Reviews for Oracle-Born
Father of Understanding chapter 1 . 8/5/2016
I really liked this. Thank you for bringing this into existence.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/22/2016
Gin'iro no Neko 8 chapter 1 . 11/30/2015
This is a breathtaking piece. The ending was beautiful, how you made it end in silence was a wonderful idea. I love this piece- be proud because it is great! :D
Guest chapter 1 . 10/24/2015
This is amaz-balls.
ApplesauceLady chapter 1 . 4/7/2015
I really liked this! Loved it in fact!
xaandiir chapter 1 . 12/30/2014
Just a quick heads up, I'm not familiar with Scotland as a character, or his relationship with England.

Your descriptions are stupendous. The way you describe action, or emotion, or appearance, is breathtaking and beautiful. It enraptures the reader and holds their interest, which is something that takes a lot of practice in order to perfect.

The prophecies/possessions that took over Scotland's mother and England were surprising and added eeriness to the atmosphere of the story already, especially with the dark future they foretell.

You switch between present and past a lot. Usually for only a couple sentences will you go back to present tense, but it throws off the reader for a moment and I found myself rereading some sentences to make sure I was reading them correctly.

I loved being able to see France be serious rather than the flighty, flirty person that most fics depict him as.

I liked that you wrote out dialogue with the dialect and mannerisms of the time that the story takes place. It gives the story a sense of realism and makes it enjoyable for those who are reading.

That ending was so…sad. The last prophecy that England foretold reminded me of The Hollow Men by TS Eliot.

To answer your questions: yes this was very good! I love your writing style and the way you developed the relationship between Scotland and England was lovely (then again, I don't really know their relationship to begin with so this is my own blind opinion). I really loved it and I hope you continue writing more wonderful stories!


"The first time, England's too little to…" Considering this is a past tense story, I think it should be 'England was' rather than the conjunction for 'England is'?

"…across the ocean; Gaul? (No, that was his mother) had always…" I understand what you were going for but the grammar is off in this one. Because of the question mark, the 'had' should be capitalized but that wouldn't make sense either seeing as how it should all be one sentence. I'm not sure how to change it, honestly.

'"Your brother." Was the serious reply.' I believe (but am not certain) that the period should be a comma and 'was' should be lowercased.

When you switch to present from past it's usually with conjunctions (ie "he's") and I think it's unintentional. Conjunctions like "he's" /always/ means "he is", never "he was" (at least in writing). If you're writing in past tense you have to write out "he was" rather than combining the word together.
september ninth chapter 1 . 1/18/2014
oh wow, oracle!england is just eerie and somehow fitting
i loved it, thank you... and the blitzkrieg was excellent ("a war of lightning that falls like rain"), great job

now i wish there were more fics like this.. sigh :)
dearestme chapter 1 . 12/5/2013
I loved it you should make it into a multichapter mabe i'm sure it would be awesome.
fullmoon'11 chapter 1 . 10/16/2013
for the last prophecy england says, "so slow, the decay"
is that your own quote?
because that is just an awesome quote
HoshiUta chapter 1 . 6/20/2013
The ending made me cry ;_;
I love caring Scotland, and this is an interesting take on England. Love the way this is written, and yeah, it doesn't really explore the dynamics of Scotland and England, but this is a very lovely story.

Great work!
Radioactive Paradise chapter 1 . 5/12/2013
that was very fascinating for a short story it had me on the edge n you portrayed the emotions expertly. i like the take u made of these two n i hope u write more about them. :) *fav*
Sora Resi chapter 1 . 5/10/2013
This was absolutely, unbelievably, bloody amazing! I was on the edge of my seat for the entire read :D
crossfire92 chapter 1 . 5/9/2013
This was so amazing :D
And very sad. But I loved the way you wrote it, and I love the way you portryed Englands prophetic abilities and how Scotland always wants to protect him from it.

You have done an incredible job, and I am looking forward to reading more of your stories in the future.
requiems dream chapter 1 . 5/9/2013
This was just wow. I was intrigued until the end, wondering what was going to unfold. And the ending got me in the heart, a stab, but not enough to break.
Until next time; sayonara. :)
cheshiresapprentice chapter 1 . 5/9/2013
It's really really amazing, just one hell of a story.
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