like Goku or Yamcha, or any or even Krillen, raised in an environment that encouraged hunting, or violence so his nightmares make a great amount of sense, and that is a very awesome, and terrifying, cliffhanger.

How on earth will Vegeta have fun times, there's a minimum of five people who can utterly break him in a one on fight there?

I'm guessing Kami will call them? Then maybe they come back and find earth is being messed up by another set of villains, ooh or maybe they have to split up, that would be cool.

Overall great chapter, I'm happy to see this updating again, I wonder what you'll be doing with the, I assume, Garlic Junior arc?
0 Jordinio 0 chapter 8 . 12/31/2014
You should list power levels.
ShadowLDrago chapter 8 . 12/30/2014
I really like how the characters are portrayed here, especially Yamcha, whom it'd be easy to take the TFS route and make a Butt Monkey, I know they do it in good humor, but, still, I'm glad that while he's aware the Saiyans outclass him, and he's still a bit shy around girls, nothing like that goes away completely, he is aware of his weaknesses and is trying to work on them for a very noble goal, protecting Bulma. Also, for Chi Chi, once again, it'd be easy to make her obsessed with Gohan doing homework and going hysterical with great ease, but the way you show that while she is a loving mother and may not exactly like Gohan training with Piccolo, she's proud that he can now stand up for himself and has grown up, as it were. I like how Piccolo feels genuinely sinister here, he may have changed, but he's still a villain who happens to be fighting alongside Goku and co because it's his best option, not the Anti Hero he becomes later on. Also, Vegeta, yeah, giving him a prosthesis without his explicit permission, no wonder he's mad about that. Also, looks like Tree of Might is next, should be fun, I do hope Goku can get back in his bed though, heal fast or not he did take a lot of damage during the fight and while he may not be a genius, and he is a bit of an Idiot Hero sometimes, he does have common sense and knows that while it may be no fun staying in bed doing nothing, it means he heals faster and can get back to full strength faster. I get the feeling sometimes that while he does enjoy fighting and training, there are moments when he just wants to relax and have fun whom he clearly loves, I pity the fool who threatens them while Goku's around, he is definitely a Nice Guy, but beware his anger, if you hurt his friends and or family, he will go ape on you. No pun intended. Frieza learned that the hard way.
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