Reviews for Heights
SherlockedAtHeart chapter 9 . 12/27/2013
Good chapter! Sorry I haven't reviewed in forever, I have just been soooooooo buzy! Anyways, this is going t have to be a short review.
1) All the POV were great! Interesting to see a gamemakers POV in there, pretty unexpected, haha.
2) I am so horrible with guessing... Dx So no, not at the moment
3) It was a nice surprise! I honestly liked it c:
4) You're writing is amazing! I can't believe how well you write all these characters and you bring them all together beautifully. Can't wait for the next update

Side note: Omd th family alliance is still adorable and alive all together! Kerr's pov gave me some serious feels ; _ ; It's going to be so heartbreaking when one of these bbys dies, I love them all so much /3
Hoprocker chapter 9 . 12/26/2013
I don’t give this mini-Career alliance long. Between the two of them, I like Dream better than Sierra.

Aww Caecilia is really growing on me! And Fibbi is as sweet as ever. /cries/ I miss Kai too! Poor Caecilia. I think she’s starting to become one of my favorite characters. I hope she doesn’t die anytime soon.

Oh no, Martial’s falling apart already. His OCD is going wild. Hang in there, buddy! He’s another tribute that really stands out to me. I wonder why everyone else was raised and he was shoved in the ground?

I’m surprised the family alliance is still smiling (well, most of them) even after the Bloodbath. They’re so cute, but so naïve. I keep picturing them younger than they really are. It’s gonna be sad when it’s time for them to say goodbye to each other.

Oh, okay! Martial’s not the only one underground, he just thought he was. OHHKAYYY these two (Birdy and Manuel) are adorable, with their optimism, though Manuel is a bit (ok a LOT) assuming. I doubt he has a future in politics. The remembrance for Cameron was one of my favorite moments in the chapter.

Love the Ferris wheel! Very creative, though I’m wondering how the tributes are going to get at each other. Can't wait to see who dies next! /eye twitches 8 times/
PenMagic chapter 9 . 12/25/2013
Oh, this was interesting although my one concern is that because all of the tributes are split, there won't be much opportunity for hte tributes to fight each other, unless it is within the alliances and that doesn't seem very likely given how strong these alliances are. I like the idea but that is my one concern.
I quite like the Caecilia POV, it appeared very desperate and I'm not quite sure how to react to Manuel, he just seems very off. That isn't anything against your writing but the character, I'm not quite sure what to make of him.
I quite liked having Publius' POV here, it made it very interesting and good to go back to the Gamemakers, to be reminded of behind the scenes.
I liked your writing here, it seemed a little strange coming back to it as your updates are so far between but that is not your problem, take your time with writing the chapters because then it is better.
Pika And Olive's Adventures chapter 9 . 12/25/2013
Hi punk

Ok, ok. Not a supah long review but mousetrap shall be cause I'm so amazing, you deal? Merry Christmas! I got a prop replica of Capitol Coins

Uhh. Meh babies.. um.. hmm.. Kerr's because let's face it, she's more complex then most may have imagined. Cece's.. Fibbi being all that and cute and asdfghjkl; my feels.

Idk, but I like how Dream and Sierra's relationship is developing.. Sigh.. the feels. But.. I'm not sure.. Birdy can see Martial and it's interesting that all he feels is lonely. And I love the arena idea! So complex, I've never seen anything like it. I cannot wait to see how it plays out! Oo, I can't wait to see mousetrap! Idek, just like y u do dis?

I liked it! Last time we'll see him.. since in the 110th there is anew hg... or not.. maybe. He is a dork. Hordatt, keep yo mouth shut! Ho. Ho, ho...ho

Great as always! I believe I only saw one punctuation error and I'm mentioning this because I honestly don't know why. I listened to the song, I like it. All of the songs seem to fit the mood or the chapter in general
Pika And Olive's Adventures chapter 8 . 12/25/2013
Well, hello there;) Sadly this review will not be the longest, but believe me.. next time the review will be as long as possible!

