Reviews for Once Upon A Time
RocknRollagirl chapter 19 . 11/25/2015
Hey there:) I have read quite a few of your stories by now and (shame on me!) never really came around to write a review( something I will work hard to remedy and catch up on) but even if I was hell bent on not reviewing anything, this story would have convinced me otherwise. This was one of the most hilarious things I have read in quite some time(if not ever) and made me experience the joy that comes with sitting in a room with other people while reading and suddenly bursting out in hysterical laughter which you cannot possibly explain to anyone else present more than once:) I loved everything about this: the way you wrote it, Sams donkey, Not-Bobby, the happily ever after, just everything:)
Read you soon:)
klu chapter 19 . 6/27/2015
Hilarious. Adorable. Fun.
This was a very enjoyable story.
Thanks for writing.
CornishGirl chapter 19 . 5/19/2015
This is delightful! Love how you portray the boys!
Soncnica chapter 19 . 9/24/2013
Sam and the mule ... I can't even ... ROFL!
Hahahaha, this was really cool!

MeAzrael chapter 19 . 9/21/2013
Oh Dizz, what a wonderful and absolutely fitting end to your fairy tale - totally loved it. Well, at first I was like "What? Staying in Impalia, white picket fence, apple-pie - what about their lives?" But you're right, they earned themself a long and happy absence from death and hunting and one end-of-world after another. Not-Bobby did a great job explaining it - he's such a cutie, I'll miss him. In fact, his plea was my favorite part - and the end - and Dean failing to put his trousers on - and... well, you get the gist :-)
To be honest: I'd never thought it possible to put so much action and fun in a fairy tale, but I should've know by now: Yes, you can! Thanks for taking us with you - it was a real pleasure!

xx Kate
Guest chapter 19 . 9/20/2013
"The mule ate the bride's bouquet". A Perfect ending to a very enjoyable faerie tale :)

Thank You for sharing your most delightful creativity with your readers. Your stories are always memorable and enjoyable. And I have a very STRONG feeling that You enjoy writing them as much as we enjoy reading them :)

Thank You.
Guest chapter 18 . 9/20/2013
This Giant did not suck :)

Grateful to finally be able to read this chapter. Have had serious illness in my family and things have been very stressful the last 2 weeks. Stress is still here but I am going away for a day tomorrow so I am hoping for a break.

I will now go and read the next (final?) chapter. I LOVE the "fat mule".

Thank You.
Guest chapter 6 . 9/20/2013
I'm enjoying this a lot so far. (Not-Bobby is fantastic.)

Two little pieces of concrit:

1) Have you ever, ever seen one of the brothers die laughing at the other one? That sort of thing takes me out of the story. You have them in character, and suddenly they're howling and doubling over. You might want to go with a chuckle, or a smirk, followed by a smart-ass comment. YMMV

2) Dean always pronounces his consonants. Little thing, I know, but for television they have to make every word clear.
emebalia chapter 19 . 9/18/2013
Great way to end the story.
It won't make it easier to tell how old they are after they'll be back, not that it was easy before, but at least it's not Hell or Purgatory this time.
1983Sarah chapter 19 . 9/18/2013
That was a brilliant way to end it! Totally didn't think that they would stay there, but then you brought up Narnia and how that worked and they grew and lived and then went back and mere seconds had passed. That was wonderful! Any epilogue? Like, where they find their way back home? And would they remember all this or soon forget their lives in a fairy land? *goes off to ponder*
Guest chapter 19 . 9/17/2013
Very very fun tale. I enjoyed it.
Sue Pokorny chapter 19 . 9/17/2013
Aww. It brought a happy tear to my eye. :)). Very unique and unexpected ending. Loved it from start to finish. :))

1983Sarah chapter 18 . 9/17/2013
Great ending! I love how you kept everything all tied together, having the giants be together and reunited. I don't blame Dean, though, getting smooshed by giants would not be entirely pleasing. And he got the girl. And he and Sam made it in one squished piece back to Impalia. Now, how will they get home? :)
MeAzrael chapter 18 . 9/12/2013
Awwwww - that was a perfect end, my friend! Dean and Sam safe and ready to get celebrated like heroes - check! The mule sated (well, okay, probably not) and alive - check! The giant and his lovely wife reunited - check! And Black Beauty - hm, at least I'm happy that Dean didn't have to watch her turned back into a cow :-) So: happy end! After a real quest fit for a Winchester. Thanks so much for a fairy tale that should be sung to little and not so little ones for a long time :D

xx Kate
MeAzrael chapter 17 . 9/8/2013
Gahahahaaa :-) Aw, that's priceless! First that heartfelt elegy of a princess in distress, with that perfect description of Prince Charming, and then... that. Reality to a degree that's hard to process - hehe, you had me laughing here, most of all about their entry. Perfectly written, and I loved the last line. Well, at least the wonderful description of his eyes and his face is true - at least when Dean's had a chance to take a long and relaxing bath! I wonder what she'll think if it comes to Not-Bobby in his marvellous outfit :D

xx Kate
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