Reviews for I Can't Love You
Guest chapter 1 . 1/16/2019
I know that you have several reviews like this already, but please know I'm not hating the story just the concept of the situation. Everyone Harry loves (parents and two best friends) are dead, they died so he could live. But the day of the funeral he is hit with the news he has to marry his professor who literally has bullied him since he was 11? Yeah heck no, thanks! I would have thought that Harry would run away, but then again there is this mysterious thing that he would die if he didn't? Its interesting but there is nothing supporting it. Then when Harry gets pregnant (I won't even go into the consent issue) his loved ones who died tell him to give the situation a chance... Something that Harry was given no choice in but death, give it a chance they say. Don't get me wrong Snape is a fascinating character to write but for Harry's own parents to consent to what is happening to their son? I would like to believe that any parent in their right mind would fight tooth and nail against this! I can appreciate the fact that Harry doesn't fall head over heels for Snape though. Also just a little side bar here: Is Harry the "Master of Death" in his or did that not ever happen in this AU? That would give the tale an interesting twist. Overall well done, very emotional piece!
wandamarie chapter 2 . 1/22/2018
thanks for the story
wandamarie chapter 1 . 1/22/2018
HRTG1027 chapter 1 . 12/22/2017
Honestly, I'm kinda upset that Harry is acting nicer with Snape. It's a good story though.
chachingmel123 chapter 1 . 2/2/2017
Im sorry.. I cant read anymore...I just cant.

You had a really promising story line that draw me in instantly, but when Snape, to me, did a complete personality change when you never explained why he suddenly views harry differently...was a flag that I just couldn't ignore.

What made me stop reading was finding out Harry is pregnant and Snape wants him to keep the child but what broke the camels back, for me, was the dream of all his dead love ones telling him to accept his situation.

So to sum it up, they want him to accept the fact he was forced to kill a man, get married to a man who delighted in making him miserable in the past, accept a baby that was formed from rape and accept the fact, the one's who forced him into this will forever be part of his life?

I've never met a writer who could write such an emotional piece as you and yet have no clue about how the human psych works, to the point its shocking, despite it showing that you've clearly done your research.

And unless Harry, has a complete mental breakdown and decends into madness shortly after having such a dream, because that dream was clearly a result of being drugged up, no parent who truly cared about their child would ever accept such a situation as this one, than I dont see why I should continue reading this.

So im off to find another Harry Potter fanfic :)
paz chapter 1 . 10/4/2016
cellina chapter 1 . 4/2/2016
These comments you see on the internet about DR ONOFE are not just comments, they are truthful words of experience written by those who have been there and found help in reuniting with the ones they hold dear to their heart and other marital and financial problems. I can tell you this because I also asked him for help to cast a love spell to fix my relationship with the only man I have ever loved. we got married but couldn't have a baby and then I discovered my womb was damaged. I had to try some spell casters but to no avail until I contacted DR ONOFE. HE restored my womb and just like that i got pregnant,i have given birth now and our baby is growing. Thank God for our lives and also to DR ONOFE who God has used to blessed us. I know that not everybody will believe this moreover its just something on the internet but my heart knows every of this word that formed this entire comment is true. his contact is: or http
lilyflower101 chapter 2 . 12/19/2014
this was a good story. :)
kariza2013 chapter 2 . 7/31/2014
story made me cry
dreamjanus chapter 2 . 4/18/2014
Sorry to say, but anytime you have sex because you have "no choice" is rape. You stated that he had to consummate the marriage...That means it was forced. Even though you did not describe why he had to, was it the contract that I am sure was created or the magic behind the marriage.

The actual term is Rape by Coercion or sex by coercion...