Haha, Solaris was surprising in it's own rights. His death was poetic in it's own way, gurl. Kai's, as most peeps said. Like omg. It's realistic in it's own rights honestly, but it was surprising cause he is all yk, tough stuff. Summer! Betrayed so early, yikes.

IDEK. I liked them all RIP to the fallen btw. And hehe, career split so soon! I wonder how long meh tribules and Sierra will last?

Oh, Sierra, Catt, and James! Lemons

Your writing is perf as it always seems to be. Like, yeah. But it was excellent. The emotion and tension, wondering who will survive and who won't. The tributes already going through/starting development.. omg.

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Potato ;) nah.. I'll fgind something amazing.
ficklebeings chapter 8 . 12/15/2013
Oh my God. I've missed like 3 chapters. I'm caught up now though so it's all good. But seriously... Oh my God.

Kai's death was definitely surprising. I expected him to make it to top 8 at least. I really like what his death is doing to Cae though, seriously it's giving her so much death. And then Connor's death. :(( He wasn't my tribute but my tributes partner, so I felt a connection to him ya know. *sighs* I guess I didn't expect him to live that long though... I kind of knew it was coming.

Kai's death was the one that stood out to me, I really was not expecting it so it came as a really big surprise.

My favorite point of view was Sierra's, because it showed the career split in a way I didn't think it would as well as containing Connor's death. :( I wonder how long Dream and Sierra are going to a.) last before Cae and Fibbi kill them b.) last before someone else comes and kills them or c.) last before they kill each other.

You have done so much with my tribute I could not describe how amazing of an author. Keep writing. :)
Irisismyname chapter 8 . 12/11/2013
I like that you've made Caecilia more of a person beyond smirking and scowling, someone who has mixed feelings about Kai's death. She is grateful that he saved her, bitter that he's gone, bloodthirsty from all the killing she's just done, and glad that she no longer has to worry about it coming between the two of them. Your ability to interpret your characters is improving!
The award for the most honorable death goes to Solris Reen. The perfect death. I really appreciated this one.
The award for the most unexpected death goes to Kai Loran. The 'tribute to beat'. The guy with an eleven.
The award for the best POV goes to Keon Watts and Sierra Rosini. I liked both of them, mostly hearing what they had to say.
I reread the last few chapters and started noticing little things. As I quote from chapter 4, "How do I know to trust you? How do I know you will not betray me?" -Dream Swiller. The irony hurts.
dark clouds on a winter night chapter 8 . 12/11/2013
I can't believe I've been gone for so long! I'm so sorry about that, some stuff came up, and to make a long story short, I lost track of a lot of things. So don't feel bad about not updating for awhile, I was even worse and disappeared for a few months :/

Anyways, I'm glad to see that Birdy managed to survive the bloodbath!

I was pretty surprised by Kai's death, I didn't expect such a strong competitor to go so quickly. And I was also sad to see Cameron go, I really liked his character. And with Catt's death that means District 9 is out of the games this year, which is too bad.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the games, this arena sounds like it's going to get interesting soon.
LokiThisIsMadness chapter 8 . 12/9/2013

I can't say that I expected Kai to die in the Bloodbath but yeah I'm not mad and I'll follow along with the story.

RIP Kai :'(

You died like what you truly were, a gentleman. I can tell you that I actually cried while reading this. This chapter was so amazingly written and was probably your best. Now, question time:

Which of the deaths suprised you most why?

Well, I guess you have the answer to that. Now, I REALLY REALLY want Caecilia to win. Cae can turn crazy killer and start killing all tributes to get back to District Two.

My favorite death was probably Cameron.

