Reviews for The Girl Who Cried Wolf
Crystalzap chapter 43 . 3/21/2019
Well, personally I think she forgave him a bit too quickly after leaving her on that bloody beach. So while I ship Doctor/Rose I think he could've waited a bit longer to ask her that.

Anyway you did a wonderful job with everything that happened. A good plot, a feisty Bad Wolf Rose (but still not Over powered), twists with Jack, and River (another thing they should've talked about before getting married). One things though, you never even said what the baby looked like or why Rose named her Violet... I hope there is a sequel to this, there is much you could do with it.
Crow chapter 43 . 4/4/2018
Gawd I need more dark yet happy ending fics like this. The Master totally fell in love with her. Like. Hard in love. But he's such a sociopathic nut he couldn't get it right. He didn't even care about the kill Doctor thing anymore by th end. Just the...

Gimmie Rose and my not daughter wahhhh
doctorwholover chapter 43 . 3/14/2018
I loved this so much! Wonderful!
Espied7 chapter 43 . 8/30/2017
So happynice job making the villains hateable.
AllonsyPonds chapter 43 . 7/16/2016
Midwinter Sun chapter 43 . 3/17/2016
Aw, what a sweet fanfic. I really enjoyed reading it, thank you.
Midwinter Sun chapter 7 . 3/17/2016
When did this turn into Breaking Dawn…? :P (I'm not complaining, really. I actually really loved Twilight back in the day. But the similarities still made me giggle.)
CausticDeity chapter 37 . 12/13/2015
also where's Kovorian
CausticDeity chapter 37 . 12/13/2015
they're all forgetting about violet like she's not important not once since Jack took her has she crossed Rose's mind neither the doctor, Jack, or the Master
Chipper chapter 43 . 12/7/2015
Enjoyed this.
mystrye chapter 43 . 10/6/2015
It took quite a while to get here and poor rose, all she had to go through. But I enjoyed it. I love the picture of their little family. Fantastic!
mystrye chapter 30 . 10/6/2015
Oh the doctor with violet is the most adorable thing! I'm still reading just had to take a moment to say that! Back to reading!
Raven J. Haile chapter 43 . 8/26/2015
This was gorgeous, I adored it. :3
Jack.of.the.Void chapter 43 . 3/2/2015
That was lovely! Don't get my last post wrong: I knew The Master wasn't going to win. And I'm glad he didn't! Oh, but you painted obsession so very well! And jealousy! Thanks for a great ride! Till next time!
Jack.of.the.Void chapter 27 . 3/2/2015
So, I'm only half-way through. But as an author myself, I enjoy hearing thoughts and speculation just because I want to know how people react to twists and turns! SO! I got to tell you, I skimmed in the first two chapters, but your wonderful plots caught me like chum to a shark! I ended up getting so wrapped up in "what happens next" that I can't put it down. At first I thought you were gonna make TenToo the Valeyard. I love it when that happens. And you had a GRE set up for it! But imagine my jaw on the floor when my most beloved super villain comes waltzing in! It was a surprise because of the trans-dimensional thing, but you made it work! PS - You do a BOSS job of writing him! He's just so plucky in his villainy, and we can tell that you have a lot of fun with his dialogue! It's been one of my favorite things about the story so far! Imagine my surprise when I sort of started ROOTING FOR the Master! Obviously we don't want our beloved Doctor to die... but The Master's last wife (Mrs Saxon) tried to murder him. We don't know if he really liked her, of course. But still. I don't imagine a character like the Master gets attached easily. And I *really* like how you drew out his motivation over several chapters. There's a slow fall from Kill the Doctor! to Kill the Doctor So That I Can Keep HER! I admit, I am heinously interested in seeing Rose's emotionally supportive/healing abilities used on someone like The Master. But then again, I also imagine that - if she got into his heart like that - he would be much more openly possessive than The Doctor ever was. Don't get me wrong, I know it's a Doctor/Rose story! But I can't help but love character-driven train wrecks, and I see so much potential for drama! (So much so, I may run off and compose my own twisted and doomed piece for The Master! Not one that borrows anything from you. Just sharing about how inspired your piece has made me so far!) I am also saddened for River. Deeply. I don't ship her and The Doctor personally (I'm too big a Rose fan). BUT... to know the love of your life loves someone else more than you, and even got that someone else pregnant WHILE River and he were establishing themselves as a thing... It would break my heart. It's the one reason I respect Martha Jones like I do. That's such a poisonous place to be in, emotionally. I love the stories where River deals with it with grace, because I feel like that's very in character to do so... but still... you painted her beautifully and tragically. :) I would LOVE to keep going, BUT! I want to catch up with your story sometime before dawn. Allons-y! ;)
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