Reviews for What We Lose (is part of us)
sassyfriend chapter 4 . 12/4/2013
Hope Jim will be ok
sassyfriend chapter 2 . 12/4/2013
I hope we find out how he got the broken ribs
sassyfriend chapter 1 . 12/4/2013
I really like this so far
somerandomgirl chapter 13 . 11/24/2013
I really, reaaaally love this story. I like stories that deal with the aftermath of Jim dying and yours is definitely one of the best (if not the best) I've read so far. The whole "we can't trust StarFleet anymore" issue makes me so uncomfortable - it's great. While I do hope they can trust them as a whole, I like how they're being careful and mistrustful for now.
Furthermore you wrote the perfect Jim. Love it all, how he deals with it, how wrecked and always tired he is, how his mind refuses to settle down (when he wakes from nightmares and throws up for example, it breaks my heart but story wise I can't help but love it. I'm such a sucker for hurt/comfort)... and ofc how his crew is there for him! Love the idea of them having a vacation together - they're really family now and it's so precious. Can't wait to read more, and fingers crossed that they're gonna have a good time (with a few setbacks like Jim's nightmares or exhaustion or whatever, obviously, but still). Oh btw Chekov's cookies made me giggle. xD
Lastly, I'm a hardcore Spirk shipper, so if you go down the Kirk/Spock road I'm all for it. If not that's fine too though - this ff is about Jim's (&everybody's really) recovery after all, and whatever you do will be perfect if past chapters are any indicator. No pressure tho. xP
angelwhisperer chapter 13 . 11/20/2013
Aww isn't that adorable? Poor Jim, how he suffers. But I love the fluffy crew moments. Makes me wanna hug a bunny. Or a tribble lol. Hope you update soon. Happy writing!
Hanged Man chapter 13 . 11/11/2013
This is really wonderful-please keep updating! I would love to see Kirk on another captain's ship.
lull.and.waves chapter 13 . 11/5/2013
i'm sorry i was just overcome with FEELINGS. i held it together until pavel made rock-like russian tea cakes and everyone has to pretend they're good. my BABIES. i didn't know the enterprise crew vacationing at spock's beach house could be so touching :)
ChromaticDreams chapter 1 . 10/29/2013
This is excellent, and perfectly meshes into canon... It's the kind of scene that should have been included, honestly. But then, we don't make the shots with movies, huh?
I really liked how we could sense Bones' frustration in the moment, and how Spock, character wise, came full circle with his decision to break codes to save his friend. To add the cream to the cake, there was not a single error to see. Again, excellent! I'll definitely be following this...

Watercolors mentioned you found me, by the way. Thanks! :-)
Eirian Erisdar chapter 7 . 10/27/2013
THE TRIBBLE. kajshgsjhdgoihgeoighesgjdlkadshgljsd.

That scene makes a strange sort of...sense, really, even though I would never have thought Spock and Bones could hold a cordial(ish) conversation in a room with a tribble in it. And the idea of Spock force-feeding it is just so... UGGGGH. What did you just do to my feels?
Cadburytropper96 chapter 13 . 10/21/2013
Awww...3 it! Spock can be soo hilarious when he wants to be.
Margaritasc chapter 13 . 10/21/2013
I want to go to Oregon sound like paradise. Love this chapter! So cute make me a warm and fuzzy inside. Nothing heal wounds faster than being with your family and friends. Make you forget all about how you got hurt in the first place. Well happy monday, and I hope you update soon!
Sarachan chapter 13 . 10/16/2013
Just wanted to say I am enjoying your story! Are you going to name the tribble eventually? Anyway Kudos on an awesome story!
Sarachan chapter 8 . 10/16/2013
God I love Bones so much at the end of this chapter! I'm really enjoying this so far. And are you naming the tribble as you mentioned before?
Sarachan chapter 1 . 10/15/2013
I wish we got to see anything like this in the film. Then again I'm glad they didn't so there are multiple fics on what could have and should have been.
SimplyOut chapter 13 . 10/15/2013
I hope you survive the busy college life ;) This story is so great so far and so much potential that I cannot wait for you to update. Funny story, I was reading this chapter last night just before I fell asleep and then I dreamt about how they stayed at Spock's house and Bones went in the ocean one night and almost drowned and Jim saved him and it was so funny :D Anyway keep rocking on!
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