Reviews for Just One Week
Guest chapter 15 . 7/16
dfcgvht7htykihgjvjmghmgjmhbj mhjjhmghhnghgjythgjhythgjtyhgjtygjytgjythjuyhgjyfghjyghbjhgjhgg
kirinrin chapter 19 . 3/12
Good story
Kuro Tamashi chapter 1 . 11/16/2018
To any reader that expects this story to be a Goku x Bulma fic... Don't! DON'T READ IT.
Kuro Tamashi chapter 15 . 11/16/2018
"I would feel kinda bad if I all of a sudden made Bra Goku's kid. It would just seem kinda cruel. And that's why I did that."

Such a shitty justification, it makes me sick in the stomach.
Kuro Tamashi chapter 12 . 11/16/2018
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Inoobe chapter 20 . 6/21/2018
I honestly don't understand what happened with this story. I know you said you felt you'd be doing a disservice to Bra if you changed who her father was (which I don't understand at all since Vegeta has nothing to do with her life or character, but we're all entitled to opinions). However to me making Bulma sleep with Vegeta completely changed the tone of the story from a romantic plot about Bulma and Goku finding love again and getting over trauma to an angsty guilt fest. Also by not having Bulma tell Goku that she slept with Vegeta, and not having Bulma and Goku have a kid together, you made their future relationship be built upon a lie, as well as undermining Goku's relationship with Bra. And when the truth finally comes out, while you might try not make it that way for Goku with all his second chances, keeping that kind of secret for almost 20 years will undermine any relationship and make you question: if your significant other or X person is keeping THAT from you, what else could they be hiding.
So in short while I enjoyed your story up to that point I felt what you did ruined the future of the story and hope that if I read anything from you in the future you'll either make things make more sense emotionally and get that the point of fanfiction is to make characters your own amd that you don't have to make them completely canon if it doesn't fit into your story. Though all of my issues could just be because I don't like unnecessary drama, and someone who does might like cheating, telling Goku a child's his that isn't, characters lying to themselves, and all that entails.
stefanie1955 chapter 12 . 2/3/2018
I don't understand why this had to happen? Why would she have sexual relations with Vegeta? I think maybe the excuse that she is vulnerable, which is an excuse used in many stories to justify this type of horrible behavior. Yes, Vegeta is the father of her child, but that was the past. She just spent days saying how she loved Goku and how much she misses him. It makes her seem like a terrible person, this is not how functional adults deal with pain. People should not sleep with other people just because they are sad.
Don't get me wrong, I understand why you wrote it in, it makes it seem like she could not help it. But that is a lame excuse. Bulma's behavior here it's unacceptable, immature and horrible. She should not have slept with Vegeta. The worst thing is that the story was going really well. I thought Gohan would try to help Bulma so she would not be forced to anything by Vegeta, but she just sent him away. It's very sad when a story that was going so well and had such promise makes one of these mistakes.
stefanie1955 chapter 13 . 2/2/2018
First I want to start by saying, that the story is very well written. And I was really enjoying it up to chapter 12. Even after the Vegeta incident.
Secondly, I really don’t like to leave comments that criticize the writers work, because you guys take the time to post these works so we can enjoy. So please don’t take this as criticism, I’m seriously puzzled able this. I don’t understand why you wrote her to be pregnant again, and with Vegeta’s kid. I really don’t see why, other than to get Bra, but that wasn’t necessary at all, this could have be taken as another timeline. Just like future Trunks timeline, he doesn’t have a sister there. So there was really no need to do that. When the incident with Vegeta I understand, she was hurting, and she vulnerable. I didn’t like it, but hey, I totally understand why it was written in the story. But the pregnancy seems unnecessary, and just to get a character that didn’t need to exist in this story. It really added a really sour feeling the story. I wish it hadn’t been the case, and it’s painful to read the rest. Imagine if JK Rowling had killed Harry Potter for good. That sort of feels..
Guest chapter 3 . 2/2/2018
You know, for a minute there I stupidly thought that they could use the dragon balls to bring back Chi Chi and then I remember she died of a natural death, so they ant.
Guest chapter 14 . 1/4/2018
I am sorry to say but why didn't bulma was pregnant with goku after all that. you know what
but I do like the story
I just wanted you and bulma to have their own child
roku1397 chapter 18 . 10/28/2016
This part made me giggle...
roku1397 chapter 11 . 10/28/2016
This chapter brought me to tears. It was well written. I like Gohan's character here.

I am a GoChi fan. But I like the way you've written this story because eventhough Goku is paired with Bulma here, you did not make Chi-Chi's character look bad.

Though she acted crazy was because she could not handle the grief.
Bangkok'sDevilGirl chapter 1 . 12/25/2015
It's not fair for Vegeta since everybody knows that he always stays for Trunks and for HIS Bulma. Vegeta is better husband and Goku who is always 't you think it is pretty mean to write about him that way in your story which is a big lie.
Red head girl 1990 chapter 20 . 10/3/2015
I read this in one day. I simply couldn't put it down. Great work!
corrinjade1 chapter 20 . 5/15/2015
I just finished the entire story and let me say this, you write love very well. I have read Goku/Bulma fics and Goku/Bra fics and it's usually about lust(Nothing wrong with the good lemon fics, I enjoy them immensely myself, they're just different). Not all of the fanfics I have read are about lust, I have read some good love stories, but this fic was really really good. I wish I could think of better words to use than just good. It's like I'm at a loss for words. Thank you for the wonderful fan fic. I hope you write more.
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