Reviews for A Forbidden Fantasy - Dramione
Guest chapter 41 . 2/7/2016
This was the worst fanfiction I have ever read. Before you all start freaking out and saying that there are so much worse, let me explain why. It starts out by making you think that it won't be too bad. There are some stories that are automatic turn-offs and some that literally make you want to throw up. That's the kind that is obviously bad and no one really takes those seriously.
You, however, seem to take your writing very seriously. It's like you honestly think that you are an excellent writer, and after reading your reviews, apparently others do, too. I don't understand that, and I'm not sure what they've read in comparison, but I did not enjoy this. I don't mean to be a hater or a spoilsport, but truthfully I just can't lie about thinking this was any good at all.
Guest chapter 3 . 2/6/2016
This was kinda pitiful, too. Grammar has improved, but the poltline is still too predictable. I'm not enjoying this, even though I'll keep reading. I probably won't review again for a while until I come across something especially good or especially bad.
Oh! I did want to point out a line I liked.
"She was so small and fragile in his arms, and yet he felt as though he was the one who would break at any moment."
That was very nicely put; good job on that.
Guest chapter 2 . 2/6/2016
Okay, this was slightly better. Your grammar was a little better, and I didn't notice any misspellings, but did this chapter have a point? Other than showing that Hermione is in a puffball because of what happened the night befofe and demonstrating what a viper Pansy is, I didn't see much of this chapter illustrating the plot. At least you didn't change back and forth between verb tenses; that was driving me insane. I'm going to read the next chapter now, I suppose; I have nothing else to do, and it's fun critiquing other peoples' work.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/6/2016
Wow, that was pitiful. This is only the first chapter, and already I'm turned off. Your grammar and spelling is completely off in some places, and you must have changed verb tenses fifty times. Call me the Grammar Police, but that's important to me and should be to you, as a writer. Draco and Hermione were so horrendously out of character; Draco was disgusted by Hermione, and even if he was attracted to her physically, he had that Pureblood psychology engraved in him. You made Hermione into a sweet, innocent little babydoll who has the dirtiest mind around. Honestly? Pick a feature. A few other things: you cannot Apparate in Hogwarts, Draco wearing Muggle clothes is ridiculous, and the plot - Draco conveniently walking in on Hermione in the bath - was so predictable. I came here expecting a good story, and I'm so disappointed. I'll keep reading for a while, but only in the hopes that it will get better.
Lisette chapter 42 . 8/25/2015
Hi there, just wanted to let you know I accidentelly run into your story while being on Pinterest. Only found one chapter on there, so I actually took the effort to look it up on the internet ;) I have to say that I didnt read everything but I really loved it how you described everything, especially the love between H and D and at the moment Im like 'omg I want this toooo' haha. I used to write fanfiction years and years ago (no characters from Harry Potter though) and it was one of the best times in my life, I loved it. Its kind of getting lost in daydreaming, but more real or something like that. Cant really explain how it was for me. But anyway I think you did a really good job here and I hope your proud of yourself! :) I actually love Draco now and I envy Hermione, and not a lot of people can make me feel that way about characters. Okay, English is not my first language, Im really tired and my brain is really fuzzy at the moment so I hope the things I wrote here made sense ;) I even dont know if you'll read this..? But yeah loved it. Bye
love the story chapter 4 . 3/9/2014
Ur an amazing writer
Girls' Wings chapter 24 . 12/16/2013
This is by far my favorite chapter. Love it!
Girls' Wings chapter 4 . 10/23/2013
Oh, "Time Traveler's Wife"! I so love you right now!
whitefang1210 chapter 20 . 8/17/2013
Ughh Draco is such a wimp
Guest chapter 42 . 8/14/2013
I'd love to read the sequel but please post it on ! :)
smellface chapter 5 . 8/8/2013
I haven't finished this chapter yet, but it feels like there is a chapter missing from 4 to 5. What happened to make Hermione cry on the bench? She had been fine at the end of the previous chapter. Where was Draco going on the train, and how did Hermione find out he was leaving? I feel like there is just something missing from the Shrieking Shack to Hermione crying. Did I miss something?
Guest chapter 4 . 7/31/2013
god...either you've really known them personally or you've had first hand, this is really deep and I love's one of the few fanfictions that when you read have the feel of a real're amazing... if you write something about harry accepting draco at the end, please publish it and I willdo my best to be the first to buy it...I'm seriously in love with your style of writing...your number one fan!
duckymonroe64 chapter 6 . 7/22/2013
It's a really good storyline. But there are some things that every potter head should know. Like you can't apparate in Hogwarts, or that guys cannot go into the girls dormitory. Also, Herm and Draco are ooc, I think.

But, I really like the story :)
fanatic05 chapter 1 . 7/15/2013
I didn't realize this story has such a small fan following :( I really enjoyed this story. Draco angered me at some points but he always redeemed himself...I'll put this fic on tumblr more people need to read this !
fanatic05 chapter 40 . 7/15/2013
But no seriously, regarding last chapter...I would have had a whole speech for Harry if I was Hermione. I would talk about how hard it is to be Harry potter's bff, about the sacrifices she had to make (obliviating parents) how out of everyone she always stuck to him and trusted his judgement. I would make him feel so guilty and given it to him with so much sass that he wouldn't even know it was coming or what to do next besides put his head down in shame. Lol. I'm actually really disappointed that didn't happen. That's one thing with Dramione if anyone should be of support besides Luna is Harry (well not support of the relationship but support for hermione) just on the principle of their friendship...I would think. But wait, there is going to be a sequel though? The way it ended it didn't seem like much closure and hopefully Hermione is still able to give Harry some sass, Ginny is whatever but Harry needs a little slap lol
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