Reviews for Sweet Dreams
deletes chapter 1 . 1/7/2014
Holy wow. That was amazing. I know everyone is saying this, but you pulled off this pairing brilliantly. This was so dark, but so well written and I just loved it. I loved how you showed Teddy getting more and more obsessed with Tom to the point where he was the only thing that mattered. I think you paced it really well, with him being scared at first, after Tom's confession, but then ending up abusing sleeping potions just to see him again. And the dripping and splashing motif was fantastic. I'd love to know /how/ Tom started appearing in his dreams, but I didn't mind having the mystery.
musefan929 chapter 1 . 1/3/2014
Wow, where to get started? This was well written, the dialogue was done well and I liked the dream element. It was a good narrative device that worked for the story.

I suppose I don't read too much angst to really know what to do with it. This is extremely disturbing. It really affects me to think that Voldemort could somehow maintain power after death. It's like there was another horcrux or some similiar dark magic object lingering around that is causing these disturbing thoughts for Teddy.

Teddy gets carried away deliriously quick, and it is truly saddening to read. I have to admit, the last part is very concerning to me. Suicide and suicidal thoughts don't crop up over night and are usually the result of severe depression. So whether this was caused by magic, Voldemort, obsession, or depression, it is all very dark. Kudos, I suppose, for such a haunting piece.
alverixorcustransfrogamorphus chapter 1 . 7/30/2013
Whoooaaa Voldemort can't leave well enough alone can he? I really liked how you set this out too, it was interesting and kind of like Ginny with the diary. Poor Vic though, can you imagine waking up one morning and your significant other being like yo i'm actually gay and I've found a man. I really liked this though!

Nayla xx
Ebaz chapter 1 . 7/29/2013
Wow. This really creeped me out (in a good way!), especially the end... It's scary how Tom managed to manipulate him, even from a dream, and to see Teddy develop this intense need for him was really scary. Good job, though!
pottergoose chapter 1 . 7/29/2013
Oh god what a disturbing, upsetting fic. First of all, extremely well written, no spelling or grammar issues, kept with the characters, flow was beautiful, and it worked quite well. Wth that beign said, this is definitely not my type of story, but I guess feeling disturbed by this story is really what you're trying to convey by the emotion transmitted on screen. I still can't figure out how Tom got into Teddy's dreams, but it was just a downward slope from there, and it was very painful to watch. the one saving grace was he didn't bring riddle back to life, bc who knows what that might have meant, but seeing him commit suicide for him just tore at my heart.
deerlypadfoot chapter 1 . 7/27/2013
Okay oh my god WOW this was so intense! The regression of Teddy's sense is a little tragic, but well founded in Tom's charm, I think. I was torn in indecision between Tom and Victoire, because as much as I wanted him with her, there was also some strange appeal with Tom. LOL. Is that awful? I dunno.
Anyway, this entire dream world premise was fascinating for certain. Especially the way that Tom manipulates him into killing himself. I wish it was a little more clear if Tom was actually manipulating him for some ulterior motive or if he really had feelings for him, but alas it was still wonderful. Great job! :D
articcat621 chapter 1 . 7/26/2013
Woah, this was pretty angst filled. I loved it of course, but wow, as soon as I saw Tom Riddle, I just knew it would be dark. But this was really unique… I was curious as to how you would make this pairing work, and you definitely delivered. The whole story was just woven together perfectly, in that creepy sort of way.

The way you characterized Tom here was also great. Even in death he’s able to manipulate people to get what he wants. Seriously, well done.