Fibbi's fight with him was really well written. Thought Kai's death scene was so sad and yet so amazing too. He PUSHED Caecilia out of the way :'( YOU BETTER WIN FOR HIM CAE! DON'T LET KAI DOWN :D

Favorite POV was probably Sierra's. Mostly because of the Career fight that happened in there. Thought I don't think Sierra and Dream will last long against Cae and Fibbi. We'll see.

Your writing? Awesome. Thanks for this amazing chapter, you're the best :) I'll stay with the story and keep reviewing :) Bye for now and update soon, please :) I would really LOVE to have Caecilia's Pov in the next chapter to see how she's doing with Kai's death.

Rainbow Zebras chapter 8 . 12/9/2013

Which of the deaths surprised me? KAI. I'm shocked, honestly, wow o.o I thought he'd be the Victor, even! Terra also surprised me, I liked her and I thought she'd make it pretty far. Also, the fact that Saffron's alive surprises me. Even if she's my character, I thought she'd be dead by now. A happy surprise :D

I think all the kill scenes were amazing and really well written. I think Catt and Kai's deaths were awesome and that scene stood out to me the most out of this chapter.

I loved Fibbi's point of view, but maybe that's just because I really love him. Catt and Sierra's points of view had plenty of action but Keon's showed some important development so that one's really important. Loved it! I originally didn't like Keon that much but he's definitely warmed up to me.

Your writing was cksdjvbsdkfhzdbfjk. Amazing. There's this thing you do that I love but there's little details in POVs that kind of hint at what another character might be thinking, and I don't know how to explain it but I LOVE it.

Can't wait for the next chapter! And sorry for not reviewing in a while D:
drinkthatliquorstore chapter 8 . 12/9/2013
Okay, I am definitely surprised with Kai's death! Like, I kinda thought that he wouldn't win the Games but that he would go ham and kill a lot of tributes! Like he'd reach Final 8, then get killed in the end but dead at Bloodbath?! That's insaaaane. I'm really wondering how the rest of the story will go! Summer's death stood out to me though because I know it is the Hunger Games still, but to see someone betray their ally so fast? It's kind of sad, but hey. They're there to be the last one standing, not to get attached so I understand the D11 boy. But that doesn't change the fact that its sad.. I really like Fibbonacci's POV because I really like him as a character and reading about his perspective on things was really cool. I can tell he felt remorse killing, obviously, but he just wants to make his family proud. To show that he is good enough. So I really dig Fibbu's story line. Your writing, Emeraldsmoochyloochyboochylovelycuddlykins, was AMAZING, as always! I'm always at awe because its always so detailed and just, ugh. You are perfect, Emeraldsmoochyloo-... Okay, that nickname is too long! Hahahhha! I'll find you a shorter one but I seriously love this story. I feel bad that my tribute is such a weakling so it doesn't really do your writing justice...but, hey, we can't always have trained tributes. This is one of my first weak and sort of pathetic tribute, but I really like how you portray her because I think in Panem, there still needs to be a kind soul out there, right?! Awe. So update soon because I can't get enough of your writing! And I'm super grateful that Kerr is still alive because I always thought she wouldn't make it past Bloodbath but to know that Kerr and her pack of little ones made it? Ugh, awwww! I feel like if one of her babies die, she might go insane like Annie.. .-. Oh, I'd like to see her go mad! Oh I am a sadist... Anyways, you best expect me submitting a tribute to your new SYOT!
Hoprocker chapter 8 . 12/8/2013
AHHH IT’S HAPPENING I CAN’T BELIEVE IT! Okay before I plunge into the Games, let me just congratulate you for making it this far. Most SYOT authors barely make it past the Reapings much less to the Games. So GOOD JOB! :)

So Cameron and Summer are the first two to go. Neither were extremely memorable so I guess it was expected, but you did a good job of making it sad. I loved the dramatic scene with Martial! And I’m glad Fibbi is okay, I expected he would be since he seems to be a fan favorite.

James! I didn’t expect him to get far, but he made it out of the Bloodbath. Good for you, buddy!

