Reviews for the ginkgo tree
Watanabe Maya chapter 1 . 6/9/2015
wow this was such a mindtrip

do you still plan to continue this? i hope you do, i'm really curious as to how it goes. i look forward to your next chapter :3
L.TeddyBear chapter 1 . 8/30/2014
I remember reading this while sitting at the hospital and was so engrossed in it that I didn't hear the nurse call my name the first time 'round. I would love a continuation of this, but if you decide not to then that's fine with me too since you are the author afterall, haha. I feel like this thing was really hard to write, but you did it really well and I have to say that this is the BEST dream fic/sequence that I have every read. That is no exaggeration. I just love love love how you made everything flow like a dream. One thing just led to the next even if people were randomly popping in and out and the setting changed randomly - and I love this because THIS is how a dream is. This is what goes on inside our heads when we dream. You managed to capture this so well cause really, when does anything makes sense in our dreams? You're in the kitchen one second and the moment you step to what is supposed to be your living room, you're at the mall. I really just love how your writing gave this feeling and how Aomine just accepts it because hey, I don't question those kinds of things in my dreams either. Sorry, I feel like I'm going around in circles now, haha...

And wow, metaphors and symbols. Metaphors and symbols everywhere. Beautiful. It's been a while since I read this so uh, I don't remember everything. I'll probably go back and read it again soon when I have the time, but hmm...the numbers. This is just a guess and I'm probably wrong on it, but could they have been Teiko's scores during each of their matches? And if that's the case, then the old man represents all of his past opponents? So probably all of those matches in which his opponents just gave up on him is coming back to haunt him? Something like that? Do tell me if I'm wrong, lol.

But yeah, great work on this one as always!
Therandomdancinggirl chapter 1 . 9/29/2013
I hope you do make a second chapter. It was really interesting.
Flayne chapter 1 . 8/15/2013
You know that this piece of awesome fanfiction has simply too few reviews? You did great with the dream sequences. After reading only the first few sentences, the reader feels the dreamlike qualities, without even realizing that Aomine is dreaming. The dream feels surprisingly real, (to me at least, they remind me of my dreams) and I'm glad that Aomine's subconsciousness at least is not lying to him. I hope he realizes the importance of this dream when he wakes up. It might not be too late...?

Well, I really hope that you continue to write 'The gingko tree'. I would enjoy to read it! :)

Thanks for writing this first chapter anyway!

AkaneChan26 chapter 1 . 6/15/2013
Wow that was...that was something...i didn'get...anyway...good job please update soon XD
mr-raindrops chapter 1 . 5/31/2013
holy frappucino this was perfectly unsettling in that dream sense, and you portrayed it so well with this writing style HOW DO YOU DO THIS AGHJAKSLGK I love all the parallels between sections of the dream, and then at one point i got lost between reality and the dream world as well, just reading this, which transferred Aomine's whole disorientated state over to me ;A; it starts so... idk how to put it really, but a very a-daily-occurrence type of beginning, maybe? and then as the fic progresses, it descends into a chaos that Aomine finds himself in the midst of /cries

most of all, i love all the metaphors you used to represent what had happened between the kiseki from middle school to high school, with Aomine's doubts and how his reaction each time is different when Kuroko's breaking up with him. everything you included had some sort of meaning, i'm pretty sure, and the way you leave us to interpret that for ourselves is exactly how it would be like in a dream haha
(but anyways this is just really wonderful i am looking forward to your next chapter lolol gomen for the long review)
Rikka-tan chapter 1 . 5/29/2013
Why was this so angsty?! Why was the prompt so sad?! Who made that evil prompt anyway?! *sobbing insanely*
I hope the other prompt (that you said) would easy the heartbreak I got from reading this... I hope for a good ending to save my sanity...

I don't know what you said about being not completely satisfied with this, because I sincerely think you're really good! because if you wasn't, I wouldn't have end up being reduced to this complete mess ;A;

Okay, I should stop now... Waiting for the next installment :)
*off to wash my messy face*
Guest chapter 1 . 5/25/2013
It's so creepy, it's perfect :D At least, Aomine-kun learned his lesson. Heh.
Alice Hell chapter 1 . 5/25/2013
You have to update now. It was really good, but I'm so bloody confused. So come on, pleaseeee
Kirie Mitsuru chapter 1 . 5/25/2013
This is a great story although i think i nee to re-read it one more time for a better understanding of the story. That is rare. Usually i get the story by reading it once, this is great.

I realise that his is dream setting when Momoi was 'stabbed' by aomine. Although pitiful, the only thing i understand throughout the story is that Aomine gradually realise that he need (love?) Kuroko after every scene after the breakup scene. It was as if he was revealing to himself why kuroko left him? That's the idea that i get.

Anyway, i can't wait for the second chapter! Keep up the good work!