Reviews for For the Dawn Vol I
neffa chapter 14 . 3/6/2017
they're so fucking cute what the fuck
neffa chapter 8 . 3/6/2017
I love your little sneak peaks at the end omg
YikesForever chapter 30 . 2/1/2017
This is so good :') it has my emotions ALL over the place! I kind of want her to be an auror but a healers great too! I just think seeing as how the war is coming up eventually, the auror training would help her during the fight. No matter what happens tho, I hope her and Oliver stay together and get married and have 3 kids (2 boys and 1 girl) as their kids as will be as amazing and awesome as their parents xP
Guest chapter 17 . 1/18/2017
Guest chapter 16 . 1/18/2017
Guest chapter 13 . 1/17/2017
xXMizz Alec VolturiXx chapter 40 . 1/7/2017
Very lovely
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 40 . 1/7/2017
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 39 . 1/5/2017
:))) nice chap
circumvolation chapter 39 . 1/4/2017
Hi! So you liked the idea of two stories? I'm glad!
This chapter was nice. Can I have a Seti for myself? He seems way too perfect. I like the idea of Beauxbatons having a generic role of a neighbouring school, so people who went there are all mysterious. If I were to be extra picky, the fragment about everybody's dresses was kind of dragging the storyline in my opinion.
circumvolation chapter 38 . 8/4/2016
reading this in partssooo, why Polish theme? I'm very curious, because I'm Polish. Also, you wrote Górski and moja droga in Polish, but chose a very un-Polish first name. why?
also, why Reid doesn't know Nick name but know his father at he same time?
so sorry for that many questions, trying to be contructive
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 38 . 8/4/2016
Nice chap
circumvolation chapter 38 . 8/3/2016
new chapter! new chapter! new chapter!
xXMizz Alec VolturiXx chapter 38 . 8/2/2016
perfect chapter and so long :) loved reid! cant wait for more
circumvolation chapter 37 . 6/8/2016
I just read all of it in almost one go. This is one of the best stories I've read, characters are very real and I can't wait for more. Thank you for writing it
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