Reviews for Anthropos Polytropos
FandomFixtureForever chapter 2 . 8/17/2019
FandomFixtureForever chapter 1 . 8/16/2019
MarnieWest chapter 1 . 6/11/2015
Thank you for failing at slash! I love cuddles just as much as anyone but slash is a definate no-no for me. Thanks!
Nicolene B chapter 10 . 1/24/2015
Really enjoyed reading this story!
the-compulsive-tea-drinker chapter 10 . 11/3/2014
This was amazing; cleverly thought out and beautifully written. The development of the characters was stunning and all the cuddles made my insides go all mushy. I love your writing, please don't stop.
al chapter 10 . 10/8/2014
I loved IT! I can not find good enough words to express how much I liked the story you have created.
LaPirataAna chapter 10 . 2/2/2014
This was such a beautiful story, and I'll definitely be rereading this over and over again in the future. Also recommendig it on my tumblr, because my dear, this was written brilliantly. All the quotes and phrases fit perfectly for each occassion, and I was completely sucked into the story. Fantastic iib, I really enjoyed reading this story. :)
LaPirataAna chapter 9 . 2/2/2014
Tony is definitely the heart of the Avengers, he is the glue that keeps them all together. As sad as it would be to lose Steve, they would still rally together to get revenge for him. But for Tony, well, they tried their absolute hardest to save him. They had to face their fears, in a way, while in his dreamscape, but they would have done it over a thousandfold in irder to get their idiot genius back. Ugh, but now Steve is being difficult! Please, Steve, Tony can explain everything, don't ignore him now that he's back! :(
LaPirataAna chapter 8 . 2/1/2014
Oh god, that speech from Hamlet - I had to memorize that for English in high school a few years back - I think if I truly focussed, I could remember it...somewhat. :P Oh Tony, what have you done? Is he going to be all right? Last he saw, his teammates were fine, but he himself was flatlining! :/ The suspense!
LaPirataAna chapter 7 . 2/1/2014
Oh my gosh, I think that death (even though it's temporary) was the saddest. And I just knew you were going to use Whitman's poem, hehehe. I would have too! :) Oh no, but Tony don't collapse now! You've made it through, please hold on! Gaaah, and of course I have to leave now, darn RL responsibilities, so that cliffhanger will bother me until I can get back to this story! :P Great job so far! :)
LaPirataAna chapter 6 . 2/1/2014
YUS, I WAS RIGHT IN MY GUESS! I knew there were some Inception like things going on. *fist pump* I am in love with this story, it is super cool, incredibly interesting, and I love how it's progressing.
LaPirataAna chapter 5 . 2/1/2014
Oh noooooo, Natasha! :( That was so brutal, and I was extremely tense when Steve had that flashback of failing Bucky. At least Tony was able to calm him down again, but still. Oh no, but now Bruce is out of commission? Super excited to see what the reference will be with him.
LaPirataAna chapter 4 . 2/1/2014
The castle representing Howard was brilliantly done, as was describing how Tony felt in its' presence. I like how Natasha was a Swan, and that hug was super sweet (as were all the other hugs, of course). Oh no, but now Tony's arc reactor is slowly dimming - they have to find the way out soon!
LaPirataAna chapter 3 . 2/1/2014
I have to say, I haven't read a story that hooked me in so deeply, like this one, in a while. The plot is becoming more and more interesting, especially with the newly-discovered fact that TONY is the one who's bringing their worst memories to life. For Steve, the Hydra; for Clint, the Chitauri...I dread what he will think of when he meets the rest of the team. Absolutely loving the story, fantastic job! :D
LaPirataAna chapter 2 . 1/31/2014
I am LOVING this story so far! You describe Tony and Steve wonderfully, and The story is be oming more and more interesting. All these questions that I can't wait to be answered. :)
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