Reviews for It's Been You All Along
owlzilla chapter 21 . 1/3
So excited to see Kol back - I'm 100% rooting for him in this story.
sweetdreams705 chapter 20 . 10/30/2019
I'm glad to see your back! This was one of my favorite stories and I cant wait to read the next chapter :)
Arianna Le Fay chapter 20 . 10/27/2019
how could you make the baby to be klaus's how can you be so cruel
Imafantotally chapter 20 . 10/27/2019
I totally root for Kol and Lacy all the way. Yes, she was in love with Klaus and they shared feelings, but Kol and Lacy share feelings as well. Besides, Lacy deserves somebody that puts her first. Klaus’s perspective on his child could change after it’s born.
BlackLove31 chapter 19 . 10/2/2019
please go on. I need more
nadya12 chapter 19 . 5/21/2019
Wow I’m so hooked, look forward to the next chapter
Guest chapter 18 . 1/27/2019
Great story.
Guest chapter 18 . 12/25/2018
Great story.
Guest chapter 18 . 12/8/2018
Great story.
Guest chapter 18 . 11/28/2018
A new chapter focusing on Klaus and Kol would be good.
Lyryenn chapter 18 . 6/27/2017
I'm getting complicated feelings... I rly want her be with kol XD like rly!
WarmHands.ColdHearts chapter 18 . 6/26/2017
Kol all the way. I can't even begin to tell you how much I love him. Especially the way you write him. Hits me right in the feels. I found this fic searching for a good Klaus fic after I read some of your other works (amazing btw) but Kol is the shining light in this. Hands down, gotta be team Kol
Arianna Le Fay chapter 18 . 6/22/2017
honestly i would love to see some bonding moments with klaus
crum8um chapter 17 . 5/11/2017
I'm team Kol here.
owlzilla chapter 17 . 5/11/2017
You know, generally I wouldn't be into a story with this much angst (or children) but there are couple of things represented in your story that I really love. First of all, I have been married for six years and every single day I am more confident in my decision to never have children. I hardly ever read about characters who not only feel the same but STICK BY THAT DECISION even in the face of a unwanted pregnancy. (I don't know why but every time someone gets pregnant in a story they never ever get rid of it) I have never related to anyone so much as when Lacy told Nik that the biggest problem with staying with him was that it would mean agreeing to be a mother and that was not something she wanted for her life. I wrestled extensively with knowing much of my feelings on the subject are due to my own selfishness. Beyond just not having any maternal feelings of any nature, I would simply never accept being anything but absolute number one in my husbands eyes. When Klaus tells his family that he would choose Lacy over his own child I very nearly swooned. I know that makes me a terrible person but...there it is.

That said, I actually am rooting for Kol. Partly because, from my perspective, it would be setting herself up for a lifetime of resentment. She would either have to change the very core of who she is so that she is an effective coparent and encourage Niklaus to do the same so that Caroline and her child never feel slighted...or she would live everyday with a burden of a child she never wanted (that isn't even her flesh and blood) and it's mother taking up space in the life and heart of a man that should be owed entirely to her. Either way, she's resentful...or Caroline and her child are. With Kol she would be certain to live as someone's most important person without usurping anyone else's place. That's saying nothing of the fact that I am always a sucker for the kind of longstanding love and devotion from afar that he has going on in this fic. I like that the implication is that he's never even wanted anything with someone else...whereas, even if it wasn't anything like what he felt for Lacy, Klaus did feel something for Caroline. I just feel really depressed for him...
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