KAI! TT_TT Aw, I liked him. I wasn’t expecting both him and Catt to go. I guess that means District 9 is out of the running for this year. By the way, you’re doing a good job with the pacing despite the fact that it’s in 1st person!

I love District 3, especially Keon! There’s so much potential for character development there and it’s already happening.

A Career split this early? Didn’t see that coming. Kind of disappointed these guys are being so nice; I was hoping there’d be more fighting. Call me sadistic if you want. XD Oh Kai…I miss him already. Caecilia’s breakdown is really fun to witness though. Ah, there goes Connor! I didn’t think he’d make it far either…same with Terra. RIP.

Solris is dead? Was he the one that saved James? Aww. District 8 and 9 are both out of the running then. /reads author’s note/ So it was him! I’m proud of the little guy. Good job, Solris.

Question time! The most shocking death was definitely Kai’s, for the obvious reasons of him being the most talented Career. I think Summer’s death stood out the most because she was dying so slowly and killed by her ally. Fibbi’s POV was my favorite because it was the kickstarter to the Games. And like I said, I think your writing flowed well but I would have liked to hear from the tributes we didn’t get to hear from, or at least catch a glimpse of what they were doing. This was my favorite chapter yet btw!
Pika And Olive's Adventures chapter 7 . 12/6/2013
Oo! An update! (TM)

This won't be the longest review, and I apologize. But you're back! ASDFGHJKL; I'm soooo happy! Idek, I like omg asdfghjkl; lurve. I shall answer the questions now! :D:D

Cameron, Summer ,Fibbi, Lainey

Who do I want? Wow.. this is hard because honestly I've grown to love all of these characters lol. Sounds weird but whatevs.

Want: Flower(sorry. I wanna know more but haven't connected w/ him as much. Love the dude though! :D) Keon, Terra :p :(

Think: Lainey, Kerr, Terra..

anyways this was fantastic! I just.. I missed ya bro! :) :DDD
Irisismyname chapter 7 . 11/26/2013
My goodness, you're alive!
The quote: Perfectly sums up this chapter.
Hornish: So incompetent that it's a wonder he's still host. I liked his name, though. Very unique.
Fibonacci: Marvelous. He is easy to relate to and very lovable inside. His POV really stood out from the others. Definitely someone I want to win, much less survive the Bloodbath. Don't let him die!
Caecilia: That was smart. I'm glad that she's doing well so far. Hopefully, she uses those brains to make it through the Bloodbath.
Sierra: I wonder how she'll tell Connor that he's out of the pack, which translates into dead meat. She seems far too nice to be able to do something like that, too nice for District 4, even. But frankly, I'm glad Connor is out, because we hardly ever get to know anything except that he raps, likes girls, and is a bit conceited. Sorry, but I'm anticipating his death.
Lainey: Poor, poor child. I'm a bit surprised that she still doesn't understand the concept of the Games...I read the Hunger Games for the first time when I was twelve, and wasn't shocked at all by it's content. I don't think she'll die right off, but her chances are thin.
Jax: Does this qualify as a love triangle? I understand how difficult it can be to make a decision like that. Hopefully, it won't come down to the two of them. I'll be devastated if he dies, I want more about him.
Forest: His POV made him a much more rounded person. I think...I will support him.
Summer: "impending doom". Wow. Like Jax, she's forced to make difficult decisions that may or may not be the end of her. It all depends, on the flip of a coin, the crossing of fingers, fate, in it's cruelest and purest form. I have feeling she's going to die...
Terra: Interesting...a loner. She could learn a valuable lesson about the price of solitude. The juxtaposition of being unable to trust allies, in Summer's POV and being unable to trust oneself, in Terra's, was very powerful. I really, really want her to survive the Bloodbath.
Manuel: I was immediately disturbed by how alike Manuel is to President Snow. The refinement, the indirect arrogance, the desire for perfection, it all lines up. And the last line of the POV was enough to convince me. "It really is a shame, isn't it?" That sounds like something Snow would say...I don't feel so great about his chances, though.
Keon: Intelligent, matter-of-fact, and practical. He has the potential of some of the Careers, although I have a feeling his meeting with Kerr is foreshadowing a future alliance with her. I want this guy to survive the Bloodbath, absolutely!
Cameron: Ooooo! Paper! what could it mean? His contrast of personality from Keon was interesting, but honestly, I wouldn't bet on his odds of surviving the next day.
Briony: Surprisingly mature for her age, compared to Lainey, who is only a year younger. If I didn't know better, I would think she's at least 15. I hope this maturity gives her an advantage. i'm rooting for this one.

