Reviews for The Golden Boy of Molyneux
thunderpiperose chapter 1 . 6/26/2017
How have I not read this before? It's great! I love ugly duckling stories! In my opinion, George Clooney and Henry Cavill are two of Hollywood's ugly ducklings, and I think they are the most handsome men I have ever seen. The involvement of the castle folk, the Roccoco painter, LeFou having a sort of dual personality (which I truly believe!), the cameo of Cogsworth and Lumiere, I loved it all. You've written an elaborate story in just one chapter, great job!
Fiona Fargazer chapter 1 . 9/26/2016
Wow! Interesting fic here! Gaston growing into his looks and being unattractive as a child is very good. The portrait part with how the painter decided to paint a little cherub-looking LeFou is so funny! And his name too. Henri-Ignatius Ha! And I really liked when Cogsworth and Lumiere show up. The detail you gave the town is very nice too.
the electric phantom chapter 1 . 3/29/2014
How did you make me feel bad for GASTON? OMG I didn't think that was humanly possible!
Loreley Song chapter 1 . 9/12/2013
Beautiful! I love the way you have given him such a great back-story. His mother not wanting to "discipline" him, being a gentle parent with no expectations really produces a monster. I also enjoyed the involvement of the castle foke. I think that Disney didn't do a great job incorporating a huge castle and prince next door to a small village. You did a great job! I love it!
HannahBrooke4294 chapter 1 . 5/27/2013
ooh I like this! The idea that when Gaston was a little kid he was called ugly and Lefou was winning cute kid contests. It could explain why he beats him up when theyre older. What an ego! And the saving his life thing explains why LeFou takes it. It is sad about Gaston's parents, but still he chose to be evil, he didnt have to be. Awesome ideas.
MyahLyah chapter 1 . 5/16/2013
Amazing. I enjoy reading about Gaston's backstories. Loved the cameos. Felt bad for the town hero for a little bit. The ending was so good. The entire story was good. One of my favourites.
lostinbooks chapter 1 . 5/13/2013
this story needs more reviews! All the details in your story make it very engaging.
April chapter 1 . 5/13/2013
Great background on a classic villain. You have an engaging and witty writing style with rich desciptions of the canon setting, just like all your previous fanfics. And the touches of humorous visuals that allude to the original movie, it's become your trademark. If theres anything to critique it would be Jerome is too much like Gaston, they are too much clones of each other. Yet it is beleivable he became like his father. Another good one, bravo!
TrudiRose chapter 1 . 5/12/2013
This was really good! I loved all the little details that explain so much: Lefou being rude and taunting people when he's with Gaston, but sweet when he's on his own; the schoolmistress giving Gaston high marks even though he can't read, because he brings her game he's hunted and because his family is important in the town; the cameo of Cogsworth and Lumiere, and the village's impression that everyone in the castle had just packed up and left. The ending is really good too.

Great job!