Reviews for Autonomy
TheEverHummingGirl chapter 1 . 7/4/2013
I like how you wrote Obi-wan and Ventress. Both are very in character.

I've started liking this pairing more as of late. And Ventress is one of my favorite characters.
BladedBlossom chapter 1 . 6/1/2013
Wonderful. I think you have Asajj dead on. Can't be a Jedi, but for her respect and care for Kenobi, she is no longer cruel just for the sake of it. I wish I could say more, but characterizations were perfect and I really felt that wistfulness,the bitterness of illusory autonomy, regret for lost chances and perhaps harsh words, and yet there's still a feeling that all isn't lost. I'm sure when Obi-Wan visits her after he's killed by his own Padawan, she'll have some choice words.

I just adore them as a couple. So many points of mutual understanding, if they could just have found the time and place to really grow a friendship. Great job. Favoriting.
miarath chapter 1 . 5/28/2013
This is good, really good.
It's a pity that there isn't more to it.
Brightknight chapter 1 . 5/16/2013
Very nice :-)
Obiwan456 chapter 1 . 5/14/2013
Very nice...I like this.

"She imagined him hunkered down somewhere, on the run, disheveled but still ludicrously handsome."

Oh yes, indeed...even Asajj isn't blind to his she
QueenYoda chapter 1 . 5/14/2013
Absolutely incredible. Simply said, and without the usual fuss of eloquent jabs and fussed over emotions. Quick and to the point, I admire that writing style. And the theme... Ventress always was a favorite of mine, I so wanted to see her redeemed. Even if she was not, we all know that she had the doubt in her mind, and that is what counts, hmm?
IntelEwok chapter 1 . 5/14/2013
Liked it, well written!
pronker chapter 1 . 5/13/2013
Excellent! I really liked the sense of their camaraderie - it happened in such odd circumstances, but was plausible. Also, you used 'started' correctly, and I am happy to see that.