Although I have many other favorites, such as Fibbi and Briony, I think the most reasonable victor would be Jax. The person I "want" to win is Briony. It would be pretty interesting if Lainey won, though. That would make an excellent surprise ending, but you would have to write it very well for it to work.
LokiThisIsMadness chapter 7 . 11/26/2013
Heyyy! YOU'RE BACK :) It's been a really long time, but it's ok. I've know authors who don't update their storys from almost a year, and then come back without any apologise. Anyway, amazing chapter. I actually had to re-read the last chapter to get my memory fresh on the tributes.

On with the POV'S:

Fibbi: Fibbi! My baby from District One, how much I missed you. Poor Caeser, I actually liked him. Someone as Hornish wouldn't be a great interviewer, wouldn't he? The Capitol must be going crazy. Now, on with the actual interview, I've know that Fibbi's interview would be like that long way since his reaping chapter. I actually hope he as a chance in the Games.

Caecilia: You clever, clever girl. Well, it's finally good to know that Connor's out of the pack, I mean, I like him but he would be a delay to Dream, Fibbi, Kai, Caecilia and Sierra while in the Games. Caecilia and Kai will do an hell of a team in the arena.

Sierra: Another of my favorites! With this chapter, I think that Sierra should be from District 1 and not District 4. District 4 girls are usally more natural on what they do. I've be growing a little bit tired of Connor's rap right know. It was cool at beggining but it was became kind of a boring thing. I don't think Sierra will have the courage to tell Connor that he's out of pack.

Lainey: Poor girl. How could she not know that the Hunger Games are about people killing each other? Okay, the game itself doesn't gives that much away but if she saw it in television than she would know.

Jax: Well, I don't meant to be rude, but Jax and Saffron are a bit of clones from Katniss and Peeta. Peeta! For me, he was the best thing in the POV. I do think that Jax will die in the bloodbath or possibly later saving Saffron.

The other ones didn't really stand out to me. SO, we have a glimpse of the arena! Can't wait to see more.

Who I WHAT to die in the bloodbath:

: As I've said before, I like him and I don't. I've grown really tired of Connor's rap and he's getting really boring. I can see and WANT Kai or Caecilia killing him off in the bloodbath, or even better both of them.

2. Summer: She seemed cool at first but I don't like her. I think that she isn't really needed to the plot of the story.

3. James: I think that he probably wants to die already so why not do him a favor?

4. Lainey

5. Terra

6. Jax

Ranking in order of prefence that I WANT to die in the Bloodbath:

1. Jax and/or Saffron
2. Connor

6. James

Who I THINK will die in the Bloodbath:

(the Career pack is out for his blood)
2. Jax
3. Saffron
4. Keon
5. Birdy
6. James
7. Summer
8. Terra
9. Lainey

That's it I think.

Who do I WANT to take the Victor's crown?

That would be an easy guessing. Kai ( my own tribute ) but if he dies then I would like Caecilia or Fibbi to win.

Who do I THINK will take the Victor's crown?

One of the Careers, most likely.

This was such an amazing chapter :) Next up, BLOODBATH ! I really want to see who will bite the dust. Update soon, please :D
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