Reviews for Just A Little Longer
authorlouise chapter 9 . 4/26/2014
Wow, very 11 and River.
Aithusa chapter 9 . 3/14/2014
I absolutely love this story! It's so well written, and River and the Doctor are so in character and...right (which is a rare find)! Fantastic job, looking forward to more from you! :D
rachelahahn chapter 9 . 9/26/2013
Thank you for making me cry (that's sincere, even if it doesn't sound like it.) Beautiful story.
ammyDOS101 chapter 9 . 7/27/2013
OH MY GOD! You are MEAN! That story was so indescribably amazing and well written, and the characters were perfect, and I adored how you tied on the Library, First and Last night, and the Singing Towers.. But my heart is torn into tiny little pieces! Fjhjbkkgdukkaf! My poor feels.. :( Lol I'm so sad.. Anyways, thank you for writing this! It was very lovely :) And very sad T_T Keep writing! -ammy xoxo
SonicTeamFreeWill chapter 3 . 7/24/2013
I wasn't going to review til I finished but he last line was just too freaking adorable. This is beautiful and I totally agree with its sentiments (and omg I actually cried when I found out Matt was leaving - dang it river had better be there when he goes or I'm gonna be...well, sad, but a little angry after that)
Anara Celebvilya chapter 9 . 7/13/2013
WAAAAAHHHHHHH Whyyyyy! Why did she have to go! T.T

Your ever Purple sister,
Anara Celebvilya chapter 8 . 7/13/2013
T.T That was so heartbreaking. Poor Doctor. I want to give him a big hug again.

Your ever sympathetic sister,
Anara Celebvilya chapter 7 . 7/13/2013
Asdfghjkl... Nuff said.

Your ever humming sister,
jahmat chapter 9 . 7/10/2013
I have read so many Library stories, but this is one I'll favorite. It's sad without being too maudlin. Well done.
guest chapter 9 . 7/3/2013
This was a really emotional fic for me, especially after the Series 7 finale. I can't seem to forget the words exchanged between the two before their goodbyes even if I tried.

Anyway, great job! I hope your next fic featuring eleven will come up soon, I enjoyed the way you portrayed him in this (especially in the last chapter) - maybe a new beginning?
remuslupin31060 chapter 9 . 7/3/2013
You did a wonderful job on this story, and you captured emotions very well. I really enjoyed reading it! :)
Nikki Pond chapter 9 . 7/3/2013
Ohh my god, is this complete already. but I love the story of how the Doctor feels when everybody left him and especially the library.
Seriously this is a sad ending but we know what happens to the doctor next and I love it
guest chapter 1 . 7/3/2013
It's been a long time since I have reviewed anyone' story but Ihad to tell you what a nice job you did here with Eleven and River. Hope to see more from you. Keep them coming!
remuslupin31060 chapter 7 . 6/27/2013
This is a really good story! I'm enjoying reading it, and I can't wait for more!
Anara Celebvilya chapter 6 . 6/25/2013
Asdfghjkl... That was so amazingly depressingly adorably awesome! I don't understand how they can constantly get better. It seems like there should be a ceiling for the awesomeness, but it just keeps going. I kind of want to cry now, though...

Your Ever Mystified Sister,
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