Reviews for Soul Eater: Troubled Souls - Act 1
s.hafford chapter 36 . 1/10/2017
i am loving this story you are extremely talented.
s.hafford chapter 3 . 1/8/2017
a sound soul resides within a sound mind and sound body. not soul mind and soul body sorry i saw that and figured you might not mind the correction.
SdaTheArtist chapter 1 . 9/24/2016
I've been meaning to read and review this story for a long, long time, but I just couldn't find the time to start it until recently.

So far, the first four chapters had been quite entertaining. I have not read the manga yet, nor had I watched the anime in years, but the canon characters, I think, have been fairly in-character up to this point. Claudia and Caius don't feel like they've been shoved in with the canon cast, which I think is a pretty good way to start off the fic. Now I'm a little bit wary about Caius's whole mysterious past, but considering that the story has been quite interesting so far I don't think there's a need for worry on my part.

I do wonder how many OCs there will be in this story. We got the Correction teacher, plus what could be the other teammates of what I like to call the "Soul Eater OC Gang," and, of course, the Kishin Eggs.

I would like to see what you are planning to do with the world-building though. I've been wondering about how Soul Eater's Earth would work and I am looking forward to how you tackle it. Personally though, I doubt Soul Eater Earth would very much resemble our contemporary world at all considering the amount of supernatural phenomena, souls and such that has the high probability of changing a particularly important point in history―like, say, the Nazis were the ones who invented Black Blood and won World War II through soul-based "Wonder Weapons"―but I like to see how the world might look if Soul Eater's canon aspects hadn't changed human civilization much.

Keyworks Kid chapter 43 . 6/20/2016
Wow...that was intense. Was I just reading a Soul Eater fic or the script to a Fast and the Furious movie? Either way very well done. Now the OGs have gone and seriously kicked the hornets nest. I got a feeling there's gonna be a lot of bloodshed in the near future. And my intuition tells me this may not be the last we see of Kujira.
Keyworks Kid chapter 39 . 6/15/2016
I'm a little curious though about the whole "ganster witches" thing. Not that it seems entirely out of place, but I'm just curious about why some witches would choose to ally themselves with human criminals (other than money). Did I miss something or have their intentions not been revealed yet? It has been a while so I might have forgotten.
Ynot7 chapter 48 . 6/7/2016
A pretty good place for a break. You accomplished a great deal with this fic. As I've said, you balance canon characters and OC's better than most people. In addition, you utilize the canon characters better in a lot of ways than either story, especially Crona. So far, Cobra Island was my fav arc, so I can't wait to see what's to come. Keep up the coolness.
thedragonslayersword chapter 46 . 4/28/2016
Madness Maka is badass so glad you included her. Another really cool chapter keep up the good work.
Ynot7 chapter 46 . 4/22/2016
Really liked this chapter overall. Action and character were at their height. It was nice to see this clash of ideals between Maka and Cancer (though I wonder if Maka's being a bit hypocritical by lambasting Cancer for enjoying killing, when you consider the relish Maka and Soul do their jobs with) and I also liked getting to see more of Tezca, since he's one of my favs :)
Guest chapter 46 . 4/21/2016
Don't be too hard on yourself, your time schedule is doing much better than mine XD Anyways, as always, props on the action and characterization. It's nice to see Maka's crazy side again.
Ynot7 chapter 44 . 3/20/2016
Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. You're still way more efficient than me. I thought this was a pretty good chapter with character development for your OC's. I'm also excited by the use you're giving Stein and Tezca.
OfAllTheShizz chapter 43 . 3/10/2016
Oooo, intense stuff. Props.
Ynot7 chapter 42 . 3/6/2016
Nice stuff. Enjoyed seeing a new side of Patty and it was good to see Spirit get some support. Plus, I like that Tezca's joining the action, since he's a fav of mine.
Keyworks Kid chapter 30 . 3/4/2016
Hey CertainDestiny, long time no chat. My apologies, I fell behind on your story and have been trying to get caught up in my spare time.

Just want to say that I've been enjoying your stuff, but this chapter here is just awesome. Your portrayal of Crona and Ragnarok are spot on. I really liked the battle with their shadow and the little tidbit at the end was funny. I hope to get caught up on everything soon so I'll be in touch.

By the way, I think your story is incredibly under-reviewed for as much as you've written. Its a dang shame.
OfAllTheShizz chapter 41 . 2/28/2016
Oooo, well that could be a problem XD Solid plot and character development as always. Props.
Ynot7 chapter 40 . 2/20/2016
Solid chapter. Well developed stuff. Props.
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