Reviews for Love is Blind
DukeScarlet chapter 2 . 3/30/2014
And here's one review to hoping you'll once again pick the story back up, dust if off and fix it, in your own words. It's been a while but one can only hope you'll write another chapter. There's not quite enough Yurita stories out there to let one of them die ;)

'Till next time (hopefully) !
HongoZongo chapter 2 . 12/8/2013
I think this turned out great so far; quite the contrary to what you believe. The conversation between Yuri and Rita was quite engaging and I feel like you wrote Yuri well. I can see what you mean when you say Rita is out of character but I don't really think it matters in this chapter. The whole point of it is we get to see the insecure side of Rita and I think that came out beautifully.

Keep it up, I'll be waiting for the next chapter!
TsurugisFlame chapter 2 . 11/21/2013
I really like this story! I hope that to see that lemon sooon
FluffyDireBunny chapter 2 . 11/20/2013
Yay, I was so happy when I noticed the e-mail saying this story had been updated!

I enjoyed reading it, you grasp of their character and interaction is amazing in my opinion! I didn't think Rita was all that out of character, every now and then a writer has to take some liberties in characterization, especially in fan fiction. When wanting to pair a non-canon pairing so to speak, it's difficult to make it seem all that realistic all the time given that we were never provided with anything remotely "romantic" in Yuri's or Rita's character.

This is not to say you wrote them off-character, quite the opposite in fact. I stated it before and say it again, I thought their personality came through well. Yuri's smug attitude, while battling his inner demons and slightly dismissing Rita came out naturally and I could have well seen this happening in the game. As for Rita, she is not really all that tough as she wants to appear, and her asking what Yuri thinks of her seems quite realistic. She does care what others think of her, even if she doesn't want to admit it to anyone, even herself. She did ask Yuri what, he thought, Estelle saw her as if I recall correctly.. In Dahngrest? Correct me if I'm wrong, it's been couple of years since I played the game. (should probably correct that *shuffles to find the game in my book shelve*)

Anyway, wasn't supposed to ramble on so, sorry! In short, great work and hope to see more!

Oh, and no need to apologize, to me at least! Everyone updates at their own pace, so don't worry about it! I'm glad that my review enabled to rekindle your interest in this fic, hopefully it'll keep burning for a while more!

FluffyDireBunny chapter 1 . 11/11/2013
Great stuff! Would definitely like to see more of this!

You have a good, clear writing style, which is easy to follow. Flow is great and your characterization is spot on! Chapter was slightly short, though this was only the beginning. Still, would have liked to see more, and hopefully will soon!

Anyway, good stuff!

CrimsonGaze chapter 1 . 11/10/2013
Very engaging start, would really like to see more of this. A little short for a chapter but this is just the prelude of things to come, right? Ah, I really love this couple and you captured Yuri's character very well here! All in all, good start, please do continue!
AngelWithACrookedHalo chapter 1 . 10/11/2013
Waaah I'm hooked! OwO Everything made sense to the section of storyline you set this in. I loved the way you described everything, and you used my favorite pairing. I hope you continue this sometime soon!
TurnAroundAndWatchMe chapter 1 . 9/8/2013
Please continue! This story has potential!
Anon chapter 1 . 8/8/2013
I really hope you continue!
Sha-sensei chapter 1 . 7/2/2013
lovin' it! hope you post more ;D
HongoZongo chapter 1 . 6/10/2013
I'm a Yurita fan so I really appreciate you making this story. I like the words you use to describe Rita; firey, sensual, high strung capture her really well. The introspection you did with Yuri was quite well done as well; it explores a variety of topics but is done in a logical and Yuri-like way.

I hope to see more from you soon! I think you've got a good start here, it just needs to be developed.