He was forced into the marriage, or he would die, for whatever reason, that you did not explain. Just because he accepted the fact that he would either marry or die, does not eliminate or cancel out the fact that those that forced.
Ashlin Raine chapter 1 . 1/8/2014
After I finished reading this, I still don't understand just why Harry was forced to marry Snape. Why would Harry die if he didn't marry Snape? I really don't get it.
lilyflower50 chapter 2 . 11/6/2013
I wish you made this into a longer story I like sub harry better than dom harry so could you turn this into a longer story please as you other version is different oh have you thought of putting your stories on archive of our own please reply
Moi chapter 1 . 11/4/2013
To be honest, your story really gave me the creeps. I don't know if you've ever watched the series "Criminal Minds". There's this episode where a woman of Penelope Garcia's (she's the techie of the BAU within the FBI) support group for family members of victim's is being targeted. That woman's young daughter has disappeared roughly six to eight years ago. One of the more recent members of that group who joined about a year ago turn's out be the kidnapper of her child. In the end we find out the girl killed herself at that time when she found out she was pregnant from her kidnapper. He held her captive for years, then started to have sex with her, proclaiming he loved her so much. Before help aka the FBI arrives, the man rape's the girl's mother with the aim of getting her pregnant in order to get a replacement for the dead girl he was so fixated on.
If I remember correctly, that unsub's profile was something along the lines of a narcissist. And contrary to his claims of having loved the girl he held captive so much, it was never about what she wanted, only ever about what he wanted every minute of every day. There's a reason it is said that if you really love someone, you let them go if that is what they ask you for.
While your story is a good one, especially if we take Harry's behaviour as some kind of survival or coping mechanism, in other words as something similar to Stockholm syndrome, it really makes me shudder! Apart from Snape's attitude, the really worst is how many people actively support what is being done to Harry.
On that note, why didn't Harry flee the country and just disappear?
If your new story happens to be called Gryffindor's slaves, I've seen that one as well. I'm curious how that one will turn out plotwise. :o)
LurkerReader chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
I started reading your revised version and it brought me here. Your story is your story and all we reviewers can do is leave our opinions. Honestly I was disgusted (not with you) I always am with stories like this. The manipulation and everyone being a part of it. I'm a big Sev/Harry shipper but I would absolutely have Harry running away, killing himself in a dramatic fashion or forcing some abortion on himself. Anything to get other characters to understand they fucked up. Now, Sirius/Dumbledore/Molly/Ginny/Lupin are all believable as being absolute controlling morons. Its very very hard to believe with Snape since he was abused and controlled all his life. Doing something like this to Harry would trigger him, he would absolutely understand. So him being so stupid and thinking his love would be enough is frightening and appalling. Also Harry just giving in, " , listen to no one, demand all the answers" just rolled over after having a dream featuring his dead loved ones? No, they'd be pissed. It really comes off as Harry hallucinating the dream and trying to survive this without breaking down; kinda Stockholm syndrome there.
In your new version your disclaimer says there will be consent. Does it apply to this? Cause srsly, no matter Sev's feels, it was rape. Harry is only resigned to this but he is forced is every SINGLE way.
Something you had the characters repeating was that they were afraid harry would die. (I understand you're already revising on a new version) or maybe I missed it but was it hinted somewhere he would die if he didn't get married? or was it fully, 'we dont want him to become voldemort trope'

Other than that you write well enough, some things weren't described which led to confusion, and I hope consent is a big thing otherwise it will be one of 'those' stories. If so you should then clearly state that so people who are victims of force, spousal rape etc won't accidentally read your fic.
rowenasheir chapter 2 . 10/27/2013
Dont like the idea for the extended story... What about Snape encouraging Harry to go into politics. Using the name of the BWL he uses his power on the school board to get on AD case changing the school - he will have Support of the Longbottom seat and Malfoy and his ousting AD. Also using the Prince, Potter ,Perevelle and maybe Griffindore seat, combined with Longbottom and Malfoy and allies; gets rid of Fudge and puts Malfoy as the head of the Wizagamot. But not before outing AD's life his relationship with Gellert and all his dirty manipulations as well as how he made Tom into Voldemort. Instead of confining and limiting Harry as AD and CF; they rue the day they forced HP to marry Severus as the make an unbeatable political alliance.
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