Reviews for The First Six Things
Dolphin64575 chapter 1 . 8/11/2013
This is great! Love the confusedness of the Doctor, and having to call River... My only nitpick is that the wardrobe has female clothes as well as male, but other than that it's a great story, very well written :)
iwright chapter 1 . 6/14/2013
Much as I like the idea of fem!Doctor, I don't trust sMuppet/s Moffat not to make a complete botchery of it. This story is a nice little exploration of the idea though.
Lieutenant-Jensen chapter 1 . 6/6/2013
That was fantastic. Hopefully if the Doctor's a woman she'll at least be a ginger woman.
Apostrophia chapter 1 . 6/4/2013
You, Miss C, ever continue to surprise me with your brilliance. I am in love with this version of the Doctor, and it seems remarkably in character (considering the fact that each Doctor is always incredibly different from the next. Still.). I was really impressed by the adaptation of the 'everyone lives' monologue of River's (I think?) for this situation, very clever. And fitting. I like it, is the point. I am slightly surprised that the companion didn't get more screen time, considering they tend to be pretty relevant to whatever regeneration is happening. (I'm assuming it was Clara, here. Also, they have the same chest sizes...? Nvm) I wonder if this version of River is the first one to encounter 12, or if she knew it was coming. Sort of wish there was a bit more dialogue to nail down how the Doctor talks in this incarnation, but on the whole it was brilliant. Well done, you. :)
HelloSweetie333 chapter 1 . 6/2/2013
I would love there to be a female Doctor! And I think the way you wrote it is exactly how it would happen if there were a female Doctor. This is totally going to be my head cannon now:) Now I want to read about the relationships between River and Female!Doctor! This is great
FlyingLovegood123 chapter 1 . 6/2/2013
Love it! That came up in a discussion at Comic Con today, and it was agreed that it would be fun to see a female Doctor. Personally I think that exploring the possibility would be amazing. Great story!
Starcrystal8 chapter 1 . 6/2/2013
Wow... I never thought about a girl Doctor like that, I always forget the differences between females and males, but I love this one shot! I'll miss Matt Smith so much, he was amazing. I can't wait to continue to read more of your work!
Jimbobob5536 chapter 1 . 6/2/2013
I don't tend to look that kind of info up very often. As such, I found out about Smith's leaving Who from you just now.

Anyway, this is a cool thing.
bluedragon of the 13 chapter 1 . 6/2/2013
I like this little blurb, it definitely shows that the Dr could be a woman. most likely not the way the show will go, but it would be something different.