Reviews for Sammy
Guest chapter 1 . 5/23/2013
Brilliant, just brilliant. "I could almost picture Dean frowning like he was going to panic if he wasn't able to do something in exactly two and a half minutes." I could totally picture this too! XD

Also, I loved: "Three-hundred-sixty-four-and-a-quarter days of the year, Dean had always taken care of me, and one day a year, I was allowed to take care of him. "Where are you?" I asked. "You coming?" he asked. One day of the year, Dean was needy and abrasive, and if he was drunk then he was needy, abrasive, and angry."

I'd leave a proper review only I'm a bit pushed for time sorry - suffice to say this was epic and I really enjoyed it! :)
jojospn chapter 1 . 5/22/2013
Great job! Very in character and well written :) Thanks for posting!
zekeschance chapter 1 . 5/22/2013
Awww, growing pains! Poor Sam thinks he hates that name until he finally realizes what it means and only two people in the world ever called him by it. I think he was homesick every day he was at Stanford. Very nice story. Enjoyed!