Reviews for The Book's the Thing
Timothy L.L chapter 1 . 11/10/2019
So glad there are other people that watch these old shows too. I don’t feel like such a nerd. Intriguing what you’ve got going on here so far :)
Ghostwriter chapter 1 . 4/21/2014
Cool. Catch ya on the flip side.
Rocket Axxonu chapter 1 . 9/8/2013
Haha, it's me! (;

This is so much fun! (This is such a great idea, Murder She Wrote and Diagnosis Murder are such compatible series, I wish they'd done a crossover like this like they did with Murder She Wrote and Magnum PI, hehe.) I like the way you write the dialogue, it sounds so like them I feel like I can actually hear the character talking, especially Jessica. You've also got a talent for rattling out those police procedural stock phrases and typical vocabulary that they use on the show ('executor of the will,' 'post-mortem exams,' 'incendiary device,' etc.) that make this sound like it could really be an episode of MSW or DM. (:

Only thing is I see some minor formatting issues here; because ffnet doesn't allow the use of indentations to set off paragraphs, (it just deletes them, as I'm sure you noticed) the standard way is to use single-spacing with lines, and just insert spaces between new paragraphs. I think if it was done that way, it would be easier to see where one paragraph or dialogue line ends, and another begins. (Let me know if you'd like any help on this (: )

Anyway, I must say I don't really believe Tony was the killer (even if he tried to get Julie.) I think this calls for a chapter 2! I'll be waiting! ;D

Nice job, cool breeze, keep writing! :D

-Rocket [insert drawing of a scorpion here]
Susan M. M chapter 1 . 9/3/2013
Nice use of description.