And the use of the second person here was really good, as well as the repetitive use of drip.. drip.. drip.. That was really great, and you definitely made this pairing work! Well done!
colorful swirls chapter 1 . 7/20/2013
I was nervous about this from the beginning, just by looking at the pairing, but you did a marvelous job, Emma. Teddy was just.. I felt sorry for him, really, because I know you portrayed Tom as a good guy, but I see Tom as using Teddy. For what, I don't know. But I was mentally yelling at him for falling for it.. *sigh*

This is quite dark, and only you could've pulled it off. Amazing. :3
ProfessorSquirrell chapter 1 . 7/20/2013
You did such an awesome job with this pairing. I'm really impressed. I love dream!Tom and the way he haunts Teddy. Teddy's relationship with Victoire and how it changes is well written too... especially the way she tries so hard to help him by calling Harry in and everything.
I could picture all of this happening in my head. And the way Tom manipulates him by focusing on the few things they have in common and slowly seduces him is really well done. Great job! :)
Forever Siriusly Sirius chapter 1 . 7/18/2013
oooooooh this was really intriguing! I love the concept of this dream world, I love how teddy gradually fell in love and how it was affecting RL. This secret world reminds me of me and fanficion...secret, addictive and life ruining. but it doesn't make me suicidal :P I love Teddy, I love how he had to be with Tom and how he doesn't realise who Tom is and how he ends his real life to live in the dream world. I love manipulative tom and just wow. really good job!
Montley chapter 1 . 7/17/2013
This was a pairing that I never would have imagined, but I ended up really liking it and how you portrayed it through a dream world in which Teddy became addicted to. The second person in this story really fit, and you showed Teddy's changes throughout the story really well. The ending does make me wonder though if that's all that Tom wanted, Teddy's death.
The whole thing was really beautifully written, a truly magnificent and unique story. I really loved it!
Wonderful, wonderful work!
autumn midnights chapter 1 . 7/16/2013
This was such a strange pairing; when I saw the characters at the top of the fic I was wondering how this was going to work, but you pulled it off and made it somehow believable. I really enjoyed the dream sequences with Tom and Teddy; you wrote Tom very well, and this was such an intriguing situation. I love next-gen fics like this, to be honest, because it seems like a lot of people portray them all as being perfectly happy and normal, and I like to think that there's still a bit of trouble even after the war is over. I like the inclusion of Victoire, as well - even though I don't ship TeddyVictoire, I think it added a wonderful dynamic to the fic, showing how Teddy gradually slipped away from Victoire and into Tom's influences. This was a wonderful, odd, dark fic, and I really enjoyed reading it. It was such a creative idea, as well.
The Crownless Queen chapter 1 . 7/12/2013
What a strange pairing... I must admit that this has to be the weirdest one I've ever read, and I've read a lot :p
I liked the story though, and the setting was pretty nice. I'm not sure the use of the second person was necessary for this, but it was really beautifully done, and I liked your characterization of Tom through Teddy's experiences/thoughts, and of Teddy.
I honestly wouldn't mind reading more of this pairing actually :p
Nice job :)
loveislouder94 chapter 1 . 7/3/2013
Oh my goodness! I have never seen or read this pairing before, but this was certainly an interesting take on it! I think the fact that you wrote it in second person was very good, and the ending was just... wow. That's all I can say. I love how you started and ended it with "Drip, drip, drip." There was something so creepy about it! I also liked how near the end, Teddy sort of second guesses himself, thinking of Harry, Andromeda and Victoire, but then his need to be with Tom took over. I think it shows just how alluring and deceptive Tom can be, just like how he managed to trick Ginny into trusting him through the diary.
Nice work!
RaucousLaughter chapter 1 . 7/2/2013
I must at first, when reading the description, I was skeptical of how you would make this pairing work, but I thought the dream worked excellently. The way you wrote the dream sequences stands out as being really well-done to me, though I do love the moments after, when he wakes and with Victoire there...good tension building. I am NOT a fan of the suicide, I don't think it's necessary, I personally feel it's enough for everything in his real life to fall away from him because he's devoting so much to Tom.

"In the next few dreams you begin to hold a conversation with Tom. He's very charming and easy to talk to. You find yourself telling him things you've never told anyone, not even Victoire. Each time this happens you wake up feeling very confused and you put your arms around your girlfriend and hold her tighter." ...Loved that bit because that is so much of how Voldemort became powerful, he is described as handsome and charming so he gets what he wants through seduction. That is an avenue I wish you had explored in this story, maybe...what does Tom want from Teddy really...I will never believe he can be motivated by love or even attraction.
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