Reviews for Coincidental Encounter
Espiritu Salvaje chapter 6 . 8/7/2019
This idea, about living parents, the war before they knew the Hunger Games was wonderful.
Because they could meet each other, really achieve a crush, without Gale seeing Madge as privileged, also freedom.
I appreciate that Peeta and Cato, at some point were interested in her, I like her as a couple. But I'm happy he stayed with Gale, he's my favorite.
Thanks for writing this story, it's great.
I hope you keep writing about the Hunger Games, or continue your stories, they're great.
IntertwinedThread chapter 6 . 9/26/2017
Loved loved loved this story. I love how it was different to the movie plot (I like this plot better). Gadge were soooooo cute!
IntertwinedThread chapter 1 . 9/26/2017
The moment I read the train part I'm like this sounds familiar. Then when I read it was based on a movie I realised this is like my fav B'wood movie...honestly...i love it! Although I know what's gonna happen I can't wait to see the plot through Gadge!
ebdarcy.qt4good chapter 6 . 3/23/2015
Good work! :) I 3 Gadge :)
RivalsAreAllies chapter 6 . 1/8/2014
"Khabi khushi...khabie gham."

Haha, sorry, but it felt something my dad would (he says it after EVERY Bollywood movie he sees...ever).

This was pure perfection.

There were a few grammatical, syntactical, and semantical errors, but it was NOWHERE NEAR enough to even BEGIN to detract from the AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL flow, feeling, or frame of this amazing story!


Effie is a toddler.
Marvel is a toddler.
Woof is young again.
Rick (I like the fits...he totally would've rebelled for his kids, if he had's my head-cannon [one of the many]) is alive.
Finnick is a famous Trident-fighter.
Mags is able to talk (!), and young(!), and married to Beetee (that actually works very well).
Glimmer is Seneca Crane (? LOLed so hard at that).
Katniss is a super-famous-supermodel (? LOLed even HARDER at that!).
Cinna and Portia are married (hell yes, totally head-cannon this sh!t).
And Rue is White (And the daughter of James Undersee...and the cause of Rory's raging hormones XD). ...

Anything else I missed? No? Well, okay then. If that's the case, then lemme just say these two things:

1.) WHERE WAS HAYMITCH? WHY HAYMITCH, WHY? HE'S ALREADY SO ALOOOOOOOONE IN THE REAL BOOKS (Except For That Implied Thing With Hazelle ;) )! *Takes A Shot For Haymitch, For Maysilee, And For Every Tribute He Wished He Could Save, But Ended-Up Having To Send Them To Their Deaths* *Gets Drunk From The Copious Amount Of Liquor Consumed* *Sobers Up*

2.) And, ONLY YOU, could pull of all of the above-mentioned changes/alterations/facts, in a Story/AU-World, and MAKE IT WORK SO WELL! I mean that! I'm adding this to my favorites (check and see how many other stories are there...not many :) ). It deserves it!

"Jab We Met" sucked (in my opinion...but, then I've only really had a soft spot for six Bollywood movies...I LOVE Bollywood music/lyrics, but that's a different story), but THIS was AMAZING! YOU should've written the script for that movie. XD

Keep on writing, and keep on with the amazingness!

P.S. You handled the "confusion" scene SOOOOOO WELL! I KNEW exactly where it was going, but had I not seen the move, and had you warned me that it based on that, I would've been like: "WHAT?!" the whole time. Beautifully done.

Do the world a favor and keep on writing!
ShortySC22 chapter 6 . 7/1/2013
I loved this story and thought this epilogue summed it up nicely.
Angel chapter 6 . 6/27/2013
Nice to see everyone happy. Great great great story. Perfect amount of original plot and your surprises.
Angel chapter 5 . 6/27/2013
Yes finally fluff. Yay they're together
Angel chapter 4 . 6/27/2013
Sup sad
Angel chapter 3 . 6/27/2013
Love Rue flirting with Gale and the dance.
Angel chapter 2 . 6/27/2013
Love the picture and their friendship in district 13. Too cute
Angel chapter 1 . 6/27/2013
I know the movie and love it. So excited about this story. The beginning is perfect.
LittleH-mod.dancer chapter 6 . 6/23/2013
I love a happy ending! Even though you didn't really plan on having this last part, it was fun to see how you brought all the characters back together. Plus, it's always romantic to read wedding vows. Congrats on finishing another fic!
Tori chapter 6 . 6/22/2013
I am super thrilled you wrote this beautiful epilogue. I love their wedding in a church. Love Rick wanting to remarry Hazelle in a church. Love sexy Gale at the reception. Love Peeta Katniss being the ones to get caught making out. Usually it would be the other way around. I loved everything about this story especially that Gales dad is alive. Start another one pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeeeeeee
Mercenary63 chapter 6 . 6/22/2013
I LOV EIT SO, SO MUCH! Thanks for this story! And yeah, you could have ended it a chapter ago, but the epilogue was a wonderful bonus! Special thanks for the everlark ;)
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