Reviews for Human
SequelPlease chapter 1 . 9/17/2015
Oh my Maker! This was AWESOME and SO MANY TEARS! Please tell me that you're still planning to do Monster! Your writing is awesome and I loved this story and I'm dying to maybe see some Sylaire action in the sequel!
GallonsoftheStuff chapter 22 . 8/23/2015
Warning: much cursing ahead. I apologize in advance.

I'll start with the good stuff. I fucking loved this. This is EXACTLY how I think Claire forgiving Sylar should go - no quick, easy understanding between them as the stubborn cheerleader (or ex-cheerleader) hangs onto her hatred, intent on punishing her enemy for everything he's ever done. Gabriel/Sylar's frustration and grief over it, yet his restraint in dealing with the traumatized young woman. Your characterization is fucking fantastic. I completely empathize with both characters.

Your pacing is just as good. Despite the seemingly slow passage of time, the occasional lack of activity, all that introspection keeps things going. It drives the story forward at the perfect speed. Kudos. The flow was also wonderful - nothing seemed jarring or abrupt. You do have typos, misspellings and other small issues throughout (you are aware you don't have to capitalize the word that immediately follows dialogue all the time, right? Just when it's a proper noun) but it does little to distract from the story.

Now to my issue (in which there is a lot of cussing): what. The. Ever. Loving. FUCK! Whitney DIES? HOW THE FUCK CAN SHE DIE WHEN CLAIRE IS RIGHT FUCKING THERE TO BLEED ON HER? I know Claire's power is a bit of a deus ex machina, but COME ON! You have the girl get fucking STABBED right in front of her (by the way, why isn't this knife-wielding guard also targeting Claire? Why aren't they under attack for that whole scene?), Claire FUCKING FORGETS that she can HEAL HER? THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF HER BEING ASSIGNED TO PROTECT WHITNEY! And then it doesn't fucking work. On a fucking FRESH CORPSE WITH AN OPEN WOUND, AND CLAIRE'S BLOOD DOESN'T FUCKING WORK? It brings Sylar back from the dead - or the brink of death - at the freaking BEGINNING of the story, how THE FUCK can it not work on Whitney? If it's a matter of the AMOUNT of blood, FUCKING CUT YOUR GODDAMN THROAT CLAIRE! She's got a knife RIGHT FUCKING THERE and she'll heal in seconds! THEY'RE NOT WASTING ANY FUCKING TIME. I get the "let me take out the generator and then heal me" bit - they need to do that quickly - but Claire not taking the few seconds to bleed enough on Whitney to save her is a fucking cop out because you wanted her to die and Claire to be agonized over it. Noah was healed HOURS after being killed (okay, so that's not definite, but wherever they took him when they hooked him up to Claire's bag'o'blood, you know the man was dead for more than a few SECONDS before they used it on him) AND YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT CLAIRE'S BLOOD DOESN'T SAVE A GIRL WHO HAS BEEN DEAD FOR A FEW SECONDS? I call bullshit. I call bullshit, just like I call bullshit on Heroes not using Claire's blood on Nathan when Sylar killed him. Yes, it was for the plotline, but IT'S STILL FUCKING BULLSHIT.

I get having her not think of "more blood will save him" with Sylar, but the fact that she barely even fucking TRIES with Whitney is BS. Total, complete, utter BS. Speaking of Sylar, why didn't she grab a scalpel to cut herself? They were in an operating room - there had to be something. Plus, again, Claire didn't try very hard. The empathy explanation of him getting her power I'll take; it taking days for him to heal, meh. It could have been a slow start, like Claire not healing immediately when she cut her palm when her power first manifested. Not great, but it's for plot, having Claire think she's killed Sylar, right when she's forgiven him (of course, she might not have - probably wouldn't have - forgiven him if he HADN'T died. At least, not right then.

I know the way you wrote it was for plot, but I think you should have come up with a better way for them to have fucking died than you did. Make Whitney get shot while Claire is evacuating people and she doesn't find out until they're back at the warehouse. Sylar - I don't fucking know, someone comes and grabs Claire saying they have to go NOW and don't have time for her to try again. WHATEVER.

It's a really fucking awesome story, but you pissed me off with Whitney dying. Sylar I get and can accept, especially since he comes back (it's still BS but it's milder BS) but Whitney... you could have done so much better.

