Reviews for Croissant
Xlerons chapter 1 . 1/8
Pulling on those heartstrings man.
BigDaddy chapter 1 . 9/28/2014
That was fantastic. Great character development, amazing characterisation and a poignant dialogue. Many authors could learn much fromthis oneshot. I hope you write a BioShock fic one day.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/30/2014
I absolutely LOVE this. I just played Episode 2 of Burial at Sea and saw a croissant and got really excited. And then I remembered this isn't canon, although it totally should be. Brilliant job. You write Booker and Elizabeth's dynamic so well!
Xzeihoranth chapter 1 . 2/21/2014
Stupid Booker still isn't thinking of taking her to Paris. Time for that realization later, I suppose.
Well done. ;)
forthary chapter 1 . 9/26/2013
A good story that captures both of the DeWitts emotions real well. It's almost something id expect to see in a official novel.
Digitaldreamer chapter 1 . 8/14/2013
This is wonderfully done and seems very in character. I like the idea of Elizabeth's meals at the tower being on a cycle, makes perfect sense. Really, the whole conversation was just so nicely written and very in character- I loved the little detail of Elizabeth asking if they had cotton candy in New York, d'awww. I also loved the little callback to Booker's wife. The ending is... well, pretty much par for course for the game, which means it's suitably sad.

Nice job!
DoomKnight1of24 chapter 1 . 6/17/2013
Nice. Short, but nice. How a one-shot should be. You kept it pretty focused on the characters, and, in my opinion, you captured them very well. Especially Elizabeth: she only ever knew people through the books she's read, so it makes sense for her not to pick up on certain social signals... Communicating is not just talking, after all.
Righteousham chapter 1 . 6/1/2013
You've captured the personalities of Booker and Elizabeth quite well in this story. Both the questions asked and the answers given came across as genuine. You also seems to have a talent for writing dialogue that actually sounds as if real people would say it. Far to many authors, even those I would count as good, struggle with writing realistic, non-wooden dialogue.

I wish there had been more scenes like this in the game, as it would have gone a long way to stabilizing the games erratic pacing. I personally feel as if Infinite would have been better served had it been in another genre than FPS. Slowing down the game-play would have allowed for more scenes that grow and reveal the characters organically rather than the somewhat forced bits we had.

I may be reading to much into this and please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but in the final scene when Booker gave Elizabeth the apple; was that meant to be symbolic? It reminded me vaguely about a story I read some years ago that took place during the civil war and used apples to symbolize life. In this case combining the apple symbolism with the dialogue it has Booker offering Elizabeth a life she wants nothing to do with.

In conclusion, a very well written vignette that further explores the characters of an excellent game.

Keep writing.
Annonimous4862 chapter 1 . 5/29/2013
This was really beautifully done and I believe you got both of them very in character - both Elizabeth's bubbly personality and Booker's stoic nature. And the way she used a formula to calculate her meals was simply brilliant!
cakeisatruth chapter 1 . 5/28/2013
I really liked reading this. I think you had them both in-character, especially Elizabeth with how naive she is about social interactions. I'd never thought about her being interested in food, but it does make a lot of sense given that she didn't really have direct control over what she ate. Kudos to you.
PeasAndCheese chapter 1 . 5/25/2013
who knew food could be a window to the soul too? i jabber nonsense, but this story is definitely not. i do love these kind of moments where they get to know a bit about one another and find some semblance of peace even just for a little even just for a while.
Lyaksandra chapter 1 . 5/24/2013
Tough lesson for Elizabeth. Doing what is necessary is often times devoid of goodness or evil. It simply is what has to be done. Nice peek into their interactions, hopefully you'll be inspired to write more.
Radia chapter 1 . 5/24/2013
This really fits nicely within the game's narrative. I'm very impressed with the depth of characterization you were able to touch upon in such a short piece, and with such a simple topic at the heart of discussion. I like that you can see the vague inklings of a genuine friendship in the making, in Elizabeth's curiosity about his personal life, and Booker's subtle realization that he actually cares what she thinks of him. Overall this was just really wonderful, and I look forward to anything you might write in the future!
Imaginator9 chapter 1 . 5/24/2013
This was really good. You covered a lot of good stuff in just a short amount of "in-game" time. I wish I could write this much detail into my stuff.