Reviews for Stealing Back My Destiny
Guest chapter 1 . 8/24/2018
why did you stop working on this and the other destiny stories
Ioialoha chapter 27 . 9/21/2015
That was spectacular! Seeing the reunion from Gaib's perspective was great.
Raina McCallen chapter 26 . 7/14/2015
Yeah, reading all these stories is totally making me want to level a smuggler again. I'm reading this, and remembering the fun I had with my smuggler. Also, am I the only one who cannot wait to see Gaib reunited with Camiel?
Ioialoha chapter 26 . 7/14/2015
God I hated this mission. Of all the horrible things the Hutts are responsible for, THIS is what you pick to crusade against?!
helloprilly chapter 25 . 6/2/2015
Gahhhhh stop being so mean! You do realize after all this is over you are going to have to re-release all 5 stories intertwined with chapters interspersed in proper time indexed order! For continuity of course. ;). Love the tremel tie in cause I let him live twice now and imagine his escapades much as you tell them
Mastermind4892 chapter 25 . 6/2/2015
The Smuggler was always my favorite class! Fun, comedy, adventure and money!

At the same time, Risha is also my absolute favorite romance character of all eight classes. Witty, intelligent, beautiful, sly sense of humor and talented at so many things! Such a strong sense of character and never utterly dependent on anyone. So sophisticated! But what I love about her most of all is because of how hard it is for her to open up to others, I understand how truly special it is for her to give you her heart. The way she let's her walls down for you and only for you just melts my heart.

And I'll never forget when my Smuggler proposes to her... and you can hear the tender and actually hopeful emotion when she asks "Do you... really mean that?"

This is the best novelization of the Smuggler there is. I love this story, but it still hurts to know that Risha's heart will be left all alone in the cold...
Ioialoha chapter 25 . 6/2/2015
Hah! Lusiel and Gaib don't even know about each other yet, and Tremel already has it figured out. Love it. Stars I'm looking forward to Akaavi. Great update :)
Ioialoha chapter 24 . 4/30/2015
This was fantastic. Headcannon accepted lol
Anchev chapter 23 . 4/16/2015
The last sentence made me giggle loudly.

Gaib really is unique, I can't think of another character who makes me want to slap him and hug him at the same time.
Mastermind4892 chapter 23 . 4/16/2015
This is why the Smuggler is my absolute favorite!

Even on a rotten, monster-infested planet like Taris, there's never a dull moment with the Captain!
Ioialoha chapter 23 . 4/16/2015
Lol! When will Corso learn to not try so hard at keeping up with his Captain? Fun interlude.
Mandalore the Survivor chapter 22 . 3/21/2015
Eh that was a nasty way to die, poor Corse, he looks like about throw up soon. Wow, that was pretty damn funny to see Skavak like that, making a impression of a fish like that. Anyway nice chapter here, good luck, till next time.
Anchev chapter 21 . 2/24/2015
I'm glad you added the translations. When I read that part, I seriously started to doubt my English skills.

Poor Gaib, Taris can't be much fun with rakghoul plague and biting Devaronians.
Ioialoha chapter 21 . 2/23/2015
I'm pretty proud of myself, I mostly figured out what was going on with that conversation before the translation. It is a great, and unique addition to your story to have a whole, different 'language' included, and I'm loving it.
Mandalore the Survivor chapter 20 . 1/25/2015
You know, everytime I see Jicoln Cadera, I can't help but feel lots of pity for him, one for having for all those years, thinking he was last of his clan, and for accentied his beloved wife.

Man, I can't image what's that like for him, I only seen few characters like that, Revan comes in mind. But still, I love the fact Smugger end up meeting him, wished that happen in the game. Anyway, very great work here, if your interested, I have a suggestion if you want. Good luck, till next time
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