I know after all that cursing you probably wouldn't believe this, but I'd really enjoy reading some more in the universe. Last update was last year though, so I don't think it'll happen.
Guest chapter 22 . 2/9/2015
Thank you for this story. Like, really I could go on and on but it's almost midnight and I plan on being more articulate later (hopefully for the sequel). You said a sequel could be slow going but cranking out such a lengthy and compelling fic as Human in a year is a feat on this site and I pray you can do it again for Monster. My main concern is that you will drift away from this fandom, which is easy when a show is only reruns and such an incredible story liked yours is as underappreciated as it is in terms of reviews and favs/follows because the fandom is small, but I hope you will stick with it and sequel this gem as a new season of heroes is coming out and whether or not it includes all our old favorite characters people will start to search for quality stories like yours and the demand will go up. That was such a fantastic ending and I am in no way dissapointed. Thank you for the fantastic and honest and remarkably well written continuation of one of my favorite shows, now would not be soon enough to see the first chapter of a sequel up.
Jackie chapter 22 . 6/21/2014
I just devoured this fic whole, and I think I love you. So much gritty realism.

Monster please and thank you.
Sumi Anzu chapter 4 . 2/23/2014
Yesss! Finally sylar/ gabriel show up!
Emerald Ashes chapter 22 . 2/15/2014
I feel absolutely giddy after reading this. I can't even remember the last time I devoured a story in one sitting, but here I am at nearly midnight typing out a quick review to thank you for writing this.

You beautifully juggle both the characters' relationships and a great plot. More than that, I really empathized with all the characters. Even when someone was making a mistake, I understood their reasoning and didn't feel frustrated or as if they were being an "idiot."

You're one of the best authors on this site. I'll definitely have to check out the sequel!
CrazySue05 chapter 22 . 1/27/2014
I enjoyed this sooo much! A patient, accurate telling of the animosity between two people. You are an amazing author! You pay such good attention to detail! 3 Thank you for writing something amazing and actually completing it!
lady takahashibl chapter 22 . 1/21/2014
Its awesome, and thnk you so much for finishing it! I'm really empresses with your ending, it was not what i was expecting. Will you please write a Sequel? Pretty please?!
Nat chapter 22 . 1/19/2014
I just wanted to congratulate you for this tremendous piece of a fic you created.
I admit I was scared you wouldn't finish, what with the lack of heroes enthusiasts (more so of the sylaire variety) but you didn't YAY
I can't even begin to tell you how much I love your writing. Your characterization is flawless. The narrative flows smoothly and the plot is not lacking cohesion or/and continuity (not at all like the real show tbh).
It all makes perfect sense.
Your fic is in my top five sylaire gems. Seriously amazing. I am eagerly awaiting its sequel :)
Airavata chapter 22 . 1/18/2014
Wow! Fantastic finish. I really liked the ending and think it was nice to get Sylar's POV again. I think you captured the emotional rollercoasters of grief, guilt, forgiveness etc perfectly. I particularly loved the line "That was part of the challenge: to see how long it took to break something that was, by all appearances, unbreakable." It fits Sylar and Claire's history to a tee.
Can't believe it's over, but it was a brilliant story and I am thrilled to hear that you may be writing a sequel.
Congrats on finishing the story and I look forward to any future work!
Guest chapter 22 . 1/14/2014
Perfect ending, but you are right, I want more! Bring on the sequel!
tfbl chapter 22 . 1/12/2014
I've been following this since the start, and even though I'm sad to see this amazing story come to an end I'm also ecstatic at the possibility of a sequel. Can't wait to see what you give us next.
jeeperschrist chapter 22 . 1/13/2014
Great ending!:) can't wait for the sequel!:)
R.Peter chapter 22 . 1/12/2014
Argh, why end it here! Their relationship just started. I felt like the story just started as well!

O well, congratulations on finishing the story.

Look forward to the sequel!
Guest chapter 21 . 1/8/2014
Nice chapter! Claire was so moody, she's always so moody! I understand why, her guilt is so taxing though. I hope she can renew her relationship with her family now that he guilt isn't as bad. I'm glad to see Gabriel back and that little bit about him opening up a watch shop was good too. Having a trade is really valuable even if it doesn't seem like taking care of time pieces is all that important. I found myself super busy with finals, then the first days of break when you catch up with everyone, then the holidays. There's really not much downtime! I'm watching for the ending so good luck with the next chapters!
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